Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 106 Do good deeds without leaving a name

Chapter 106 Do good deeds without leaving a name
Then, without saying a word, he stood beside the three of them.

Speaking of diving, Shi Liu is still fine.

It's just that this dive, without frogman swimsuits and any auxiliary equipment, is a great test for the true abilities of the four people.

Then, everyone carefully discussed what to do tonight.

The poisonous wolf, the sea mine, the blood eagle and the evil fish entered the river, dived under the row of river villages, and immediately sent a message to everyone after detecting the location of the rescue target. When the time comes, it will be a test of both sides whose gun is stronger .

When the plan was formulated, Daofeng distributed the four heat source detectors to four people, and instructed: "The range of the heat source detector is 300 meters, so carefully grasp the distance between the two river villages."

The four nodded, and then walked towards the sparkling water step by step under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing that all four of them went into the water, the rest of them walked on the river beach parallel to the four of them. In this way, once the four of them found the rescue target, they would be able to arrive as soon as possible.

It was already late at night, and the river was extremely cold without the sun shining on it. Waves pushed away, and at the intersection of the water level half a meter away, four people lined up and marched towards the first river village.

Shuilei took the lead, leading the way among the four, Shi Liu and Blood Eagle were relatively behind, and Eyu was at the back.

Time is fleeting, and the breeze caresses the river surface, blowing waves of waves.


The four of them paddled and came to the bottom of the first river village. As soon as they came out of the water, they all took a big mouthful of fresh air. The feeling of holding their breath in the water was really uncomfortable.

Looking up, a faint light seeped out from the cracks in the bamboo floor and shone on the faces of several people.

This huge bamboo board is the floor of Hezhai, and the four of them can clearly hear loud shouts and chaotic footsteps coming from above.

"There are four of us now, it's too wasteful to gather in one place, and the diameter of the heat source detector is 300 meters. How about this, the three of you, mines, blood eagles and vicious fish, continue to sneak for a while, and each of us observes a river village. "Shi Liu wiped off the water droplets on his face with his hands, looked around at the few people and said in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Several people agreed straightforwardly, and then sneaked towards the surrounding river villages.

Shi Liu got out of the water with his upper body, held the pole inserted into the water with one hand, took out the heat source detector with the other hand, and carefully pasted it on the huge bamboo board above him.

After pasting it, Shi Liu carefully watched the movement on the screen.

In less than a few seconds, red dots appeared one after another, quickly occupying the screen.

Nima... This river village may not look big, but it can accommodate so many people...

Shi Liu looked at the red dot on the screen and couldn't help being surprised.

After waiting another minute, there is still no green dot on the screen.

Shi Liu shook his head, then carefully took off the heat source detector, and wanted to go to a few river villages nearby.

Just as he was about to paddle forward, Shi Liu suddenly stopped as if he remembered something.

He turned his head to look at that Hezhai, and a bad thought faintly formed in his heart...

Then, he simply turned around and went back, and came to the bottom of Hezhai again.

After paddling under the huge bamboo board, Shi Liu opened the weapon system and took out a C4 bomb...

These C4 bombs were used to destroy the underground biochemical laboratory when they were in the Dark Night Mercenary Group in the Southern Wasteland. Unfortunately, the mission failed, and these C4 bombs were useless.

However, this time it came in handy!
Shi Liu set the bomb to 1:00 and firmly fixed it on the bamboo board.

However, Shi Liu always felt that the floor of this Hezhai was too big, and a bomb was always missing...

So, he pressed three in one breath...

After doing this, Shi Liufang quickly dived to another river village.

Keep these bombs and keep them, why not give them a little surprise!

Moreover, if this is the case, once a fight breaks out, this bomb will remove reinforcements from Hezhai for everyone.

This is called: do good deeds without leaving a name...

In this river village, the four of them wandered back and forth, constantly using heat source detectors to detect rescue targets.

5 minute has passed...

10 minute has passed...

The night was getting darker and darker, and the river was getting colder and colder.

In the end, with almost despair, Shi Liu pasted the heat source detector under the last Hezhai.

The icy river water froze his whole body and made him feel numb. Shi Liu really doubted whether the mission location given by Hunting Fox was really accurate, because the three of them, the mine, the blood eagle and the evil fish, were as undiscovered as himself.


Suddenly, the heat source detector made a beeping sound.

Shi Liu was startled, and then hurriedly looked at the screen.

On the screen, a large number of red dots surround three green dots.

Nima... so it's here...

Shi Liu immediately laughed when he saw it, and immediately sent a message to the three people who were still looking for it: Come to me quickly, I have found it.

Then, I sent a message to the Flying Foxes on the river beach: Captain, I have found the rescue target. You go straight to the east. The river village near the big reef is there. Also, I have installed C4 in the surrounding river villages. Bomb, so you can do it boldly and safely.

Five minutes later, Shuilei, Blood Eagle and Eyu joined Shi Liu one after another.

"I have already sent a message to the captain and the others, and they will storm this river village soon." Shi Liu shook his head and shook off the water, looking around the three of them.

"But I think there are quite a few people in this river village, are you sure?" Ei Yu asked with a frown.

"No problem," Shi Liu smiled confidently, "I used my ability to see that they are all ordinary rebels. To deal with them is no different from killing a group of dogs."

"But the rebels in the nearby Hezhai heard the fight here, and they will definitely come out to support. Even if we can rescue the target, we will face so many enemies at that time, I'm afraid it will be more or less dangerous." Shuilei said seriously, saying To be honest, this was the first time Shi Liu saw him take the problem so seriously.

"Don't worry bro," Shi Liu patted Shuilei on the shoulder and smiled, "Except for this river village and the four to the east, I have installed C4 bombs in all the other river villages."

The three of them were taken aback when they heard this.

Fuck, this is so...

"I set them all to an hour. Now, if you calculate it, at least 40 minutes will pass. Therefore, when the captain and the others exchange fire with the defenders of this Hezhai, it must be time for the C4 bomb." Shi Liu said with a smile.

On the river beach, Feihu and his party were rushing eastward with weapons in hand.

"The poisonous wolf planted bombs in the nearby Hezhai, so we only need to launch a strong attack on the target." Feihu said coldly to the people behind him while running.

"Damn it, there really is him." The panting voice of the coffin sounded from behind.

Below the Hezhai, the Shimen took out their weapons and held them in their hands, then plunged into the water and dived towards the river beach.

In Hezhai, in a not-so-spacious hut.

In the hut, there was a very tattered small wooden table, and on the small wooden table was a kerosene lamp that was unknown how many centuries ago. At this moment, it was emitting a faint and dim light, illuminating the hut.

On a recliner in front of the small wooden table lay a tall and slender young man.

The young man had a fairly handsome face, but the fly in the ointment was that there was a slender and terrifying scar on his left face.

At this moment, he was very comfortably shaking the reclining chair slightly with his body, playing with a sharp dagger emitting a cold light with both hands, and staring at the dagger motionlessly.

A group of Thunder Leopard mercenaries wearing masks stood around him. In the corner of the hut, there were high piles of anti-army uniforms. There were countless pieces, and they were all brand new and unstained.

In addition to these anti-military uniforms, there are three less conspicuous licenses.

The license reads: Alliance Headquarters - Second Academy of Sciences - ROUT Research Group.

In another corner, there were three people in casual clothes kneeling neatly.

The three licenses just now were found from the three of them.

At this moment, the three of them were very quiet, kneeling there motionless.

Because, all three of them lost their heads, and a piece of rough linen was wrapped around their broken necks. The linen had been dyed red, and all three of them were like this.

(End of this chapter)

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