green star

Chapter 163 Shame on Others!

Chapter 163 Shame on Others!
When Li Rui heard Tang Zhaoer say that domestic fans nicknamed Neil Gilckney 'Pure Man', Li Rui also laughed. After thinking about it, this nickname is really quite appropriate.

In China, Li Rui's popularity has also soared rapidly, and he has many die-hard fans. It is said that for this game between Leeds United and Arsenal, CCTV specially sent a film crew and commentators to England, and they will have a good understanding of the game. Give live commentary.

After hanging up Tang Zhaoer's phone, Li Rui dialed Neil Kirkney's cell phone number, but the phone was turned off. After all, Neil should have arrived in Munich, and it's evening in Germany's local time.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Rui still sent a message, wishing Neil a more optimistic result in tomorrow's diagnosis.


The next day was sunny, and Li Rui got up early in the morning. He simply made some breakfast for himself. There was ready-made white bread in the refrigerator. Take it out, heat it in the microwave, dip it in some jam, and cook it An egg in water, and a cup of soy milk, this is breakfast. As long as he is in his residence, Li Rui will never drink milk every morning, but only soy milk, which makes him feel at home in China. The soy milk he ground was the instant one he brought from China, and even though the taste was a bit poor, it was just enough.

Putting on his sportswear, Li Rui took a taxi in front of his house.

"Hey, Lee, is it still the same place?"

"That's right, the old place."

Li Rui will not go directly to the training ground when taking a taxi. He will ask the driver to put him down when he is about 2 kilometers away from the training ground. For the rest of the journey, he chooses to jog there by himself. When he arrives at the training ground, he will be considered as a warm-up Yes, a little sweat, in good condition.

When running past the side of the road, Li Rui would see squirrels passing through the middle of the road, chattering happily. On both sides of the road is a large lush forest. It is possible to have such a forest in China, but, squirrel?Or go to the zoo to see it.


I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the hotel where Arsenal stayed is not far from Leeds United's training ground, so when Li Rui ran past, he happened to be passing by the side door of the hotel. Of course, Li Rui didn't know that, now, The hotel was occupied by Arsenal players.

Cesc Fabregas got up early, and after a simple wash, he stood on the balcony and looked out. The sunshine was very good, which made the big Spanish boy who was used to the dark and rainy weather in London feel very comfortable. Today’s game, the main The coach has told him in advance that he will continue to start. Although this is not the first time to start, Fabregas still couldn't hide his excitement.

Cesc Fabregas is also unconvinced about the Chinese player who is now in the limelight. Just in this game, let's see who is more powerful.


This is Fabregas' second season at Arsenal. He can't forget that when he came to Arsenal after the World Youth Championship last year, he was surrounded by skeptical eyes, and even his teammates didn't think that the Spanish What future does the kid have at Highbury.

"Arsenal bought a skinny 1-year-old kid." That was Arsenal's Brazilian midfielder Gilberto Silva's first impression when he met Cesc Fabregas.

For more than a year after that, he initially boarded with 19-year-old Swiss defender Senderos at the home of an Arsenal fan.The old landlady named Noreen Davis was responsible for taking care of their daily meals, driving them to training and competitions, teaching them to speak English, and understanding English culture, so that Cesc Fabregas passed the initial psychological Adaptation period.Now he has not only learned English, but also speaks French well with the help of Senderos.

Even so, the gray and rainy weather in London at first made Fabregas very homesick, and he had the idea of ​​fleeing for a while. Fortunately, Wenger has always trusted and optimistic about the Spaniard. In the end, Fabregas survived. And in the midweek game, he was lucky to score his first goal in the Premier League.

Looking at the boy who ran past the road outside the hotel, Fabregas felt that the back of this person was a bit familiar, and he should have seen it somewhere. Unfortunately, Fabregas searched his memory, but he didn't think about it. When I woke up, I knew an Asian. The skin color and black hair of that person just now showed this point.


There was a knock on the door, and when Wenger heard footsteps, he knew it was Pat Rice. He was very familiar with this old man who had played for Arsenal for 40 years.

Fans are no strangers to Pat Rice. During Arsenal games, whenever Arsenal's game situation is unfavorable, Wenger and his assistants will always be seen on the TV screen complaining about something. This 'audience 'It was Rice, Arsenal's assistant manager.

Rice was a member of Arsenal when he was a player, and he was also the captain of the Gunners. He has played for Arsenal in different positions for more than 40 years.In fact, Rice's work is not just as simple as listening. He plays an important role in daily training, and at the same time, he will also give Wenger advice on tactics and substitutions.

Therefore, the professor is very satisfied with his assistant coach.


Sure enough, it was Rice, he pushed the door open, "Arsena, it's time to go to the stadium, the players are already waiting below." He saw the head coach leaning on a chair, holding a coffee cup, but, obviously Attention is on the computer screen.

The Arsenal head coach nodded and put down his glass, "Let's go, Pat, today is the day to set a record, don't let the boys wait too long."

Pat Riley also said with a smile, "Today's weather is good, I hope this is a great day."

Arsenal has been unbeaten in 42 games in the Premier League, which has already tied Nottingham Forest's record of 42 unbeaten games in England's top league. In this game, Arsenal only needs a draw to create a new record up.

Thinking of this, Wenger couldn't help being excited. This will be a great record that cannot be surpassed in the short term, or even in the long run. This record belongs to Arsenal and Wenger's team. Thinking of this, I am used to it Wenger in the big scene is also a little bit unable to calm down. This feeling was also felt when Arsenal won the championship with an undefeated golden body after the last round of the game against Leicester City last season.


In that game, Leicester City, which has already booked a seat in the British Championship for next season, almost shamed Arsenal's great history. Dickov's goal in the first half made the Highbury fans stupid. Wenger said after the game I was also a little panicked, "I was really shocked, the taste of swallowing the bitter fruit of failure was too uncomfortable, our steps were heavy and we lacked focus, but the determination of the players in the locker room to refuse to fail was obvious, and it seemed that we were bound to win in the second half. Contest."

Now, there is a big moment coming, one step away from making history, and the whole Arsenal players, staff and fans are waiting.

At this time, apart from the local media in Leeds, there is almost no media that Leeds United can beat Arsenal. Although they have beaten Manchester United and Newcastle before when they were not optimistic, but facing this situation With Arsenal, who vowed to make history, everyone believed that Leeds United would not have a chance.

However, everyone will underestimate the enemy and think that Leeds United is not an obstacle. However, as the head coach, Wenger will never take it lightly. He is vigilant about Leeds United. After studying it dozens of times, Li Rui's performance surprised him. To be honest, at this time, the professor regretted agreeing to help Li Rui win the genius clause. Although he only regretted it a little, he really regretted it.

The Leeds United players who arrived at the Elland Road Stadium noticed the difference today. Among other things, the two helicopters hovering over the stadium proved that helicopters are rare in ordinary games.

These are two helicopters rented by Sky TV. In order to give the audience in front of the TV a visual impression, they have a bird's-eye view of the entire Elland Road Stadium from a high altitude, and explain before the game starts on the helicopter.

"Welcome to Leeds, to this West Yorkshire city, we're not here to visit Leeds Castle, wait a minute, there's a Premier League game that could make history in England's top flight, at Elland Road staged." The reporter said here, and the photographer on the helicopter immediately pointed the lens at the Elland Road Stadium in the sunset. Outside the stadium, there is a huge flow of red and white people, coming towards the stadium...

Only football, only football, can have such a great attraction. Tens of thousands of people flock here like a tide, just for the momentary passion...


"This is really grand." Someone in the crowd looked up at the helicopter in the sky and said.

"Of course, as long as Arsenal don't lose to Leeds United, this game will create the history of England's top league, unbeaten in 43 games." Many of Li Ai and his group are familiar with the Premier League of.

Li Ai counted the number of people, and there are 206 people in total. He is very satisfied. This is a lot more people than the game in Newcastle three days ago. He was worried that there were dozens of people in Newcastle last time. I can’t come this time, and the overall number of people will drop a lot. Unexpectedly, the post sent out this time has aroused more people’s responses. Many people heard from friends who went to St. James’ Park to watch the game in the middle of the week. Without further ado, he signed up.

"Okay, everyone take stock of your equipment and prepare to enter the arena." Liu Chao shouted loudly. There was no way, the scene was noisy, and he decided to bring a loudspeaker next time.

The 206 people started to enter the field, and the [-] people immediately moved towards the entrance of Elland Road side by side. In Newcastle in the middle of the week, many Leeds United fans knew about this special group of fans and knew that they came here on purpose. Cheering for Li Rui, Li is now the darling of Leeds United fans, so this special group of Chinese fans are warmly welcomed by Leeds United fans wherever they go, even when they enter the stadium, Elland Road The staff at the entrance of the stadium did not forget to applaud and give them a thumbs up, which made Li Ai and the others feel greatly respected for their self-esteem, and their backs were straightened up.


Eddie Gray stood in front of the tactical board and watched his players do their own thing. This is the rule set by Eddie Gray himself. Before he started his final speech, the players had 10 minutes to do their own thing. Go about your own business, whether you listen to music or say prayers, or just sit and squint for a while, no one cares about you.

Eddie Gray watched the last person finish his work, and called out to Milner to take off his earphones. When the time came, he cleared his throat: "Today's weather is good, it's a happy day."

No one spoke, no one thought the manager would be in the mood to discuss the Leeds weather.

"It's really a blessing for you guys to be able to compete in such good weather. Why...don't you create some trouble for the Cockneys by the way?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This is the head coach everyone is familiar with. Still no one spoke, except for Alan Lennon who said, "That's right, beat them by the way!" laugh together.

After everyone finished laughing, Eddie Gray continued: "I know that what the French black big man said yesterday made many people feel uncomfortable, but there is no way. Now, our opponent is Arsenal. They want to create a new record, they are qualified to say that, Allen, sit down, I know you are very angry, but you better not interrupt me, or I will be more angry than you."

Alan Lennon had no choice but to sit down obediently. The locker room was full of laughter, and no one comforted the poor unlucky child.


"Look at the schedule that the FA guys have arranged for us, well, Manchester United, Newcastle, Arsenal, by the way, and Crystal Palace, which we lost in the first round, can someone tell me, at the start of the season Now, how do you feel about this schedule?" After speaking, Eddie Gray put his hands on the table, trying to see the expressions of each player clearly, and the players were still quite embarrassed when they mentioned Crystal Palace.

"Boss, do you really want to say it?" Milner raised his hand with a ghostly smile on his face, seeing Eddie Gray nodding, "I was thinking, hapless boss, maybe after four rounds of the league, he will I'm looking for another job."

Haha ...

Everyone laughed, and no one could hold back their laughter. It is rare to be able to mock their head coach so openly. Eddie Gray also laughed, but Milner felt terrified at the sight of that smile. .

"That's right, I'm living a good life now, so some people are going to be unlucky." Looking at the way the Leeds United coach gritted his teeth, no one knew whether the unlucky people he was referring to were Arsenal or Milner. Bad luck.


"In this game, there are a few points to pay attention to, Pires' breakthrough on the wing, and Reyes' speed, you need to pay attention, so, Frazier," Eddie Gray glanced at Richardson. "You and Ian, you two have to pay attention. Besides, Demi, you have to be prepared enough for Vieira, a big black man. He is stronger than you think."

Albertini nodded, but his face was not very good-looking. At this time, Albertini did not notice the smug smile on the corner of Eddie Gray's mouth.

Of course, Albertini is no stranger to Vieira. In the 1995-1996 season, Milanello came to a French boy from Cannes, France. At that time, Albertini and the others were shocked. For Cannes, the impression of these Milan stars , it seems that there is nothing but the Cannes Film Festival, let alone the football here, and the subsequent development seems to confirm the speculation of the Milanese. Extremely failed, at the age of 7, he only got two chances to play here. After only one season in AC Milan, the French kid left in disgrace.

I am afraid that Albertini at that time did not expect that this black French boy who fled from Milan in embarrassment at the beginning would achieve such great success in the future. His transfer to Arsenal in August 1996 became a turning point in Vieira's career. Physical fitness, strong confrontation ability, keen offensive and defensive awareness, and the full trust of head coach Arsene Wenger have jointly forged one of the best midfielders in the world.In the second year, he helped Arsenal win the league and FA Cup double. In the 8-2001 season, he witnessed the same brilliance again. His outstanding leadership also allowed him to retire as the captain of the Gunners after Adams.


Albertini suddenly looked forward to the match with the current captain of Arsenal, who he had watched him leave from Milanello.

In the past, one is an aging Italian star, and the other is a world-class midfielder who is in full swing.

At this moment, the captain of Leeds United had a fighting spirit in his chest. He couldn't let a kid who left Milanello in embarrassment see his own joke!

You can regard Albertini's emotions as a certain degree of extremeness, but the head coach of Leeds United has grasped the pulse of his team captain very well and stimulated the veteran's desire to fight.

that's enough!

The time is almost up, the players are ready to enter the field, the door of the Elland Road home team's dressing room is pushed open, the players of Leeds United rushed out, in the player tunnel, the Arsenal players are already standing in line , This made the owner of Elland Road very dissatisfied.

"They really can't wait." Alan Lennon said sourly, he was holding his breath for this game.

"Are you ready?" Li Rui's answer was a bit weird.

"No problem." Alan Lennon patted his chest. At the same time, Richardson and Milner nodded, and Pennant gave a thumbs up.


On the home team's dugout at Elland Road, Eddie Gray and Gustavo Poyet are having a conversation.

"Eddie, do you really think we can beat Arsenal?"

"Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?" Leeds United coach said without looking back.

"Nobody wants to hear a lie."

"I think we have a 20.00% chance of beating Arsenal... [-]% of which is the luck that God gave to Elland Road." Eddie Gray said mysteriously, as if God was his relative. Come.

Before Leeds United's assistant coach could speak, he heard the 'rogue coach' say, "I just want to cause some trouble for Arsenal, why should they be so beautiful and set shit records on our turf... ..."

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(End of this chapter)

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