green star

Chapter 455 The Battle of the Champions Cup Begins

Chapter 455 The Battle of the Champions Cup Begins

When Li Rui drove an Aston Martin DB9 to the Carrington training base, he found that the gates of the training base were blocked, and there were many reporters guarding there.

He honked the horn a few times, and when the reporters saw Li Rui coming, they all surrounded him. Some even stuck their microphones into the car and asked questions about Li Rui's first experience in the England team. Li Rui is a bit tired of this, from his first day in the England team, the media has been like flies.

After answering a few questions casually, after the security guards cleared a road, Li Rui started the car and drove into the training base.

In the locker room, Li Rui saw Rooney with a bitter face. The little fat man seemed to have some skin allergies. He couldn't participate in training today. He will go to the hospital with the team doctor for an examination later. Li Rui joked Asked if he was drinking too much, the little fat man quickly covered Li Rui's mouth, because he had just been reprimanded by Ferguson for his feelings.

Ferguson has already decided that Rooney will not appear in the match against Everton, so he is not too worried about the absence of the little fat man. He will call from the hospital later, it is just a small skin allergy, not a big problem, Ferguson With a big wave of his hand, the little fat man doesn't need to go back to the base for training, just stay at home and rest.

The Manchester United team started a public training session, the door opened, and the media who were still around the door just now poured in.The machine was set up outside the training ground for filming.Then a sharp-eyed reporter discovered a problem-Manchester United had already started training, so why didn't they see the little fat Rooney?

Someone told the people around him about this discovery, so the reporter group quickly discussed this topic.Ferguson has always been strict in managing the army. At this time, Rooney must not be late, otherwise, it has been at least an hour. Isn't Rooney courting death?

Seeing the calm expression on Ferguson's face, it seemed normal for Rooney not to show up at the training ground. At this time, the reporters thought of Rooney getting drunk at the bar until midnight after the England national team game a few days ago, and they couldn't help commotion. , Did Ferguson Rooney use the 'big stick'?
Thinking of this possibility, the reporters were all as excited as if they had eaten dog blood. They were busy taking pictures and making phone calls at the same time, using their respective contacts to try to figure out what happened in Manchester United's dressing room this morning.
At this moment, Manchester United assistant coach Queiroz came to inform the media that their filming time was over.

The media also packed up their equipment and retreated like birds and beasts, busy to inquire about this matter. The poor little fat man didn't expect that he missed the training session just because of a little skin allergy, and the media made rumors that he was cleaned up by Ferguson - However, this does not seem to be a rumor, it is indeed true that Rooney was reprimanded by Ferguson.

After the reporters left, the training ground became much quieter, except for the shouts of the players themselves and the whistles of the coaches.There was no other sound.

Li Rui is very serious in training, Rooney will not be able to play in the next game against Everton, then Manchester United's offensive burden will be concentrated on his and Ronaldo's shoulders, to be exact, on him, and It was the cold reception he received in the England national team that made Li Rui very unhappy. He wanted to vent. What could be better for a shooter than scoring goals?

And Manchester United's next opponent, Everton, is the target of Li Rui's venting. He wants to show all Englishmen!
September 9, Gooderson Park.

The whistle for the start of the game just blew. After a series of beautiful dribbles in the frontcourt, Ronaldo faced Barnes' attack and pushed his arch. The football reached Nani's feet, and Nani took a step forward. , suddenly kicked the football into the penalty area.

Perhaps the game has just started, and Everton players have not yet fully entered the game state. Their defenders looked back at where the football landed, but saw that Li Rui had already rushed out from the back line and headed towards the football in the air. rush over! !
"Oops—" Everton goalkeeper Vissels was shocked. He had no time to call the defender back to the defense, so he could only rush out in a hurry, hoping to grab the football before Li Rui got the ball.

When the Everton defenders saw Li Rui appearing behind them, their first reaction was not to chase back, but to raise their hands to signal to the linesman that Li Rui was offside.

But their decision was ignored by the line referee, who could see clearly that Li Rui ran after Nani passed the ball, and it was not enough for offside.It can only be said that the timing of Manchester United's pass and Li Rui's movement was too good.

Li Rui saw that Everton goalkeeper Wessels had already attacked. With the goalkeeper's height and arm length, it was impossible for him to shoot after the football fell.His only option was to finish the goal before Wessels.

Li Rui thought of this in his mind, and quickly formed an action. He speeded up again, and then by virtue of inertia, he kicked his left foot on the ground and jumped up. His head collided with the football, and he chose to shoot the ball with a header!
Almost less than a second after the football collided with Li Rui's head, and then jumped up and flew towards the goal, Everton goalkeeper Wessels' hand also arrived, and he almost directly hugged Li Rui's head. Then the two landed at the same time. At this time, there was a whistle and cheers from the Manchester United players——

The football hit the lower edge of the crossbar, then rushed to the ground, and then bounced into the goal.

Go in? !

Hearing the cheers and whistles, Li Rui got up from the 'oppression' of Everton goalkeeper Vissels and started running on the turf of Gooderson Park. He even flipped several times in excitement. It ignited the enthusiasm of the Manchester United fans who came to the away game. They shouted unscrupulously, and the Everton fans responded with huge boos.

In the first minute of the game, Nani assisted Li Rui to score, and Manchester United led Everton 1-1 away!
This is also the only goal of the game. Although Li Rui worked hard in the next game, he was unlucky. One shot had already passed the goalkeeper's hands, but was rejected by the crossbar.

Only one goal was scored, which also made Li Rui, who wanted to vent his anger in this game, a little dissatisfied. I don't know if the Liverpool media knew about Li Rui's idea, would they even have the heart to kill him? .

However, Li Rui's beautiful header lob also ranked second in the Premier League's goal rankings for this round after the game, ahead of Adebayor and Tottenham. Tottenham's third goal for Arsenal in the London derby was an upside-down golden hook, in which Adebayor scored twice and is now the top scorer in the Premier League Adebayor and Torres ranked first with the same 2 goals, while Li Rui ranked very low with only 5 goals.

This also makes the competition for the Premier League scorer list this season full of suspense.

However, when Li Rui was interviewed by the media, he expressed his confidence in winning the Premier League Golden Boot for three consecutive years. This was also criticized by the media in Liverpool and London as arrogance. But, what do they say, does Li Rui care?

After the game against Everton, Manchester United boarded a flight from Manchester to Lisbon on the second day of their return to Manchester. They will go to the Jose Albalade Stadium, the home of Sporting Lisbon in Portugal, to prepare for the season The first game of the UEFA Champions League group stage.This is also the defending champion Manchester United's first appearance in this season's UEFA Champions League, and Sky TV will also broadcast the game globally.

People say how, how, how about English football hooligans, but the "enthusiasm" of the fans of Sporting Lisbon is no less than that of the fans of England. Devil's Stadium.

Especially during the Lisbon derby between Sporting Lisbon and Benfica, the whole city seemed to be at war, the first-level security, and all the police forces were deployed at the Jose Albalade Stadium or Benfica's Stadium of Light.

Although the away game between Manchester United and Sporting Lisbon was not as tense as the Lisbon derby, the Portuguese police did not dare to be careless. They sent a letter to their English counterparts, asking their British counterparts to do a good job for the Manchester United fans who came to the away game. Don't try to provoke Sporting Lisbon fans.

What Manchester United fans will have in Lisbon, the Manchester United stars do not know yet, but they felt the enthusiasm of the Sporting Lisbon fans as soon as they got off the plane.

"Go back crying, English bastard!"

There are shirtless Sporting Lisbon fans holding up such banners at the airport, demonstrating against the Manchester United stars, and the airport security shrugged. In their opinion, this practice of Sporting Lisbon fans is still a child's play.

Jose Alballade Stadium, September 9, Sporting Lisbon VS Manchester United.

In the stands of the Jose Alballade Stadium, huge banners hung, "Go back crying, English bastard!"

Banners like this filled the entire Jose Alballard Stadium, and there was absolutely no need to worry that the Manchester United players would not see it.These banners are not written in Portuguese, but in English, it seems that Sporting Lisbon fans did their homework well.

The radical supporters of Sporting Lisbon firmly believe that doing so will make Manchester United's stars feel huge psychological pressure, so that they will play abnormally when playing against their team.
In fact, Manchester United's stars did see it, and it was really affected in the game.

Manchester United played quite hard in this game.

Sporting Lisbon's jerseys are green and white, so they have a nickname of 'lizard', and in this game, Li Rui and his teammates felt that they were entangled by a group of lizards, and felt quite depressed, angry and have no choice.

In this game, Sporting Lisbon completely adopted lethal tactics, and their goal was very clear, that is, to score one point at their home stadium, Jose Albalade Stadium, to be satisfied. Out of the iron barrel formation, with the lethal tactics of fouling, but only satisfied with 1 point, I have to say that Sporting Lisbon is really 'pragmatic'! !
The game has gone on for more than 60 minutes, and the score is still 0:0!

Li Rui was shoveled to the ground again. He got up and questioned the referee angrily. The referee only verbally warned the fouled Sporting Lisbon players. To Li Rui, "Manchester United No. 10, please pay attention to your words, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Li Rui walked away with a flick of his hand, he was full of anger now, his red Manchester United jersey was already dirty with grass mud.

Cristiano Ronaldo's free kick was pushed out by Sporting Lisbon players. Fletcher ferried the football to Li Rui. Li Rui lifted his foot and shot, but his foot slipped and fell, and the shot was missed. Anti-aircraft guns, this caused a lot of laughter from the Sporting Lisbon fans, who taunted Li Rui loudly.

Li Rui slapped the ground on the ground. Sporting Lisbon must have done it on purpose. The whole stadium is very slippery. If you are not careful, you will fall down. When they were adapting to the field training the day before the game, the field was fine. Today It didn't rain, and the team became so slippery overnight, if Sporting hadn't overwatered the turf.

"Damn Sporting Lisbon—" Ferguson cursed bitterly on the sidelines, and he can be said to be quite angry now.

When the team was warming up before the game, he found that the stadium was overwatered. He had to let the players change into the sneakers for playing in the rain when the stars and moonlight were good. Even so, Players still wrestle from time to time, who knows what else does the Sporting Lisbon people do on the pitch besides watering it? !

"Damn! You must complain to UEFA after the game." Manchester United's assistant coach, the Portuguese Queiroz also felt that his compatriot Lisbon had done a bit too much. It was just a Champions League group match. Sporting Lisbon played as hard as the Champions League final.

PS: Discuss with everyone, does Li Rui want to save England and let England participate in Euro 2008?Xiaoqi is still struggling with this question and has not finally made up his mind.

Seek everyone's support.

(End of this chapter)

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