Chapter 147 Indigenous ([-])

"It will take at least a day for the other four roads, and although this shortcut is dangerous, I don't think there will be any zombies in the mountains again." Shi Liu said, looking at the map.

"You mean," Green Mirror looked at Shi Liu thoughtfully, "it's not biochemical weapons that can threaten us, but the local aborigines?"

Speaking of this, everyone looked at Shi Liu.

"It's very possible," Shi Liu nodded, and then smiled wryly, "I don't think the rebels will spread biological and chemical weapons in useless places."

Everyone nodded thoughtfully. After all, although the rebels had occupied the Western Emperor's Territory, there were still many places they were not familiar with, such as the area shown on this map.

"We don't have much time, try to avoid unnecessary conflicts on the road, and set off." Said, Shi Liu closed the map, looked around the crowd and said.

Under the moonlight, a group of alliance mercenaries ran towards the hills on the west side of the Haitian Mountains.

Haitian Mountains, in a certain cave.

A group of rebels walked in the cave with weapons in their hands. Their formation was very vigilant, as if they were looking for something.

A rebel soldier walking in the front row has short white hair, fragmented bangs covering his eyebrows, and a pair of night vision goggles on his eyes. He is the captain of the rebel team.

He walked slowly to the mountain wall, stretched out his hand to touch the viscous green liquid, and at the same time looked at the large number of bullet casings embedded in the mountain wall.

He reached out and pulled out a shell casing, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

Immediately, the white-haired youth turned his head and said in a deep voice: "The enemy has just left, chase after him!"

At midnight, a group of Alliance mercenaries appeared on a road.

The road is full of weeds on both sides, nearly half a person's height, swaying in the breeze.

Shi Liu held the Black Tiger M4 flat with both hands, and moved the muzzle left and right while walking slowly. Keeping this posture, even if an enemy suddenly attacked, Shi Liu would still have time to shoot.

Mandala walked side by side with him. She held the silver-white M500 flat with her right hand and pointed forward, while her left hand was pressing on the handle of the dagger in the knife sheath on her thigh.

Behind the two are the members of the Flying Fox team. Some of them are in charge of the left and right, and some are in charge of the rear.Everyone kept walking like this.

This formation is to prevent something from suddenly rushing out of this road from attacking everyone.

After all, it was marked on the map before that this road is full of dangers.

In this way, after walking for an unknown amount of time, Shi Liu subconsciously glanced at his feet. The original sandy land has now been gradually replaced by loess.

Moreover, he also clearly felt that the altitude of the ground was gradually increasing.

It seems that it has now entered the hilly area on the map.

However, I didn't find anything wrong...

Shi Liu waved his hand to signal the crowd to stop, and immediately walked into the crowd and said in a low voice: "Going forward, you will enter the indigenous area marked on the map, everyone be careful."

As he spoke, he gestured and led the crowd along a small path next to him.

Shi Liu and the others had just left for less than 5 minutes when a large group of rebels followed.

"Stop." The team leader was a white-haired young man. He came to the edge of the hill and gave a low voice to stop the team.

He put down his hands, took a few steps forward, and squatted down, carefully observing the not-so-deep footprints on the sand.

The footprints are different in depth, they either extend outward or inward, and the inner footprints are always much smaller than the outer footprints. Judging from the number of footprints, it can be Proof that there were at least two women in the line that walked the road.

Looking in the direction of the footprints, the white-haired youth narrowed his eyes and nodded.

Then, he stood up and said, "Go ahead, target, Silver Tree City!"

The moonlight was still bright, and in a secluded path, a group of alliance mercenaries were advancing rapidly.

Follow the directions on the map and cross this road to reach the site of the local aborigines.

Shi Liu didn't want to waste any more time on this road, he enhanced the speed of the third-level mercenary to the maximum, and galloped on the path.So are others.

When dawn broke, the silhouettes of large houses appeared in everyone's field of vision.

These are not luxury buildings in a big city, or bungalows in a small town.They stand on the ground like a triangular cone, each of which is nearly three meters high, just like a small tribe.

Everyone stopped.

"Go straight through?" Shuilei looked at Shi Liu and said.

Shi Liuhuan glanced ahead, except for these buildings, he didn't see anyone else.

Then, he opened the map and glanced at it.Zooming in on the legend, there is a trail in the center of this tribe, and this trail stretches from here to the wilderness outside Silvertree City.

"Let's go while the aborigines are still sleeping!" Saying that, Shi Liu turned off the map, picked up the Black Tiger M4 and ran towards the trail ahead.

Everyone followed suit.

Two minutes later, the anti-army team also followed here.

The white-haired youth looked around the tribe, but there was no one there.Look at the ground again, because it is a hard gravel road, so there are no traces left.

Hmm... They are newcomers, so they must not be familiar with the terrain here, so...

The white-haired young man was thinking, and he made a decision.

Then, he took out an AK-47 from the weapon system, pointed the gun to the sky, and pulled the trigger.

The rough and powerful gunshots of the AK-47 sounded instantly, and the continuous shooting made the muzzle flame form an oblique cross, and a large number of bullets roared out, all flying into the sky.

With the continuous jumping of the shell casings, the AK-47 was shot out of 30 rounds in one shuttle. The white-haired young man did not replace it with a new magazine, but put away the gun and looked back: "Divided into two teams, each hiding in the Both sides of the tribe, listen to my orders when the time comes."

Then, according to the instructions of the white-haired youth, the rebels divided into two teams and hid themselves in the bushes or rocks on both sides of the tribe.

In the tribal trail, Shi Liu and the others were running, when they suddenly heard gunshots from behind, and they were immediately stunned.

Shi Liu motioned for everyone to stop, and the gunfire had stopped at this moment.

"It's the sound of an AK-47!" Mandala said, looking around at the crowd.

AK-47?Could it be... was he being followed by the rebels?

No, if they were being followed by the anti-army, then the anti-army should surround everyone and annihilate them in one fell swoop. Why did they shoot out of thin air?This is clearly counterintuitive.

"I see." When everyone was puzzled, Shi Liu nodded and said, "We are being followed by the rebel army, there is no doubt about it. But the rebel army can't determine how many people we have, so they dare not rush forward. As for why The reason for shooting out of thin air is because the rebels want to use gunshots to wake up the local natives, and then wipe out the forces that can threaten them, so that the rebels can reap the benefits of fisherman!"

Everyone suddenly realized that the coffin shouted: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, dim lights were lit up in the surrounding triangular buildings one after another, and shouts echoed throughout the tribe!
(End of this chapter)

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