Chapter 110 The Eve of the Crisis ([-])

Hurricane City Airport, the slovenly old man in the airport hut ran out with a cane, and the cold wind mercilessly blew on his thin body. Alliance mercenaries.

Guys, the survival of this city depends on you!
The old man was blown to death by the cold wind, but he still watched the mercenary teams running out of the airport one by one.

"The construction factory is less than five kilometers away from here. Let's speed up and we can get there in two hours!" Hunting Fox shouted to the team behind him while running against the bitter wind.

When getting off the plane, Fox Hunt sent a message to the team captains: You have the right to choose your own battlefield, and I will never interfere, no matter if you act alone or in a team.

Of course, she didn't send it to Feihu. Feihu is still recovering from injuries in the base hospital, but there is no need for that, because now she is the captain of the Feihu team.

The cold wind howled and blew across the land of Hurricane City, rolling up all the scraps of newspapers on the ground. A large number of alliance mercenaries ran on their respective lines of defense, set up defensive sandbags, and mounted heavy equipment to resist the living corpses round after round. round of attack.

Even though it was late at night, muzzle flames flashed in every street in the urban area, shining like daytime.

In a workshop of the construction factory, several teams of the Night Mercenary Corps were in a stalemate with the licker outside.

The licker kept flashing past the workshop door, each time attracting a round of shooting from the mercenaries, but at its speed, the bullets couldn't hit it at all, even if it could hit, the damage of a few bullets It didn't care at all. On the contrary, Anye's backup bullets were getting less and less.

Opening the weapon system, An Ye took a look at his current equipment. There are quite a lot of firearms. The total number of firearms for mercenaries at the commander level and above is no less than 25, but rifles, sniper rifles, submachine guns, and machine guns have magazines. It seems that there are only a handful of them. If this continues to be consumed by the monster outside, these magazines will be exhausted sooner or later.

At that time, the Licker will rush in desperately to slaughter wildly, because if the dark night runs out of ammunition, then her mercenaries will be at a dead end.

Moreover, while consuming the monster outside, the living corpses wandering around might smell the smell of living people and gather here. The group of living corpses combined with a medium-sized licker is enough to drive the workshop several times gap.

Shi Liu, come quickly! ...

An Ye doesn't think about anything else now, she just hopes that Shi Liu will come soon, because facing such a situation, she really has no better or simpler way to fight, she is a woman after all.

Outside the construction factory, a group of alliance mercenaries came to a destroyed barbecue shop opposite in the howling wind.

The door of the barbecue shop had collapsed, so the main entrance was blocked, but the big glass was intact.

Shi Liu picked up a piece of gravel and broke the glass, and everyone went in one after another.

The reason why he entered this barbecue restaurant first instead of rushing directly into the factory to rescue Dark Ye was because there were a large group of living corpses wandering around the factory gate.

After being infected by the T virus, their eyesight has degraded to a field of vision within 20 meters, so when Shi Liu and the others entered the barbecue restaurant, the living corpses did not notice.

"Leader, hurry up and get some violent equipment, let's rush in." Shi Liu picked up the Black Tiger M4, looked at Hunting Fox and said in a deep voice.

Hunting Fox frowned, and looked at Shi Liu with beautiful eyes: "It's not that easy, I want to make violent equipment, but do I have that much money!"

"Use a grenade!" Said the mine next to him, taking out a high-explosive grenade.

"No," Green Mirror shook his head, "The T virus has neutralized their cells, and the living corpses have developed a strong defense ability. They are not as easy to deal with as the mobs back then."

"Fuck, what should I do then!" Dragon Blade frowned.

"Now we don't have strong firepower, and we don't have any support, so if we want to enter the factory, there must be one person to distract the group of living corpses, and then the rest of the people immediately enter the factory to rescue An Ye." Hunting Fox said, looking around the crowd.

This is the only way.

However, it is not something ordinary people can do to lure away the living corpses.

This requires speed, agility, and positioning, but the most important thing is courage.

After a long silence, Shi Liu stood up and looked at Hunting Fox: "Leader, let me go."

After everyone saw him, all their eyes focused on him.

Liehu Dai frowned slightly, obviously, she didn't want Shi Liu to take this risk.

Not only Shi Liu, but anyone, she is unwilling to let him do this job, but the battlefield does not believe in feelings, if no one lures away the living corpses, then no one can enter this factory today.

Fighting with the living corpses?Then the result will be that everyone will be driven around by these living corpses, how will they save An Ye then?
"Fox hunting, Poisonous Wolf and I lead away the group of living corpses, you go in and rescue An Ye, bring her and her subordinates here, send me a message when the time comes, and Poisonous Wolf and I will arrive as soon as possible, then Then we will go to support other places together." Dao Feng, who had been silent all the time, said very calmly.

He and Huhun are cadres at the same level, so naturally there is no need to call Huhun "head".

Before Hunting Fox could speak, Dao Feng looked back at Shi Liu: "How is it, is it all right?"

"It's done!" Shi Liu snapped his fingers and said very simply.

Shi Liu is full of confidence in the job of showing off his body.

"Okay, let's go!" Dao Feng said, picked up the QBZ03 rifle in his hand and ran out.

Shi Liuhuan glanced at everyone, and followed Daofeng with the Black Tiger M4 on his shoulders.

Looking at the backs of the two going away, Fox Hunt really wanted to stop them and find a better way, but the two had already run away in the howling wind.

"After Daofeng and Poisonous Wolf lure away the living corpses, let's go in immediately!" Hunting Fox looked around at everyone.

At the gate of the factory, a large group of living corpses are wandering aimlessly here. They are infected by T-52 and they are hungrier one by one at the moment. If someone comes at this moment, they will rush over at all costs.

"You go east, I'll go west, split up!" Dao Feng and Shi Liu said loudly while running, the cold wind was blowing head-on, so Dao Feng had to raise his voice a little bit.

"No problem!" Shi Liu also agreed loudly.

Soon, the two were less than 50 meters away from the group of living corpses.

Dao Feng whistled, then aimed at the group of living corpses with the QBZ03 in his hand, and fired several bullets in an orderly manner.

Several living corpses in the group of living corpses were shot, and the force carried by the bullets made them back again and again, but they did not kill them.

Then, the black blood-flowing eyes of the living corpses all looked at the blade.

After waiting for a long time, a piece of fat finally appeared, how could the living corpses let it go.

A mass of black figures rushed forward, and all the living corpses in front of them rushed towards the blade with big strides.

Here, Shi Liu also imitated what Dao Feng did just now, and used the Black Tiger M4 to shoot a few shots at the group of living corpses.

This group of living corpses was originally going towards the blade, but when they ran, they realized that there were people beside them. Even though nearly half of the living corpses left the team, they changed their target to Shi Liu.

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(End of this chapter)

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