Chapter 17

"Then, you have to take good care of her." Shi Liu instructed.

Seeing Linghu nodding, Shi Liuhuan glanced at everyone, "It's not too late, let's go now."

After the negotiation was settled, everyone left the base, randomly found a transport plane, piloted by a mine, and flew high into the sky amidst the roar.

Just before dawn, the transport plane landed in a large canyon.

Shi Liu opened the cabin door, and a strong and strange scent came over his face.

This is not perfume, nor is it some precious flowers and plants, nor is it a woman's body fragrance.

"Sniff, sniff..." Shi Liu tried his best to sniff, but he couldn't smell what it was.

At this time, Sai Lei took out seven gas masks from the weapon system and distributed them one by one.

"What's the use of this thing?" Ling Ben frowned as he turned the gas mask in his hand.

"Hey, hey..." Shuilei smiled wretchedly, "Have you smelled this strange fragrance? If you don't wear this thing, you will fall down..."

"Where did you say that..." Coffin chuckled, but still put the gas mask on his head.

Shi Liu took a look at the team members and got involved too.

Then everyone got off the transport plane and followed the water mine to the middle of the canyon.

In the middle of the canyon, there is a winding dirt road, and the altitude is getting lower and lower as it goes forward, as if it leads all the way to the ground.

"Shuilei, the Deathly Hallowed Domain you're talking about, wouldn't it be an underground paradise?" Yan Er held Hei Feng AK on his shoulders to watch out for the surroundings, and murmured, the sound coming out was a bit quiet due to the gas mask.

"Hey, you guessed it right, it's an underground paradise." Shuilei said without looking back, very sure of what the former said.

After walking for a while, a huge underground cave appeared in front of it. The entrance of the cave exudes endless scarlet, and there are countless skeletons and white bones piled up into mountains.

"What the hell is this place." The coffin took out the M60 and said, although his facial expression could not be seen clearly at this time, everyone could still hear his tone.

Then, everyone followed the mine into the cave entrance.

The cave was pitch black, and it was so dark that you couldn’t see your fingers. After turning on the night vision goggles, the team members found that there was a thin mist floating around here. With some small purple mushrooms.

"Brothers, come with me, watch out for these damn mushrooms on the ground, don't step on them..." Sai Lei stepped over a mushroom with extremely skillful movements.

"What will happen if you step on it?" Shi Liu asked subconsciously as he stepped over the mushroom like a torpedo.

"If you step on it, you will win a prize..." Shuilei chuckled.

The team members walked hard behind the mines, especially the two big men, the coffin and the old melon, but they were still thick and thin, and none of them were stepped on.

After many detours, the mine finally brought the team members to the entrance of the Deathly Hallows.

Two rows of tall torches were neatly erected in a large open space, and a golden carpet avenue was paved in the middle, extending straight forward for dozens of meters. There are countless gorgeous pictures and texts engraved on the pattern, but they are all a single color of blood red.

"These torches can still continue to burn in the cave." Blood Eagle looked at the torches on both sides of the road and said.

"It was like this when I came here before, but I didn't go in..." Shuilei sighed.

When he said this, the team members became curious and wanted to see what was going on inside.

But, what if there is an enemy stronger than yourself?You must know that none of these big men have supernatural powers, and no one will have a hard time if an accident occurs.

Everyone looked at each other and thought of this question.

"Let me take a look." The green mirror stood up and said, and took out a heat source detector from the weapon system while speaking, then walked up the golden carpet avenue, walked straight towards the two gates, and the team members followed come up.

Green mirror came to the gate and squatted down, carefully placed the heat source detector on a door, and concentrated on observing the screen.

Everyone also stepped forward to observe for a while, but there was no heat source displayed on the screen, and everything was very calm.

Then, Green Mirror took down the heat source detector, and took out a cold source detector and placed it on top.

But the result is the same as before, the cold source and heat source are exactly the same, and there is still no fluctuation.

"Is it possible to go in this way?" Coffin asked in a low voice.

Lu Jing nodded, and was about to answer when she felt a murderous aura around her that was getting stronger and stronger.

"Be careful." Shi Liu picked up the Black Tiger M4, looked around vigilantly and said in a cold voice.

As soon as the words fell, a few blood-red dots faintly appeared in front of the green night vision goggles in front of everyone's eyes.

After that, more and more blood-red dots appeared one after another like ants bursting their nest!But the thin mist around it couldn't make out what it was.

"Hey~!" "Woo...!"

There were bursts of roaring and whining sounds around the blood-red dots, and the thick murderous aura became more intense at this moment, filling the entire cave. Listening to the sound, it seemed to be the sound of a wolf or a tiger...then these dots should be them eyes...

"These things didn't appear when I came here..." Shuilei picked up the MP5 submachine gun and said in a low voice, "Why did we just..."

"Shut your stinking mouth!" Coffin gritted his teeth and raised the M60 in his hand to aim at the blood-red eyes.

Without waiting for the mine to refute, pairs of blood-red eyes rushed towards the crowd, the speed was no less than that of the "Pioneer" chariot on the battlefield!

The team members here immediately pulled the trigger, and the powerful bullets whizzed through the void, rushing towards the opponent.

"Puff! Puff!..." The sound of bullets piercing flesh and blood came out one after another. Although they couldn't see what kind of thing it was, the thick blood splashed out could still be seen clearly!

While firing, Shi Liu opened the warrior system to check the enemy's honor value. Sure enough, as Suilei said, their honor value was higher than that of the rebels and lurkers.

Considering the purpose of coming here, the team members just maimed the monsters, Shi Liu just hunted and killed the monsters in front of him and the team members maimed. Concentrate.

"Wipe, wipe, wipe! ~Clean, wipe!..."

Shi Liu accurately aimed at the monster and pulled the trigger. As long as the monster appeared in his sight, he would become the ghost of his gun.

There were also some monsters with better movement skills, who took advantage of the gap to rush from left to right and rushed in front of everyone.

Taking a closer look, these monsters look like wolves, but they are a hundred times more disgusting than wolves. The difference between them and wolves is that their mouths are bigger than wolves, and their eyes are opposite to wolves, that's all.

Shi Liu took out the dagger and held it in his hand. When the wolf jumped up, he stabbed it in the stomach. The sticky blood splashed all over Shi Liuyi.

 Begging for collection!Kneeling for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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