green star

Chapter 173 West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 173 West Yorkshire Police
Elaine Holly's 'Jem'appelle Helene' ringtones sounded. The Chinese name of this song is "My name is Yi Lian". This French song has been the number one single for 25 consecutive weeks. It has been popular all over the world. Li Rui liked the romantic and fresh tune and natural taste of this song very much, so he set it as the ringtone of his mobile phone.

In a daze, Li Rui reached out to pick up the phone beside the bed, checked the time, it was only 5 o'clock in the morning, who called so early, looked sleepily at the name of the caller flashing.

"Jermaine, what's the matter with this guy calling so early in the morning?" While muttering, Li Rui still pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Jermaine, it's 5 o'clock..." Li Rui hadn't woken up yet, but he didn't feel sleepy right away, because Pennant was obviously in a bad mood on the other end of the phone, and the first sentence It's like, 'Hi Lee, sorry to bother you so early, but I have to say... I'm at the police...West Yorkshire Police.' '

Li Rui didn't speak, and kept listening to Pennant until he got a general understanding of what was going on. It seemed that Pennant had a quarrel with a guy. The grumpy Nottingham boy directly gave the guy a few old punches. Let him understand that Nottingham people don't like to play any romance, they prefer to talk with their fists, and then this fellow Pennant is at the police station.

Li Rui is also a little anxious, this matter is noisy, but let's comfort the poor guy first, "Jermaine! Wait for me there, um, I'll hurry over."


Hanging up the phone, Li Rui was also a little confused. He didn't expect that Pennant would call him. Doesn't this guy know that he is not very familiar with Leeds? Except for the training ground, the stadium, and the vicinity of his residence, Li Rui Rui is really not very familiar with Leeds. Apart from training, the whole day is competition.

Of course Li Rui didn't know, all of this was because of Li Rui's words "We are friends", which moved Pennant very much and remembered it in his heart. No, something happened, the first thing that came to mind was to call Li Rui, a foreigner...although some things are done without thinking, it also shows that Pennant really regards Li Rui as a friend.


At this time, Li Rui hesitated for a while, and decided to call the head coach Eddie Gray. In his opinion, this was the safest way. After all, he was unfamiliar with Leeds, and even the West Yorkshire Police Department He didn't know where it was, so Li Rui decided to be more cautious. Although this kind of thing seems to be a small matter, once the media finds out about it, he doesn't know how big it will be.

Facts have proved that Li Rui's choice is correct. He didn't know that Pennant also thought about calling the head coach. However, in the game against Arsenal, after Pennant was replaced, Very dissatisfied. After leaving the field, he did not have any verbal communication with Eddie Gray. The two sides seemed to have a conflict. Therefore, Pennant hesitated for a while, but he still did not call the head coach. The call reached Li Rui is here.

The head coach of Leeds United in his sleep received a call from Li Rui and heard what happened. Eddie Gray exaggeratedly touched his forehead, "God, oh, hell! Li, where do you think that guy is? West Yorkshire Police?! Well, you wait for me at home, and I will drive you there."

The wife also got up sleepily, and put a coat on her husband, "What's the matter, Eddie?"

"Damn it, there's a kid waiting for me and I'll go get him out, damn it, I hate West Yorkshire Police!" Eddie Gray shook his fat face, "Honey, go to bed , I probably won't be back for breakfast, hell!"


The West Yorkshire Police Department can be said to be quite famous in England, and this fame is also derived from the Leeds United Club. Since the Leeds United Club is under the jurisdiction of this place, almost every year, many stars patronize here.

Before Pennant was honored to be a guest at West Yorkshire Police this time, the most famous Leeds United stars who were guests here were 'The Rapist' Morris and 'Popeye' Alan Smith.

On October 2003, 10, a 23-year-old woman accused Leeds United star Morris and one of his friends of raping her in a car on the side of the Leeds highway. Morris, who had a long history of criminal convictions, and his friend Di Keya, the son of a senior superintendent in Scotland, were detained.

Just as the 'rapist' Morris incident attracted the media in England to the West Yorkshire Police Station, a week later, another Leeds United star also visited the West Yorkshire Police Station.


A week later, on October 10, in the second round of the English League Cup, Manchester United defeated Leeds United 30:3 away.During the game, Alan Smith had the honor of playing the role of 'Popeye' himself. During the game, he picked up a half-full beverage bottle and threw it at the stands, hitting a female Manchester United fan on the forehead.

The "hidden weapon" Smith used was thrown into the field by Manchester United fans. An angry Smith picked up the bottle and threw it into the stands without hesitation.Amidst the exclamation of the fans, the female fan wearing a Manchester United uniform cried, and she was immediately sent to the infirmary.At the same time, more debris flew to Smith in the field, and the latter made full use of his flexibility as a forward to avoid the bomb attack one by one.

After the game, the female fan accused Smith of assault, and the West Yorkshire Police Department also invited the freshly released 'Popeye' to the police station to assist in the investigation after the game...

So, last season, the poor Leeds United coach Eddie Gray went to the West Yorkshire Police Station twice to sign his players out of the police station on bail. He is now a guest at West Yorkshire Police Station. It is conceivable that the head coach of Leeds United almost went berserk.

When Eddie Gray drove Li Rui to the gate of the police station, the police officer Rorick of the West Yorkshire Police Department had been waiting for a long time. He saw the Leeds United coach, Rorick and Eric who jumped out of the car. Dee Gray greeted, "Eddie, when did Ashley Cole transfer to Leeds United?"

Eddie Gray who asked this question was inexplicable, and Li Rui who was next to him also had a strange expression on his face. Officer Rorrick also seemed very enthusiastic when he saw Li Rui who came with Eddie Gray, and shook hands with Li Rui. And he took out a notebook and a pen from his pocket like a magic trick, and asked Li Rui to sign it.

Seeing Li Rui's astonished eyes, Eddie Gray said angrily, "Last year, this is how he got Viduka's signature." Feelings, Eddie Gray came to bail Alan Smith last year At that time, Viduka who came with him was 'blackmailed' to sign.


After getting Li Rui's signature, Police Officer Rorrick walked and chatted with the head coach of Leeds United. Li Rui was a little stunned when he heard the news from the police officer. He couldn't see that Pennant would be so outrageous. After the fight, he was taken to the police station. Facing the police officer who questioned him, he actually tried to get away with it. He told the police officer that his name was Ashley Cole and that he forgot to bring his ID card. With Pennant's words, the police officer whose ancestors have been die-hard fans of Leeds United for three generations, his face swelled like a pig's liver...

Li Rui really couldn't laugh or cry, this guy's EQ is not usually high.


"Hi, Li." Pennant greeted Li Rui with a headband, and then saw Eddie Gray behind Li Rui. Pennant's voice was much lower, "Hi, boss."

Li Rui saw that there was a piece of tape on Pennant's brow bone, and it seemed that the battle was a bit tragic.

"Are you okay, Jermaine." Li Rui looked at it, and it seemed that this buddy didn't lack any parts, so he was relieved. Anyway, after the accident, Pennant only called himself to explain This buddy really regarded himself as a friend. Although Li Rui was surprised, he still cherished this friendship.

Pennant shrugged, "Which bastard should be worried."

Officer Rorrick coughed all over, reminding Pennant that this is a police station, and the face of the Leeds United coach was so dark that water could almost be wrung out.

Seeing this scene, Pennant, who was feeling uneasy, quickly shut up. He is not afraid of the police, and he will pay a little bail. However, he must be afraid of the head coach, who holds the power of life and death over his future in the team. After the Arsenal game, I was dissatisfied with the boss's replacement, so I didn't shake hands with the boss, and now he made the boss come to the police station to lead people. Even the rebellious Pennant knew that this time, it was a bit troublesome. I guess something is wrong.

Li Rui understood what Pennant was thinking, but there was nothing he could do. He could only pat Pennant on the shoulder to express his comfort.


Li Rui asked Pennant why he beat someone, but seeing Pennant hemming and hawing, he finally said, 'That guy deserves a beating. Without mentioning the reason, Li Rui also knows that it should be some privacy. He knows that foreign countries pay great attention to the protection of personal privacy. Even just now, Officer Rorrick just pretended to be Ashley Cole with Pennant He didn't tell what happened, so Li Rui didn't ask any more questions.

However, as Pennant's head coach and the bailee, Eddie Gray still has the right to know the truth of the matter. Officer Rorik and Eddie Gray went to the office to discuss in detail.

Li Rui sat on a chair and asked Pennant, "Jermaine, do you think you look a lot like Ashley Cole?"

Pennant's face turned red immediately, and he began to stammer again. He couldn't get angry, after all, he was in a daze at the time, and this thing was done, and he couldn't refute it.

"We're all...all black people." Pennant held back for a long time, and let out this silent fart. Li Rui rolled his eyes and ignored him, what a shame...


After a while, police officers Eddie Gray and Rorrick came out of the office. Li Rui noticed that Pennant's face was very bad, and Eddie Gray looked at Pennant with a look that seemed to be worse than when he arrived just now. The cannibalistic look in the police station is better.

Li Rui knew that this must have something to do with the content of the conversation between the boss and Officer Rorrick just now, but it is unknown what it was.

"Bobby, go through the bail procedures for Jermaine Pennant." Before Officer Rorrick finished his sentence, a big-armed police officer agreed and handed a bail form that he had prepared earlier to the head coach of Leeds United. Eddie Gray, it seems that he has been prepared for a long time, and he is quite skilled in business.

Li Rui was lamenting how efficient the West Yorkshire Police were in handling affairs. Of course, he didn't know that this was because the West Yorkshire Police and Leeds United Club had already done many business transactions, so they were familiar with it.

Eddie Gray walked in front without saying a word, followed by Li Rui and Pennant with his head drooping. However, from another angle, it seemed more like Li Rui, the head coach of Leeds United. It's the same as being released from the police station on bail with Pennant, except that Li Rui didn't notice it.

Just when the three of them came out of the West Yorkshire Police Station, they were immediately surrounded by a dozen reporters who appeared from nowhere at the entrance of the police station. They immediately handed over long guns and short cannons, and the people who were illuminated by the flashlight were a little dizzy .

The three quickly got into the car. At this time, the police officers from the police station also came out and stopped the reporter. The head coach of Leeds United stepped on the gas pedal with a look of displeasure. The reporters could only look at the back of the car and drive away. There was a burst of crazy shots.

At this time, no one noticed that when Li Rui accompanied Pennant and followed Eddie Gray's ass out of the police station, in an unnoticed corner outside the police station, a woman wearing sunglasses , It was just a burst of shooting, and then I took another picture of the car of the head coach of Leeds United, then closed the window, started the car, and disappeared...

Leeds United training ground.

Alan Lennon, who started his Nth love affair, changed his jersey. When he came to the training ground, he saw his teammates muttering. It was already training time, but the head coach Eddie Gray hadn’t appeared yet. This made Alan Lennon a little surprised. Everyone knew that the boss was a person who attached great importance to the concept of time, and this rarely happened.

"Hi, Alan." Richardson leaned closer to Alan Lennon and said, "I didn't see Lee."

Alan Lennon was a little surprised. They all knew that Li Rui was never late. Alan Lennon looked around and did not see Li Rui. At this moment, several people felt strange.

"Is it sick? Asked for leave?" Milner said.

At this time, Alan Lennon discovered something again, "Hey, it seems that Jermaine didn't come either."

Several people began to worry about the two guys, especially when they thought of the match against Arsenal, after Pennant was replaced, he walked to the bench without saying a word and did not shake hands with the head coach. In other words, I was even more worried about Pennant. No matter what a few people thought, they would never have thought that Li Rui and Pennant were late for the same reason.

At this time, assistant coach Gustavo Poyet appeared, and he first announced that today's training session will still be arranged by him.

About half an hour after the team's training started, Li Rui and Pennant came running out of breath. To everyone's surprise, behind them was the head coach Eddie Gray with a dark face , and the assistant coach Gustavo Poyet seemed to know what was going on, and directly let the two guys join the training of Alan Smith and the others on the sidelines without asking anything.

This made the players feel strange.

Because this is the first training session for Leeds United's international players returning to the club. Several international players are doing physical training alone. However, Li Rui and Pennant have not been called up by the national team. Physical fitness should not be a problem. Alan Smith and the others trained together. Although everyone had doubts, they didn't dare to say a word when they saw the black-faced leader on the sidelines, and they trained obediently.

It seems that the boss is in a bad mood. Everyone is honest. At this time, no one wants to touch Eddie Gray's mold. Even the team's living treasure, Alan Lennon, feels that the atmosphere is not right. Be good! I couldn't be more obedient.


After training, while the players rested on the sidelines, head coach Eddie Gray announced that midfielder Pennant would train with the reserves for the next week due to breaching team discipline .

This punishment is a bit surprising. Generally speaking, if you violate the team discipline, you will be accompanied by a fine, but this time there is no violation, and there is no violation of the discipline of the team. It seems that it should not be because of being late for training. Because Li Rui, who was also late, was not punished, and the team would not favor one person over another. From this point of view, it must be because of other things.

In addition, this kind of punishment delegated to the reserve team is generally not announced in front of the players themselves. After the head coach talks to the players, the players go directly to the reserve team. Just a word from the room.


After announcing this, the team disbanded. Alan Lennon and others immediately surrounded him and asked what happened to Li Rui and Pennant. However, Li Rui and Pennant were both talking about this question. Don't talk about it, Pennant's face was very bad, and he left directly.

"Hey, Li, what happened?" Richardson touched Li Rui with his arm.

Li Rui smiled wryly, "We came out of the police station in the morning." Li Rui just said it in front of Pennant's face, but now that Pennant has left, there is no need to have any scruples. Moreover, it is impossible to hide such a thing. If you don’t believe me, in a while, at lunch, on the TV news in the restaurant, it is estimated that Leeds United’s head coach Eddie Gray and the team’s Press pictures of striker Li Rui and midfielder Pennant coming out of West Yorkshire Police Station.


Several people were taken aback when they heard this sentence. As a professional player, the most fearful thing is that the police will be involved because of personal problems. It will also be distracted by such and such problems.

"What's going on?" Several people asked with concern, Li Rui shrugged, started from receiving a call from Pennant in the morning, and briefly explained the reasons for the incident. As for why Pennant beat people or something, Li Rui said that he didn't know. Of course, Li Rui didn't say a word about the buddy who pretended to be Ashley Cole and tried to get away with it. It was to save face for Pennant.

Li Rui didn't mention it, but please never underestimate the ability of the paparazzi. At noon, the report on the whole incident had already appeared in the newspapers at the dinner tables of the people of England...and it appeared in the more important ones. The layout, people are always most interested in this kind of messy news...

Undoubtedly the most dynamic rookie in the Premier League, along with his team-mate Pennant, the 'sluggish' dispirited West Yorkshire Police are on the back of manager Eddie Gray The news that came out of the bureau quickly occupied the top of the list of major news.

In fact, Li Rui just yawned. He was sleepy. In the evening, during the extra training with Fabian Delphi and Jonathan Weber, the three boys were very excited and devoted. The next day, he was woken up by Pennant's phone call before 5 o'clock. Of course, Li Rui's spirit was not very good.

Of course, the media in England still dare not blindly spread rumors and pour dirty water on Li Rui. The reason why the title "Li and his teammates appeared at the West Yorkshire Police Station" is only because this Chinese kid is now In the limelight, doing so helps to catch the viewer's attention.

Well, this is a typical headline party.


The media dug into this matter deeply, and everyone soon knew what happened to Pennant. In fact, this Nottingham boy is not unworthy of sympathy. Jermaine Pennant's father Gary Pennant Nantes, selling drugs to prostitutes in the slums of Nottingham. Unfortunately, this scene was seen by his neighbor Mike. In Nantes, the Lions opened their mouths and demanded a huge sum of 10 pounds, otherwise they would sell the photos to the media.

The relationship between Pennant and his father was not good. Because of his mother, he had almost no affection for the father who abandoned his wife, and he seldom returned to his home in Nottingham. However, when something like this happened, he could not Stand idly by, otherwise, once the media found out that he had such a father, Pennant couldn't imagine it. After bargaining, the two parties settled for 5 pounds. The neighbor said that he would delete all the photos after getting the money.

After Pennant paid the money to this guy, he thought that the matter was over. He didn't expect that yesterday, that greedy guy called again, saying that he still had stock in his hand, and asked for the 'last sum' again. As a result, in the negotiation At that time, Pennant's fiery temper finally broke out, and he gave this stingy neighbor a fat beating...


After learning about the whole incident, the players of Leeds United were also full of embarrassment, and they were more tolerant and sympathetic to this weird-tempered kid.

Li Rui saw the picture of himself and Pennant walking out of the gate of the West Yorkshire Police Station on TV, but he was thinking of another thing. On the night before Leeds United's away game against Manchester United, Peng Nantes seems to have answered a phone call, and then seemed to have tossed and turned all night without falling asleep. Now it seems that the neighbor made the call. Very bad, he was quickly irritated by Djemba. If he hadn't been replaced in advance, it is estimated that this guy doesn't mind being on the court and he will teach the Cameroonians a good lesson.

Thinking of this, Li Rui couldn't help blaming himself for not noticing this. If he could have asked at that time, maybe things wouldn't have been so troublesome. In Li Rui's view, it was a mistake to agree to pay the blackmailing neighbor. Yes, human greed is endless, if there is a first time, there will be a second, third time...

During the entire lunch period, everyone's interest was not very high. After all, it is inevitable that the mood will be affected when something like this happens.


Milner poked Richardson's arm and whispered, "Frazier, do you remember that Jermaine borrowed money from Alan..."

"Shh~ shut up!" Richardson covered Milner's big mouth, he was really afraid that Milner's big mouth would make this matter known to the whole world.

Now, there are enough things surrounding Pennant, and the media will definitely keep an eye on Pennant's affairs. They don't care that Pennant was blackmailed, and all the media reports are concentrated on Pennant. Nantes' father is suspected of selling drugs to prostitutes and Pennant beat people... As for the impact of these somewhat generalized reports on this somewhat extreme young player, Pennant is dead If it's live, the media won't pay attention to it...

Old Pennant was suspected of peddling drugs, wasn't he? !
Pennant hit someone, right? !
Isn't that right?


After the training in the afternoon, Li Rui rushed to the training ground of the reserve team, only to find that Pennant had finished training and left. He planned to comfort Pennant face to face, but when he thought of it, he was still joking when he was in the police station This kid actually pretended to be his own Ashley Cole, and this guy also had a smile on his face. Who would have thought of the pain in this guy's heart.

No one was found, so Li Rui called Pennant's cell phone, but the cell phone was turned off, and Li Rui hurried towards the training ground a little depressed, where Fabian Delphi and Jonathan Weber were already waiting for him.

Li Rui didn't know that Pennant had no choice but to turn off his phone. Media reporters frantically called to interview him. Pennant had no choice but to turn off the phone. Once the training was over, he ran away and did not return to his residence. He knew that now, those flies would definitely be waiting near his residence.

The media in England did a headline party, using the popular Li Rui as a gimmick to attract the audience's attention, but Li Rui didn't know that in China, he became the real protagonist of this matter.

On a domestic portal, a post appeared that Li Rui, the Chinese star of Leeds United, was fooling around with women in a nightclub, and after getting drunk, he fought with other prostitutes. After receiving the police from West Yorkshire Police, he invited Li Rui When they arrived at the police station, finally, Leeds United coach Eddie Gray personally came forward to release Li Rui and the black England star Pennant who was fooling around with Li Rui on bail.

After this post came out, it was reposted frantically immediately, and almost most of the print media also reposted it immediately. This almost unconfirmed news has almost the same title——
"Becoming famous at a young age does not know self-respect"

"Li Rui hits people in a nightclub, and he may be prosecuted if he indulges in youth."

No one noticed that this news appeared on the domestic website half an hour earlier than in England, where the English media dug up Pennant...

As a result, when the real report of this incident appeared later, some people in China could hardly change their impression of Li Rui because of their preconceived reasons.


"Do you believe that I will be that kind of person?" Li Rui asked on the phone. He suppressed the anger in his heart. He didn't know that the same thing was hyped by the media in England, but , at least the report is still true, how come it changed in China, and I became a nightclub, drunk, and beat up.

"I... I don't know..." Tang Zhaoer wanted to say the four words 'I believe you', but when the words came to her lips, it turned into 'I don't know' by accident. She admitted that she saw the words on the Internet. When reporting, I felt as if someone had poured cold water on my heart. The photo was real. Li Rui walked out of the police station with a tired face together with a black player. Many reporters surrounded him... For a moment, Tang Zhaoer was shaken. Although she told herself that Li Rui was not that kind of person, she found that she couldn't convince herself.

With a click, Li Rui hung up the phone. He was so angry. This anger was not only caused by the false domestic reports. Li Rui had already learned about the domestic media's gossip. However, he was not out of anger yet, but what Li Rui couldn't imagine was that it was because of his girlfriend's distrust, which deeply hurt Li Rui.

"Hey...'don't know'?" Li Rui kicked the football that fell into the net pocket in the room, and kicked it into the air. Then, there was a loud crash. It was the cup on the coffee table in the living room that was kicked and shattered. ...


Tang Zhaoer didn't expect that Li Rui would be so vile and hang up the phone directly. She was stunned, listening to the English busy tone coming from the phone... Only then did she realize that the guy actually hung up the phone.

At this moment, the grievances in the little girl's heart suddenly flooded, and the tears of grievance could no longer be held back, and she lay on the bed and began to cry. Insist on falling in love with Li Rui, does that guy know?Now, he actually hangs up his phone, why should he?Why...

When Tang Zhaoer looked up, she happened to see a photo of Li Rui wearing a Leeds United jersey and happily hugging a soccer ball on the screen of the small MOTO phone thrown by the bed... flashing and flashing.

"Why did you hang up, why did you hang up?... 555555"


Tian Leilei went to the laundry room, carrying an aluminum bucket, and as soon as she entered the dormitory, she saw Tang Zhaoer lying on the bed, like pear blossoms raining, and hurriedly asked what was wrong.

Tang Zhaoer didn't speak, but just cried. Her family was overwhelmingly opposed to the relationship between the two. Tang Zhaoer also felt that she was going to collapse. Now, Li Rui hangs up her phone in such a bad way. She is really hurt heart.

"Is it reasonable for you to mess around abroad?..."

"What?" Tian Leilei didn't hear clearly, and just wanted to continue to ask. At this time, Tang Zhaoer's cell phone rang, looking at the flashing number, Tang Zhaoer took the tissue handed over by Tian Leilei and wiped away her tears. When the phone was about to ring for the last time, Tang Zhaoer gritted her teeth and pressed the answer button...

"Hey, mom..."

"Such a boy, do you think it is necessary for you to persist? Is it worth it?" There was a stern reprimand from the other end of the phone, and after saying this, he hung up the phone directly.


That night, Tang Zhaoer cried all night. While crying, she held the phone in her little hand, hoping that the guy would call, explain that the news was not true, and apologize for being rude... Tang Zhaoer was even thinking So, do you want to forgive that guy quickly... After all, from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't believe that Li Rui is such a person, even though she once hesitated and doubted for a moment...

The phone didn't ring in the end...

Tian Leilei was persuading her all night, and she was exhausted. The BJ girl remembered a sentence, "Those who have not experienced wind and rain are not called love, but children who play house..."

Qiu Ranran didn't expect that Li Rui would call at this time. Qiu Ranran had also heard about the media's overwhelming reports about Li Rui, but Miss Qiu didn't pay attention to it at all. She knew about her younger brother. Yes, if you say that Li Rui is having an affair with a girl abroad, Miss Qiu may believe it, which boy is not a showman, but Miss Qiu scoffs at Li Rui going to nightclubs...

"Sister, it's okay, it's really okay... Ha, I just said it, if anyone else believes in me, it's you, old lady, it's really okay... I just want to talk to you." Li Rui sat on the sofa Go up, change the channel indiscriminately.

Qiu Ranran didn't ask anything. She could tell that Li Rui was in a bad mood, but she wouldn't ask if Li Rui didn't say anything. For so many years, whenever Li Rui was in a bad mood, she would talk to herself. It has become a habit, and Qiu Ranran also enjoys her younger brother's attachment with peace of mind, that's right, it's enjoyment, although she usually bullies Li Rui from time to time, in fact, it's the siblings who are playing around, Miss Qiu's heart I still love my brother.

After chatting with Qiu Ranran for a while, talking nonsense about the past, Li Rui seemed to be calmer.


"Sister Ran Ran, what's going on between you and Haishen?" Li Rui remembered that when he called Haishen a few days ago, Mr. Hai sighed.

"It's nothing... I've made it clear..." Qiu Ranran's lazy voice is very nice and makes people feel comfortable. Someone once joked that Qing'er in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2" made many uncles laugh. The intoxicated voice was nothing compared to Miss Qiu's.

"Did you make it clear?" Li Rui was puzzled, "How did you make it clear?"

"Hehe... Let me tell him that in this world, there are many trees with crooked necks that can hang people, and there is no need to hang them on mine... That's it... What do you think I should say..." Qiu Ranran Leaning on the chair, gently stirring the coffee, her bangs were drawn together with her smooth and tender hands, "What's the matter, isn't sister crooked? Then you little guy, why don't you take the bait?"

Behind the door of Qiu Ranran's bedroom, there was a poster. Li Rui, wearing a red shirt, opened his arms and flew on the green grass... You can see that there are countless arms raised high in the stands of the stadium... ...This is what Li Rui sent to Qiu Ranran when he was in Frankfurt.

Li Rui also laughed, remembering that when he was in China, Qiu Ranran deliberately teased and teased himself. Now that I think about it, at that time, I only knew how to play football, train, and fight with my elder sister all day long, but it was really not that boring , there are many things worth remembering.

"Sister Ran Ran, I want to hang on your crooked neck tree right now, I don't know, is there still a chance?"

"You bastard, dare to say that my sister is a crooked neck tree? Do you want to die?... Remember, for other smelly men, my sister is a crooked neck tree, and for you, my sister is the osmanthus tree of the Moon Palace..." Qiu Ranran Speaking of this, there seems to be a string in my heart trembling for a while, I have an unfathomable feeling, I want to catch it, but I can't catch that white cloud, I bite my vermilion lips lightly, the bright red lips are full of desire dripping like cherry juice...

Li Rui didn't feel anything, Miss Qiu teased him not once or twice, he was already immune, and talked to Qiu Ranran for a while before hanging up the phone.


Looking at the time, it was already past 10 pm local time in England. Li Rui was lying on the sofa, throwing up his phone, catching it, throwing it up again, catching it, and he was considering whether to call Tang Zhaoer, and After chatting with the old lady for a while, Li Rui's mood improved a lot. After thinking about it, no matter what, it was wrong to hang up the phone by himself. up again...

After all, the number was not dialed. The relationship between the two seems to have always been smooth sailing. Even if Tang Zhaoer's family objected, it did not have any substantial impact on the two of them... Now, this matter, I don't know if it is the same Kaner of the test...

Li Rui got up from the sofa, turned off the TV, took a shower, and got ready to go to bed... The national team match day has passed, and the league, which has been suspended for two weeks, will continue... Li Rui doesn't want to be affected by his personal affairs. to your own state.

PS: Pennant hypothesized that he was Ashley Cole trying to get away with it. It is not a fiction. This fellow once drove drunk and told the traffic police that his name was Ashley Cole and that he was Arsenal star...

I thought this chapter had been automatically published, but when it was time, I realized that I forgot, sorry, everyone.That's all for today, a [-]-word chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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