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Chapter 469 Encounter in Ginza

Chapter 469 Encounter in Ginza (Please Subscribe!)
The pleasant voice of the beautiful Japanese flight attendant sounded, and the plane was about to land at Narita Airport in Tokyo. This was not the first time Manchester United had come to Japan. In the summer, the Manchester United team had come to Japan for commercial competitions. So far The charming and well-behaved Japanese public relations lady also made Rooney and other women have endless aftertaste, but this time the Club World Cup, Ferguson has also issued an order to Manchester United that must be won, so this time I came to Japan. A guy with a different mind may not be able to do whatever he wants.

Just like when they came to Japan for a commercial match in the summer, the moment the Manchester United team landed at Narita Airport in Tokyo, they were wildly welcomed by Japanese fans. What is different, that is, the enthusiasm shown by the Japanese fans seems to be even more fanatical!

Japan is an island country. The character of this nation since ancient times is that they always have a mentality of worshiping those strong.During World War II, the Japanese were arrogant and arrogant. They actually wanted to kill the Yankees and become the masters of the world, but they were defeated by the Americans. Instead, the Japanese were not a little embarrassed and became very obedient to the Americans. This is why It is due to the nature of the nation.

Far away, what I want to say is nothing more than one meaning. The Manchester United team who came to Tokyo with the huge aura of the five-time champion is undoubtedly the strongest team recognized by the world football. Therefore, the Manchester United team is also reasonable. It should have been wildly welcomed by the Japanese.

The fans almost surrounded the airport, and those who didn't know thought there was a riot.It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sea of ​​people.

When they saw that Manchester United's flight was about to arrive at the airport, the first thing that came to their mind was the reporters, and they frantically rushed to the immigration with their guys on their backs.

Then, countless fans ran along with them.

The security guard at the airport sighed secretly when he saw the frenzied crowd.They are different from these excited reporters and fans. Every time a big shot or star comes, the security tasks on them will be increased several times. The more popular the people who come, the more unlucky they will be. The champion Manchester United, not to mention the huge base of Manchester United fans in Japan, the current momentum of Manchester United is enough to make people crazy.

Fortunately, Japan is paying close attention to this Club World Cup match. The Metropolitan Police Department has specially arranged a group of "Self-Defense Force members" to maintain order at the entry point. Otherwise, something may really go wrong.

Li Rui and his teammates came out of the exit passage, and he was also a little surprised to see the "Self-Defense Force Members" standing neatly outside, and the crazy media and fans outside. It doesn't seem that Little Japan still attaches great importance to it.

The Manchester United players also looked at the Japanese with guns, and they all found it very interesting. Rooney straightened up and winked at Li Rui, "Li, see if I look like I am reviewing the guard of honor. Führer?"

Li Rui gave the little fat man a serious look, "I think you are more like a primitive tribal chief."

Rooney was still in a daze, but Fletcher had already burst out laughing. He patted Rooney on the shoulder, "He's laughing at you as an uncivilized native."

The little fat man rolled his eyes angrily. If there weren't so many cameras pointing at them, he probably wouldn't have let Li Rui off so easily.

"Are these the Japanese National Defense Forces?" Nani asked in surprise.

"No, this is the Japanese Self-Defense Force." Li Rui smiled, turned his head and said, "Do you know why it is the Self-Defense Force and not the National Defense Force?"

"I know, because Japan was a defeated country in World War II, and the National Defense Force is not allowed." It was Ronaldo who said this. Li Rui glanced at Ronaldo, but he couldn't tell that this kid was quite knowledgeable.You know, Europeans generally seldom learn about the history of Asia.

"That's just the official statement." Li Rui smiled.

"Is there an unofficial statement?" Anderson asked like a curious baby.

Uh——Li Rui coughed and stopped talking. It wasn't that he had a problem with Anderson, it was because of the 'unofficial' statement that he was afraid that he would spoil the kid.

The gossiping men continued to ask, but they had already come out of the exit at this time, so they had to shut up first.

When they saw Manchester United players coming out of the airport passage, the fans waiting outside the airport were excited.They shouted that no one could understand Japanese, and they shouted almost heart-piercingly. Occasionally, a few fans spoke poor English, intending to attract the attention of their favorite stars.

Fortunately, there are members of the Self-Defense Forces and security guards at the airport, so the players can barely move forward. The fans next to them frantically stretched out their hands, wanting to get close to their idols. If they hadn’t been to Japan in the summer , Knowing the madness of the Japanese fans, everyone will be shocked.

In a narrow passage blocked by the self-defense team and security guards, the Manchester United players are like a small boat in the vast ocean, moving forward tremblingly.

Many beautiful Japanese female students held up the portraits of the players and shouted wildly there. Among them, Li Rui and Ronaldo should be the most popular among the fans, because they have the most portraits.

This made Rooney very upset, yelling, Ronaldo is an unmarried diamond king, that's all, but Li Rui is married and has children, why is he still so popular.

Li Rui pouted, isn't your kid also married?This is pure jealousy!

The scene was so hot that some fans even fainted because of the crowded scene and poor air.

The Manchester United players had to speed through the tunnel, and finally boarded the bus that had been waiting outside for a long time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The fans liked them. Of course everyone was happy, but this was too enthusiastic.

Rooney still remembered the unofficial statement of the 'Self-Defense Force' that Li Rui said just now, Li Rui was so entangled by the little fat man, he said in a low voice, "Because all the good girls in Japan go to make AV and dedicate themselves to the cause of serving the public Well, Japanese men have to solve it by themselves, so it is called masturbation team.”

The little fat man's eyes widened, and after half a minute he said in a low and embarrassed voice, "Why don't those girls dedicate themselves to me?"

Li Rui really wants to give this guy a fist, boy, don't think I don't know what you did, but Li Rui knows that when he came to Japan to play commercial competitions in the summer, a few guys contacted several people through prostitutes Japanese AV actress, Hu Tian fucks.Xiao Mian is still pretending to be innocent here.

Manchester United's opponent in the semi-finals has come out. It is the host Urawa Rubies. After reaching the semi-finals, Urawa Rubins held a press conference in Tokyo. Coach Osijek is looking forward to the match with Manchester United. He admits that Manchester United is very strong. However, Osijek also insisted that the Urawa Rubies might have a chance of knocking out Manchester United in an upset——

We are well prepared, the players are working hard, and our home game, these will help us win!
The Japanese media also put Osijek's words on the front page for a while, cheering for the Urawa Red Diamonds.

And the Japanese media reporters also ran to the hotel where the Manchester United team was staying to interview the coaches and players of the Manchester United team.

Westerners know that Asians, especially East Asians, like to hear good things. Anyway, it’s not a big deal to say something good. Therefore, when interviewed Manchester United people face the microphone, they try to say good things about the Japanese.

"I've watched the Urawa Reds' match against Lu Xing. They are considered a strong team. Manchester United must go all out to win." Facing the reporter of Japan's "Asahi Shimbun", Manchester United coach Ferguson said with a smile.

The Japanese media were undoubtedly very satisfied with Ferguson's diplomatic rhetoric, and they gave thunderous applause.It is a remarkable achievement for the Japanese J-League and Japanese football to be affirmed by the European champion Manchester United.

Some reporters even thought about the title of the next day, "Japan's J-League has sharpened its sword for ten years, and the godfather of Manchester United also admires it!"

The more this reporter thought about it, the more he felt that his headline was so talented that he almost got wet.

When other Manchester United players were interviewed, they also politely praised the Urawa Rubies, which made the Japanese even more happy.In fact, if you ask Manchester United players about the names of Urawa Reds players, you probably won't be able to answer any of them.

The Japanese media are very happy, but what they most want to hear is the words of praise from Li Rui. You must know that Li Rui is now Mr. Golden Globe in Europe. Saying these words is even more valuable. Moreover, Li Rui He is a player of Chinese origin. Li Rui's success has long made the Japanese football community who look down on Chinese football very unhappy. If Li Rui can say something good about Japanese football, that would be the best.

Of course, Li Rui knew why these Japanese people flocked to interview him. He said into the microphone, "Well, it seems that my teammates are saying that Urawa Red Diamonds is a strong team. I think this is enough to attract our attention. , so against Urawa Reds, I will try to score as I did in the Champions League final."

This was at the press conference at the hotel where the Manchester United team stayed. Li Rui, as the player representative of the Manchester United team, said this. As for the words of praise, you know, the competition that can make Li Rui do his best, it can be seen that he attaches great importance to it, and Urawa Ruby should be proud of it——

However, although the Japanese like to listen to good things, they still have self-knowledge. The strength of Urawa Ruby is still top in Asia, but facing the serious Manchester United?Facing the serious Li Rui?

I'm afraid he will die miserably.This is not the reason why the Japanese see it.Therefore, the Japanese media at the scene were a little dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Although Ferguson praised Urawa Ruby in the microphone, the old Scottish man really didn't take Urawa Ruby seriously. After studying the videos of Urawa Ruby's games, he came to this conclusion—unless Manchester United made a huge mistake, otherwise, this Asian champion team would not be able to bring any real threat to Manchester United.

Therefore, Ferguson put more research objects on Boca Juniors. He believes that this South American Copa Libertadores champion team will be Manchester United's biggest opponent in winning the Club World Cup.Although Boca Juniors will also face the African Champions Cup winner Sahel Star in the semi-finals first, everyone still thinks that Boca Juniors eliminated the African Champions Cup winner Sahel Star to enter the final. question.

The match between Manchester United and Urawa Reds will be played the day after tomorrow. According to the plan, Manchester United will conduct adaptive training during the day and then watch the semi-final between Boca Juniors and the African champions at night.Therefore, Ferguson gave the Manchester United players half a day off today, and the players can go out and go shopping. Of course, if anyone thinks that this is 'herding sheep' and doing something that damages the image of the Manchester United club, the old man from Scotland The killing power stick is no joke.

Li Rui discussed with Rooney, Fletcher, Giuseppe Rossi, Ronaldo and other guys where to go shopping. It seems that this guy still has endless aftertaste.

For this proposal, Li Rui naturally opposed it. In the end, a few people made a compromise, so let's really go to see MM, but you can't mess around, among other things, although the strength of Urawa Ruby is average, but, If anyone really dared to mess around before the war, Ferguson would not be soft.

Since they were going to see MM, several people quickly reached a consensus that they would go to Ginza for a visit. Ginza in Tokyo is one of the three busiest centers in the world as famous as the Champs Elysees in Paris and Fifth Avenue in New York.The concentration of beautiful women here is also well-known around the world.

When I came to Tokyo for a business competition in the summer, a few people didn’t go to Ginza. It’s a pity. When I arrived in Tokyo, if I didn’t go to Ginza, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?
When several guys were discussing, there was a head sticking out of the door. It was Ronaldo's little fellow Nani.

Li Rui greeted Nani, "Louis, do you want to hang out together?"

"Okay!" Nani agreed quite simply.

"Where are you going?" Nani asked.

"Ginza." Rooney said, and then added maliciously, "We are going to appreciate the authentic Japanese beauties and explore the deep connotation of this nation."

"How to discuss it?" Nani pondered for a while, then asked with some incomprehension.

Li Rui quickly stopped Rooney's nonsense, but he also smiled and asked Nani, "Louis, to be honest, are you still a virgin?"

Nani seemed to have been greatly humiliated, looked at Li Rui seriously, and shook his head: "I'm not 15 years old!"

Several people looked at each other, nodded and sighed, poor little virgin.Then, Li Rui felt that he was pulling a good student who was kind and uplifting into the pit of fire: "I'll be out in a while, follow me, don't learn from Wayne and Cristiano, remember?"

Wearing a windbreaker and wearing big sunglasses, the collar of the windbreaker was turned up, covering half of his face.

There are a few weird-looking guys on the streets of Ginza, not because they are afraid of being recognized by the media and fans. Judging from their popularity, if they are recognized on the busiest street in Tokyo, it is estimated that even underwear Both are likely to be ripped off for crazy female fans.

Although Rooney and Ronaldo may have no objection to this, Li Rui doesn't want to play streaking.

Walking through the streets and alleys of Ginza, the most eye-catching thing is the girls on the road, to be precise, women. Maybe it is true, as said, almost the beautiful women of the entire Japanese island are concentrated here, and women of all ages are here. Has its own style and charm.

Rooney just looked straight at a young woman pushing a baby carriage. This young woman who gave birth to a child is still in shape. If she is not pushing a baby carriage, it is hard to imagine that she is the mother of the child.

There have been media reports that Rooney has a soft spot for mature women. Li Rui noticed the little fat man's expression just now, and he believed it in his heart. However, the little fat man seems to like prostitutes, and he has no love for good families...

They are indeed very well-dressed. These women, each one with exquisite makeup, decent costumes, and elegant manners make me dizzy. Every one of them seems to have jumped out of a Ruili magazine.

A few men judged there, and they had undergone a great baptism.

A very seductive big beauty walked past in front of several people.

"Tsk tsk, look at that butt."


When several people were commenting, the beautiful woman suddenly turned around. Just when the big stars thought they had been discovered and were a little at a loss, the big beautiful woman spoke fluent Beijing film and asked in surprise: "Xiao Rui?"

Sister Ran Ran? ——Li Rui stared at this beautiful woman with wide-eyed eyes, his expression of having done something wrong just now immediately turned into a smiley face: "Sister, when did you come to Tokyo?"

"I've been here for half a month. I have an academic exchange with Waseda University. I came to Ginza today." Qiu Ranran looked at a few guys dressed as "underworld", and then recognized that the other guys were all Li Rui teammate, that is a big star, but this dress is really not flattering, "What are you doing?"

PS: The community where I live today has a power outage, and I didn’t call until the evening. It’s depressing. I haven’t finished coding Chapter 2 yet. I don’t know if there will be a second update.

(End of this chapter)

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