green star

Chapter 241 The Big Contract Kicked Out

Chapter 241 The Big Contract Kicked Out

After winning the FA Cup and returning to Leeds, the whole city experienced enthusiastic celebrations. After the Leeds United team had a dinner, the next morning, the head coach Eddie Gray announced that the team had entered the holiday up.

After a season of competitions, Li Rui can finally have time to rest. Because the Premier League does not have a winter break, the fatigue of the players can be said to be the most serious among the five major leagues. Therefore, after the end of the season, this rare holiday , Li Rui also cherishes it very much.

However, Li Rui can't return to China immediately. Although the season is over, he doesn't seem to be much relaxed.


Li Rui, who was about to book a plane ticket back home, received a call from his agent Rodriguez, who told Li Rui that maybe Li Rui had to postpone his trip back to China.

"Li, I have a few invitations from my side. I think it is necessary to inform you." Rodriguez on the other end of the phone was finding his notebook among a large pile of documents, which contained information from the past few days. phone records.

"Robby, as I said, I'm fine at Leeds United now, and I don't want to change places for the time being." Li Rui rubbed his forehead, he was a little irritable, every time he heard Rodriguez talk to him about this, Li Rui had no reason to subconsciously He didn't want to hear it. He felt that he was doing well in Leeds United, so there was no need to bother.

"Well, Li, I think you will be tempted by this invitation, right?" Rodriguez didn't feel uncomfortable at all because of Li Rui's tone on the other end of the phone. He understood Li Rui's temper, "Well, Mr. Alex Ferguson very much hopes that you can consider the possibility of playing at Old Trafford..."

"I said... um... wait, Robbie, what did you just say?" Li Rui was lying on the bed, but sat up all of a sudden, "Ferguson? You mean Manchester United?"


"That's right, Manchester United." Rodriguez on the other end of the phone felt the difference in Li Rui's tone.

Of course, Rodriguez believes that any player will not be unresponsive when they hear the name Manchester United. Although Li Rui has also received an invitation from Chelsea, and Chelsea has also become the Premier League champion this season, but, in In everyone's mind, Chelsea lacked rich background after all, at best they were a quasi-rich club, but Manchester United was different, it was one of the few rich clubs in world football... The shocking power was of course different.

Although Li Rui is a player of Leeds United, Leeds United and Manchester United are sworn enemies, and Li Rui has just helped the team defeat Manchester United in the FA Cup final and won the FA Cup championship trophy, but this does not prevent The word 'Manchester United' had an impact on Li Rui.


"Oh, Robbie, well, this is good news." Li Rui scratched his head, "It's just that I don't want to think about transferring now, let's talk about it after my vacation is over."

If it was placed during the winter break, maybe Li Rui would either refuse it immediately, or start to think seriously. However, what he thinks now is that he wants to wait and see. For Leeds United, Li Rui's first choice is to stay at Leeds United. Here, after all, he is already familiar with everything here, the fans like him, his teammates get along well, and his friends are here. Out of consideration for the stability of his own development, Li Rui does not want to transfer.

However, the reason why Li Rui has to wait and see before making a decision is also to see if there will be any major movements in the summer transfer market. If the team shows that they want to make a difference next season, Li Rui Of course Rui would choose to stay, but if Leeds United hadn't shown great ambitions and even started to sell off their stars, then there was really no need for Li Rui to stay.

"Okay." Rodriguez nodded at the other end of the sentence, and he understood what Li Rui meant.He also breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little worried at first. If Li Rui insisted that he would stay at Leeds United no matter what, then he would have a hard time. It seems that Li Rui is not foolish and loyal. Let the manager rest assured that as for how to operate in Li Rui's interests, Rodriguez will naturally do it.


"One more piece of good news, Lee."

"What is it? Let me think about it. Is there any big contract?" Li Rui joked with a smile. Thinking that it is a holiday now, Li Rui also feels a lot more relaxed. After a season of fatigue, he really needs to rest.

"That's right, Bentley intends to ask you to speak for them." Rodriguez said 'huh' on the other end of the phone, "How do you know, Lee."

"Wow!" Li Rui exclaimed. He really just said it as a joke just now, and he didn't expect that there was really a big contract.


Bentley cars are very popular in the UK, just because, although Bentley is now a brand under the German Volkswagen, but, at its root, Bentley is of British descent.Bentley was founded by Bentley Owen in the UK in 1919, and was annexed by Rolls-Royce in 1931. However, in 1997, the Rolls-Royce brand was acquired by German BMW, and the Bentley brand fell into the hands of German Volkswagen.However, in the UK, there is still a lot of affection for this brand.

However, when Rodriguez introduced the reason why Bentley Motors found him, Li Rui was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that his cathartic kick under excitement would actually attract a big contract.


That's right, it's 'Kick it! '

Do you still remember that Li Rui scored the second goal to decide the game in the FA Cup final?After scoring the goal, Li Rui was extremely excited. He rushed to the sidelines, kicked on the German Volkswagen billboard, and then jumped onto the billboard, facing the Leeds United fans in the stands, waving his arms in celebration. .

In the past few days, this wonderful goal known as "one of the best goals in the history of the FA Cup" has been played everywhere in England, and the shot of Li Rui on the billboard of Volkswagen, It is also revisited by fans and attention over and over again.


Considering the subconscious lack of friendliness of the British towards Germany, especially the acquisition of Bentley as a British "national enterprise" by the German Volkswagen, this made the British generally a little uncomfortable, but Li Rui's subconscious action made many British fans feel uncomfortable. Waving the wine bottle and shouting.

Of course, these are all jokes. After all, Bentley already belongs to the Volkswagen industry, and the pursuit of higher profits will always be the ultimate interest of the business.


However, this is indeed the reason why Bentley Company began to pay attention to Li Rui. The senior executives of Bentley Company ordered the market development department to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of Li Rui in the shortest possible time, and finally came to the conclusion that this young man is Now the hottest new star in the entire Premier League, and the future achievements are also very optimistic. In a word, Li Rui is already very popular now, and will be even more popular in the future.

What makes Bentley executives even more tempted is that at the end of 2004, the Bentley elegant R05 luxury sedan entered the Chinese mainland market. In the market, Bentley can do better.

And Li Rui, a young Chinese player who has performed extremely well in the Premier League, is considered to be the most suitable advertising spokesperson for Bentley to further expand the Chinese market.

Kicking the billboard was just an opportunity for Li Rui to really come into the sight of Bentley's top management. Then, after a quick and effective assessment, Bentley decided to win this hot new star as soon as possible.


Two days later, Li Rui came to London.There, Rodriguez was waiting for him, and he was about to sign a contract with Bentley on the cooperation of advertising endorsements.

The contract lasts for 2 years, and Li Rui will get about 120 to 150 million pounds in remuneration from Bentley every year. In addition, in order to express the sincerity of the first cooperation, as a gift, Bentley also presented a limited edition elegant R05 Pay to Li Rui.

Li Rui asked Rodriguez in private how much this limited-edition Bentley Elegant R05 cost, and Rodriguez replied, "About 50 pounds..."

Li Rui showed a slightly astonished expression. He touched his chin, and was a little shocked. The luxury car of 50 pounds was given to him as a gift. This is not a big deal.


Rodriguez joked that Li Rui should not make a fuss, this is already Bentley bullying Li Rui as a newcomer, otherwise the advertising endorsement fee would definitely be only about 100 million pounds, which is only the price of two luxury cars.Considering that Li Rui may bring significant sales growth to Bentley, this amount of money is really nothing to Bentley.

Rodriguez's ridicule is also a good-natured joke. Let's forgive Li Rui's country bumpkin expression. After all, Li Rui only played in the Bundesliga for one season before starting to make his mark in the Premier League this season. He doesn't have much knowledge, he's just an ordinary Chinese player.


Since Li Rui is just a rookie in the football world, Bentley has also lowered the price a bit. However, due to Bentley's good reputation in the UK and this is more in line with Rodriguez's policy of taking a high-end route for Li Rui, this cooperation is still worthwhile. We've reached an agreement.

However, Rodriguez insisted on only signing a two-year endorsement contract.

"Two years later, Bentley will definitely pay the price for their short-sightedness..." Rodriguez said firmly.

Li Rui clicked his tongue twice. It seemed that his manager was full of confidence in his future.

A few days later, in the busy downtown area of ​​London, it was so difficult to find a parking space. Seeing an empty parking space, just when several car owners wanted to grab it——
A beautiful Bentley elegant R05 sedan, like a flying fairy, drifted extremely chicly, parked in the parking space, and then the door opened, a man in a windbreaker, sunglasses, and an Armani denim suit on his lower body , walked out very handsomely, and the airflow generated by the rapid drift blows up the man's slightly long black hair. On the somewhat youthful but sharp-edged face, there is a mixture of youth, restrained maturity and a somewhat flamboyant aura , and the perfect streamlined Bentley limousine behind it, it makes people's heart throb...

The owner of this somewhat arrogant and cool car is Li Rui. This is his endorsement advertisement for the Bentley R05 luxury sedan. This endorsement advertisement will not only be launched in the British Peninsula, but will also be officially launched in mainland China in June. , and at the same time, with the launch of Bentley Elegance R6 Carnival in Mainland China, there will be a whirlwind of Bentley.


"Ka, Ka, Ka" the director's voice sounded.

Li Rui has shot six times in a row, but he still didn't satisfy the picky director. The blower messed up Li Rui's hair.

"How is it, director?" Li Rui took a sip of the mineral water handed over by the staff, and walked over to ask.

"Yes, that's the feeling. However, when you got out of the car just now, your chin should be lifted a little bit. Yes, that's it... If it's the feeling, okay, let's do it again."


"Are you coming?" Li Rui already felt that he was going to faint. Although the car drifted into place and used stunt actors, Li Rui was already in another car. When it was time to open the door and get off the car, the camera would switch After arriving at this scene, the two scenes will be technically processed. However, the director has not been satisfied with the six shootings in the past two days, and every time I shoot, I have to make up, scene processing and so on. It takes a long time , Li Rui felt more tired than he played 90 minutes of intense games.

'It seems that actors are really not a job that ordinary people can do. Li Rui muttered a few words, sat on the chair, and let the makeup artist manipulate his body.


Finally, the seventh time...

Li Rui nervously asked the director, "Is it ok? Director." He was afraid to hear the bearded director say, 'Do it again' again.

"OK, it's great! It's done very well, and it feels right. I think this is the best car commercial I've ever shot..." the director gave Li Rui a thumbs up while speaking. The director is already very satisfied with the fact that players who have never had a sense of camera can complete the filming of this commercial in just two days. He originally expected to spend about a week.

Li Rui heard the director say "OK", and finally he was so burdened. Of course, if he knew that the director originally planned to shoot for a week, Li Rui would probably go crazy.

"Thank you, it's finally finished." Li Rui breathed a sigh of relief. He was really a little scared. When he was a child, Li Rui had a dream of becoming a movie star. Now that he thinks about it, Li Rui absolutely believes that he has no talent for facing the camera. .


"Great, I think, after this commercial is launched, more beauties will definitely fall in love with you." The person in charge of Bentley also said with a smile, "Very good."

The cooperation with Li Rui this time is precisely the handiwork of the person in charge, so he saw that Li Rui's commercials were shot well, and the camera sense is also good (this is compared to some players with worse camera sense), He is also very satisfied. If the commercial works well after it is launched, a promotion and salary increase will already beckoning to the person in charge.

"I wish I could have more fans." Li Rui smiled.

"Female fans." The director joked aside.

Li Rui blushed a little after hearing this. The director thought it was rare to see such a shy expression on a football star, so he burst out laughing. He didn't have a good impression of the football star at first, which was also due to the reports of the English media. In the media's writing, playing with women, promiscuous sex, fighting, and drinking have almost become labels for football stars, but now, Li Rui's performance has made the director feel a lot better.


"Li, if there is a chance in the future, if there is a script that suits you, I will definitely find you." When they broke up, the bearded director was already very familiar, and said when shaking hands with Li Rui.

"Oh, God, I think I have camera phobia." Li Rui said exaggeratedly, "However, if the heroine is beautiful, I can consider it."

"That's no problem." The director also smiled, "Jessica Alba, how about she being the heroine?"

Li Rui didn't know if the director was joking about himself. After all, he and Jessica did have an affair before. It was even more impossible to know, and Li Rui took it as a joke.

"Of course." Li Rui also said with a smile, there is no need to take jokes too seriously.

"Well... so tired, even more tired than playing football." Li Rui soaked comfortably in the swimming pool of the hotel where he stayed.

In the past two or three days, in order to shoot this commercial endorsement film of Bentley Elegant R05, Li Rui appeared on the shooting scene like an actor. The rush is also due to the fact that Bentley Motors is going to cooperate with the upcoming carnival in mainland China. Taking advantage of this event and when Li Rui has just won the FA Cup and his popularity in China is soaring, Li Rui's endorsement advertisement Put it out to create a bigger publicity offensive.

On the contrary, the advertising endorsement with Red Bull, the energy drink giant, was not so urgent. The two parties have agreed to start filming the commercial next month. 2005 is not the year of the intercontinental competition. There are no important events this summer. Therefore, Red Bull It was also decided to launch Li Rui's endorsement advertisements before the opening of the Premier League, in order to expand the influence of Chinese domestic Premier League fans' expectations for Li Rui's new season.


Rodriguez came ashore from the swimming pool, lay on a deck chair, and wore a pair of wide sunglasses, "Li, there are still a few commercial contracts here, and you need to think about it."

Li Rui lay down in the swimming pool, listening to Rodriguez speak slowly.

He is very good at water, just lying in the swimming pool without sinking. This is a skill he developed in a reservoir near the elementary school when he was a child. Children in the country climb trees by relying on trees, swim by relying on water, and learn things. Very fast.


CK Underpants found Li Rui and planned to ask him to be the image spokesperson of the brand. It is said that because of Li Rui's youthful image and the unique charm of oriental men, many England female fans fell in love with him.

After listening to Rodriguez's introduction, Li Rui seemed a little unimpressed with this endorsement. The long-term influence of Chinese Confucian culture has been subtle, and for the guy who only wears underwear to cover himself, exposed in front of people all over the world, Li Rui always felt it was weird, like an 'exhibitionist'.Therefore, this commercial intention was also temporarily shelved.

Although Rodriguez strongly suggested that Li Rui win the advertising endorsement of CK underwear, and smoked to induce Li Rui, in the eyes of Western women, nudity is a kind of strange masculine beauty... Li Rui almost kicked Rodriguez Putting it into the water, this strange uncle is obviously trying to teach good children badly.


In addition, a local decoration company in the UK actually found Li Rui and asked Li Rui to be their spokesperson. The reason is that the company is currently focusing on the decoration style of Oriental charm. Li Rui is from the "mysterious" mainland China. Contribute to the promotion of this decoration culture.

For this cooperation request, Li Rui flatly refused, which is consistent with Rodriguez's point of view. The reason why he asked Li Rui was to respect Li Rui's opinion. Rodriguez also believed that with the Li Rui's reputation will become bigger and bigger, and he doesn't have to worry about advertising revenue at all. Therefore, when choosing an advertising endorsement, he must choose carefully and choose the influential and reputable big brand. Little fish and shrimp, don't bother with it at all, if something goes wrong, it will be bad if it affects Li Rui's image.


"Robby, from now on, for such a small company, you can just refuse it directly. You are responsible, and I believe in you." Li Rui swam ashore, wiped off the water stains on his body, put on sunscreen, and lay down on the chair.

"Okay." Rodriguez nodded and agreed, and the cooperation between him and Li Rui was also pleasant.

Of course, this is also because Rodriguez has seen Li Rui's potential and knows that as long as he hugs this young man's thigh, he will definitely not have to worry about money in the future, so he will not think of some crooked ideas Well, that's basically killing the chicken and picking the eggs, and chasing the end. Rodriguez is not stupid, he would not do such a thing.

"By the way, Li, several Chinese companies approached me and wanted you to endorse their products." Rodriguez said suddenly.

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, this is normal. He is already well-known in the Premier League. It is not surprising that some domestic merchants ask him to speak for him.

"What kind of businesses are they?" Li Rui asked.

"To be honest, I'm not particularly clear." Rodriguez smiled wryly. "Now I only know that one of them seems to be shampoo, and the other seems to be a pharmaceutical company...and..."

Li Rui was dizzy for a while, what was it all about, it was completely out of tune, and what Rodriguez said was not very clear, but Li Rui didn't mean to blame Rodriguez, after all, he was a Uruguayan, There are still problems with domestic communication. To be honest, this is really a bit difficult for Rodriguez.


"Forget it, anyway, I'm going back to China in a few days, let's talk about it then." Li Rui lay on the chair and turned over comfortably. Except for football, Li Rui was working hard. Regarding other matters, Li Rui was a little lazy, and he put aside the things that he didn't understand for the time being. What's the rush?

There is another reason why Li Rui is not so enthusiastic. For some domestic companies, Li Rui is really a little afraid. Compared with these large foreign companies, although some domestic companies seem to be quite large, sometimes, when they cooperate You still have to be careful when you are not careful. If you are not careful, you will be locked up. Not to mention the loss of money. The key is that if your image is also affected, the gain will not be worth the loss. Therefore, Li Rui's caution is justified .

He is not familiar with domestic enterprises, so he dare not make a decision to cooperate easily.

I have already booked a return flight from London to Amsterdam, and then fly from Amsterdam to BJ Capital Airport. Therefore, although the filming of the commercial with Bentley Motors has been completed, Li Rui is still stuck in London, and Did not return to his residence in Leeds.

In a few days, he flew directly back to China from London, and he didn't bother to bother.

Besides, Li Rui was really exhausted from shooting commercials these days, so he happened to take a rest in the hotel to relax.


Li Rui was lying on the bed talking on the phone with Jessica. The current phone bills for the two of them are staggering. International calls are not cheap. Fortunately, this phone bill is nothing to Li Rui now. , it was even more drizzle for Jessica.

"Jessica, I only know the pain of filming now. I have to admit, I admire your good feeling in front of the camera." Li Rui and Jessica chatted about their filming of the Bentley commercial, recalling Li Rui still has lingering fears about the toss when he loved commercials.

"How many successful shots have you taken?" Jessica asked on the other end of the phone, lying on the soft bed, raising her feet as smooth as white marble.

"7 times!" Li Rui said dejectedly.

Hearing Li Rui's frustrated voice, Jessica couldn't help laughing.She thought about the scene where her boyfriend, a rookie who had never been on camera before, was ordered to shoot a scene repeatedly by the director, and she found it very interesting.


The two talked about love for a while, and Li Rui suddenly remembered that his domestic company had found him as a spokesperson, and he hesitated because he didn't understand, so he asked his girlfriend's opinion. Li Rui knew that Jessica could She is not a woman with big breasts and no brains, on the contrary, she is very smart and has her own ideas about some things.

Besides, if Li Rui is a complete rookie when it comes to filming commercial endorsements, Jessica has long been familiar with some of the important joints.


"Li, your decision is right." Jessica affirmed her boyfriend's decision, and she also believed that Li Rui is now on the rise, so he must be cautious about commercial endorsements, and have an attitude of preferring lack to abuse.

Li Rui is also very happy that his girlfriend supports his actions, but when he thinks about it, he feels a pity. He also chats with friends in China. Although he doesn't know how popular he is in China now, it should still be good , Moreover, with his further success in the Premier League, more and more merchants will come to find him asking for endorsements and cooperation.

Letting go of so many domestic contracts and not negotiating, making money and not making money, is also greedy.


"Well... that's it." Of course Jessica understood Li Rui's meaning. Of course, Jessica raised her hands to support making money. This has nothing to do with greed for money or not. It is a function of values ​​and outlook on life. Abiding by the law and making money without earning money is indeed a kind of extravagant waste of God's gift.

"I think, maybe you need to find an agent in China..." Jessica tilted her head on the phone and thought for a while, "It will be much more convenient to be in charge of domestic affairs. In this situation, you can worry less, of course, this agent must be trustworthy!"

Jessica especially emphasized the last sentence, she didn't want her boyfriend to be cheated.


"Find another agent?" Li Rui's eyes lit up, this is indeed a good way, Li Rui exaggerated his girlfriend on the phone again.

After talking about these tedious things, I checked the time and it was time to go to bed. The two kissed goodbye on the phone.


Li Rui first communicated with Rodriguez, and proposed the idea of ​​finding another Chinese agent to be in charge of domestic affairs.

In Li Rui's view, this is tantamount to "decentralization" of powers for Rodriguez. Maybe Robbie will object, but he did not expect that Rodriguez seemed very happy to raise his hands in agreement.

Hearing Li Rui's question, Rodriguez said with a smile, "Li, as you become more and more famous, I'm too busy with things in Europe and America, and I don't have the energy to develop your business in China." Business development... There will be no conflict between your Chinese agent and me, but you will have to pay an extra agent's commission."

"Hehe, only those who make money will get commissions. I'm always the one who makes the most money." Li Rui nodded in relief, and said to himself, Robbie is still an honest person, and Mr. Qiu did not make a mistake in recommending it at the beginning.


Since Rodriguez didn't object, Li Rui started to look for the Chinese agent.

It is a good idea to find a Chinese agent, but what makes Li Rui a headache is the problem of choosing the agent.

On the one hand, he is not very familiar with the domestic football world, and on the other hand, he is also naturally vigilant. To put it bluntly, even this young man knows that the muddy waters in the domestic football world are not very clean. It's not a good bird, and it often plays a bad role in fueling the flames. Therefore, Li Rui really didn't dare to find these so-called big-name brokers in China.

He didn't want to be sent up to be slaughtered like a piece of monk meat.

This is not because Li Rui is so proud of himself. It is true. Although he has never been in the national team and is not a so-called "international level" star, there is one thing Li Rui can be proud of. The performance is definitely much better than some domestic stars, isn't this "Tang Monk Meat"?

Since he would not be able to think of a suitable agent candidate for a while, Li Rui put this matter on hold for the time being. Anyway, if he has time, he will talk about it later.

A day later, Li Rui boarded the plane from London Heathrow Airport in a low-key manner, transited through Amsterdam, and prepared to return home.

However, in the departure hall of Amsterdam Airport, while waiting for a connecting flight, Li Rui received a call from Xin Yang, his old coach at BIT.

Director Xin told Li Rui on the phone that when he arrived at the Capital Airport and was asked about the China Youth Team by media reporters, he should not speak casually, and it was best to avoid this topic.


"This matter may affect the 08 BJ Olympic-age national try not to say anything, so as to avoid unnecessary political influence." Director Xin especially urged.

Li Rui hung up the phone and felt depressed. To be honest, he really had no idea about the China Youth Team. On the one hand, he had not received the transfer order from the China Youth Team. On the other hand, what does this have to do with him? ?The old coach made a special phone call and told him to be 'cautious'... However, Li Rui also had to appreciate it. He knew that the old coach Xin Yang was also kind. The old man was worried that he said something that he shouldn't have said , causing unnecessary trouble.


In fact, Li Rui didn't know, because his name was not included in the squad for the U21 World Youth Championship in the Netherlands in the summer, and there was already a lot of noise in the country.

This summer, the Chinese youth men's football team under the age of 21 will participate in the FIFA U21 World Youth Football Championship in the Netherlands. The relationship, the whole has conducted a long-term training in Germany.

The reason why this youth team is so valued is also because this youth team happens to be players of the right age for the 2008 BJ Olympics. If there is no accident, most of the players will be able to participate in the 2008 BJ Olympics, so in sports According to the General Administration, under the general policy of 'all focus on the Olympics', this year's Chinese youth team can be said to be a generation that has received much attention 'with a golden key'.

And this World Youth Championship in the Netherlands is also considered a good opportunity to show the strength of this team to the national fans and relevant leaders of the Football Association, so the country is also very concerned.


However, after the China Youth Team finally reported to the Dutch World Youth Championship Organizing Committee's big list, there was an uproar in the country. Li Rui, who performed exceptionally well in the Premier League Leeds United, did not appear in this list.

This also aroused the unanimous denunciation of domestic fans on the Internet. The point they put forward was also very simple. Could it be that the top three players in the Premier League scorer list are not eligible to enter the squad for the China Youth Team?At the beginning, when the big list was announced, the Premier League had not yet concluded, and Li Rui's position on the scorer list was not fixed, so it was said that the top three, not to mention, Li Rui might win the FA Cup something happened.


Now that Leeds United has won the FA Cup, the fans have even more reason to raise their own doubts. In the previous national team games, the Football Association's reason was that Li Rui played intensively in the club. Considering the player's main position in the club For the time being, recruitment is not considered. Although this reason is nonsense, it is barely justified.

So, now, all the games of Leeds United this season are over. Li Rui is the FA Cup champion and the silver boot in the Premier League scorer list. Why can't he make it to the China Youth Team? !

Therefore, there is a lot of speculation in the country now.It's just that Li Rui, who is far away in England, doesn't know.


In recent days, on a domestic portal website, the "champion players" of the Asian teams participating in the Dutch World Youth Championship were listed, and they were named "Three Asian Tigers", which played a role in fueling the flames.

Three Asian Tigers:
Red Devils striker——Dong Fengzhu, the successor of Van Nistelrooy, the top Dutch striker hand-picked by Ferguson, the forward striker built by the Red Devils, who has shocked the Belgian Second Division, and is also the number one star of the Chinese youth team recommended by the official FIFA website.

Tai Chi young tiger——Pu Zhouyong, some time ago, in the 2006 German World Cup Asian Quarterfinals, the Korean team's away game against Uzbekistan entered the stoppage time. 10.After the game, FIFA and the AFC used the same title - "Park Joo-young saves the South Korean team".This MVP since last year's Asian Youth Championship has been regarded by Koreans as a "genius once in a century" and a "national treasure".

Japan's national treasure-Morimoto Takayuki, when he was still a middle school student, he was the youngest Japanese player in the history of the J-League at the age of 15 years and 10 months.At that time, two months later, Morimoto Takayuki became the youngest goal scorer in the J-League. After the season, the 16-year-old Morimoto was crowned the J-League rookie king.Now, in Japan, Takashin Morimoto and Ai Fukuhara, a Japanese female table tennis player, are called "Japanese national treasures" by the media.

The last sentence of this article is--'Three Asian Tigers', it is a bit of a pity, if we can get together the 'Four Tigers', it will be perfect... And then, with Li Rui lifting the FA Cup champion The picture, the implication, speaks for itself...


After hanging up the call of Xin Yang's old coach, Li Rui was very depressed. It would take more than half an hour to connect. He dialed Haishen's phone. He wanted to find out what was going on in China. As for it? So nervous.

Holding the phone, Li Rui heard Hai Shen on the other end of the phone talking about all these things with a heartless smile, and even pretended to be a farce about the so-called "Four Asian Tigers" looking for the missing "one dragon". , Tell Li Rui as a joke.


"You are the Four Little Dragons, whoever you love... It's really fucking disgusting. It's embarrassing." Li Rui couldn't laugh or cry, and laughed and cursed into the phone, "Okay, don't talk, remember to pick me up at the airport when the time comes."

Saying that, he ignored Hai Shen, and Li Rui hung up the phone.

He didn't expect that Hai Shen was not the only one who came to pick him up at the airport, it was so lively...

(End of this chapter)

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