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Chapter 492 Mourinho said: I need a genius!

Chapter 492 Mourinho said: I need a genius! (Plead for monthly ticket support!)

On January 2008, 1, the English Football Association announced on its official website that the Portuguese Jose Mourinho was officially appointed as the new head coach of the England team.

The FA's statement stated that Mourinho signed a four-and-a-half-year contract. After the release of this statement, Mourinho will assume his new position and begin to officially take office.His first game as England manager is expected to be a warm-up match against Switzerland at Wembley Stadium on February 4.

The official website of the Football Association of England stated that the appointment was made after discussions between the chief executive of the Football Association, Barwick, who is in charge of coach selection, and Brooking, the director of the football development department, and after listening to the opinions of many experts.

Barwick said: "I'm delighted that Jose Mourinho has agreed to be the England manager. When we were looking for a new manager, he said he wanted to name a world-class candidate. Jose was obviously the one we were looking for. .”

In his debut press conference, the ex-Chelsea manager said to the camera, "All I have to say about my new job is that I'm being honest and trying to be the best I can be, that's all."

Hearing these words, the packed press conference erupted with applause and applause. This is Mourinho, the one that the English media never forget.The reporters on Fleet Street don't know how they got through the days of leaving Mourinho. The days without 'Magic Bird' are really friggin' hard.

Well now, the 'most special one' is back and everything will be fine again, isn't it?
FA chief executive Barwick, apparently pleased with the sensational effect of his choice of Mourinho, spoke a few more words before announcing that it was time for free questions.

Free question time?All the reporters started to get excited, and everyone had a lot of questions to ask Mourinho. It has been more than half a year since we left, Jose, we miss you so much.

Mourinho's appearance will be broadcast live to the whole of England. This cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it is indeed unprecedented. The press conference of a head coach's appearance will be broadcast live to England. This in itself was a great sensation, not to mention that the head coach's name was: Jose Mourinho!

Li Rui is also in front of the TV at the moment. He is the first among the players to know that Mourinho will be the head coach of England. After the chat with Mourinho, Li Rui is looking forward to this day. Now, after hearing This gentleman is indeed the head coach of England, and he is also very happy.

I don’t know if this is a bit interesting. Manchester United and Chelsea have been sworn enemies in recent seasons. However, the Manchester United coach admires Mourinho very much, and even publicly expressed the tone of letting the Portuguese take over his class. Manchester United's future standard-bearer also has a crush on the former Chelsea manager.

However, there is nothing strange about this. A reporter from England once said that Mourinho is a man of magic. He can make players support him from the bottom of their hearts. Li Rui has been won over, and in Mourinho's heart, I am afraid this is also the most important step!

The first reporter to stand up and ask a question was from The Guardian.His question pointed directly to the European Cup in the summer of 2008: "Mr. Mourinho, there is only less than half a year left before the European Cup this summer. May I ask, are you ready?"

Mourinho has not yet answered, but the FA chief executive was a little unhappy by the reporter's skeptical question, and he suddenly interjected: "There is no doubt that we invited Jose in order to Win the European Cup!"

As soon as Barwick's words came out, there was a commotion at the scene. This was the first time that England shouted the slogan of winning the championship so "righteously"!
Mourinho was a little uncomfortable with Barwick snapping the conversation, glancing at the chief executive before saying: "Five months to the Euros, it's tight, but, I think, that's enough. "

"European Cup champion?" "The Sun" reporter asked.

"Do you mean that the England team is a team that has no desire to win the championship?" Mourinho took a deep breath. He also missed this 'sword-tattling' atmosphere, and asked bluntly?

The "Sun" reporter was not angry, said 'thank you', and sat down. Anyway, he knew how to write a report.

"Can you reveal a little bit about your team building policy, Mr. Mourinho?" The BBC reporter asked a very real question.

"All English players are likely to be selected for the national team. I will give everyone a chance. Of course, the European Cup is not long, and some players may only have one or two chances." Mourinho replied, BBC reporter Nodding his head, as expected, Mourinho is still so strong, but he doesn't know if this is a blessing or a curse for England.

"The current England captain John Terry and Lampard are both your players when you were at Chelsea. It is said that when you left Chelsea, you were related to Terry. Will this affect..." the reporter Try not to irritate Mourinho's words too much. The reporter has been notified by the Football Association for this appearance. If anyone goes too far, he will hum in the future... However, the things in the reporter's bones still cannot be changed, no, asked this question.

Mourinho squinted at the reporter, "John is a good player. We had a great time working together at Chelsea. However, now it's the England team. I only choose players based on their status and performance, and of course their attitude!"

"Will Terry still be the captain of England?" The reporter of "Guardian" asked. The captain's armband to announce the birth of a new order.

"Well." Mourinho looked calm, "The captain's armband will not change until the next training camp."

Isn't this bullshit, the reporter scolded below, and now, they are more and more sure that Terry was the reason why Mourinho left Stamford Bridge in the first place, at least it was one of the reasons.

The scene at the press conference did not have a direct impact on Li Rui. The only thing he can confirm is that this is an opportunity for him, a rare opportunity, and Mourinho will definitely give him Opportunity, as to whether you can seize it, depends on your own performance.

After this press conference, the news that former Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho was officially appointed as the coach of the England team appeared in major newspapers, television, radio and the Internet.

'The most special one' is back, and it has quickly become the focus of the English media these days!There are shots and photos of Mourinho everywhere on TV and in newspapers.

After Mourinho took office, he immediately took out his mobile phone to summon the old department. He is not a polished commander. When he agreed to be the head coach of England, he obtained the approval of the Football Association of England. The members of his coaching staff are all composed of him. Decide for yourself.

The first person to receive a call from Mourinho was Brito. He was an old friend and partner of Mourinho. When he was at Chelsea, Brito was a member of his coaching staff, but Mourinho After Neo's resignation, Brito was also expelled by Chelsea.

Mourinho and Brito are veritable old friends. This relationship can be traced back to 30 or 80 years ago. In the early [-]s, Brito played in Rio Ave. The head coach at that time was Mourinho. O's father Felix.

Brito and Mourinho became friends at that time, and after Mourinho took over Chelsea, Brito became a member of the coaching staff, and his status was even higher than that of the first assistant coach Clark.In the quarter-finals of the Champions League against Bayern that year, Mourinho was suspended, and it was Brito who directed the game on the spot.

After receiving a call from Mourinho, Brito, who was still in Lisbon, promised to come to London to assist Mourinho as soon as possible without saying a word.

After that, it was Faria, Chelsea's fitness coach in the Mourinho era, who received a call from Mourinho.The two are also old friends. When Mourinho was assisting Van Gaal in Barcelona, ​​Faria was still a student who came to the club for an internship to complete his graduation thesis. At that time, Faria and Mourinho hit it off.The German media hated Faria, because he used the headset to convey instructions to Mourinho in the Champions League against Bayern. The Germans gave him a nickname, "The Fool in the Wool Hat".

Next, goalkeeping coach Silvino Rullo, who was with Mourinho when he was at Porto.He and Mourinho are fellows of Setubal.Compared with the rest of the coaching staff, Rulo's player era is commendable.He capped 23 times for Portugal and also appeared in two Champions League finals with Benfica.Once in the 1988 penalty loss to PSV Eindhoven and once in 1990 to AC Milan.

Then there was Villas-Boas, known as 'Little Mourinho', who was an assistant coach and scout.During the Porto period, Villas-Boas was Mourinho's eyes and ears.He is responsible for collecting intelligence on the opponent and then writing a pre-match report.His reports are the freshest and are usually handed over to Mourinho 24 hours before the game.His report is very detailed, even the running route of each opponent, whether he likes to go left or right, whether he likes to pass or pass is clearly written.Others such as endurance level and heading ability are all clear at a glance.Even his temper and disposition will not be missed.However, Boas is ambitious.He has publicly stated that one day he wants to be a head coach.This makes Mourinho not very happy.The madman once warned Boas: Don't talk about your ambitions in front of the media.As a result, the two people with strong personalities fell in peace.

The media called Boas a "little Mourinho".Nowhere was this more evident than in the Champions League clash between Chelsea and Barcelona.In the second round at Stamford Bridge, Collina's final whistle was about to blow, and Villas-Boas taunted Barcelona's coaching bench, causing the Barcelona general to almost make a move.Security came out to stop Rijkaard.When the Barcelona players left the field, Boas stepped forward to provoke again.Seeing that the angry Eto'o was stopped by the security again, Boas showed his disdain for the defeated opponent.

Therefore, although Mourinho was the last to call Boas, but for this 'little Mourinho', the madman is the most important.

After making a phone call and fixing his team, Mourinho called the Chief Executive of the England Football Association Barwick, hoping to appoint an Englishman to the coaching staff. Barwick agreed. This candidate will be in Pierce. , Adams and Alan Shearer.

On January 1, Li Rui came to the Carrington Training Base for an examination. After the operation, he had to sit in a wheelchair, and he was able to walk on crutches a week ago. However, Li Rui's recovery is surprisingly good , This also made Manchester United team doctor Jeffers very happy. If the condition is still good during today's inspection, Li Rui will be able to do simple exercises next week.

Ferguson attached great importance to Li Rui's examination. The Scottish old man put down his work and waited outside the medical room, which shows how much he attaches importance to Li Rui.

Two hours later, the team medical team gave Ferguson a more optimistic conclusion after careful examination.

After the operation, Li Rui's right leg recovered in good condition, even better than the most optimistic expectation. This made Ferguson very happy. He called Li Rui's chief surgeon to thank him on the spot. This is not a courtesy , It’s a heartfelt thank you, Li Rui is indeed too important to the Manchester United team.

Hearing that he was recovering well, Li Rui asked the team doctor Jeffes hopefully when he could return to the court to play.Although he only left the arena for less than three weeks, for Li Rui, life seemed like years.

Ferguson was also very concerned about Li Rui's question. He turned his head to look at the team doctor Jeffers. However, the team doctor's answer made everyone a little bit disappointed.

"Going to the game? How is this possible, how can it be so fast! From next week, you can start simple physical exercises, and then, depending on the recovery situation, you can increase the training intensity. In this case, an optimistic estimate, after about a month, It can initially meet the requirements of the game." Jeffes analyzed.

Li Rui looked disappointed. Ferguson looked better. Although he was eager for Li Rui to come back as soon as possible, the old man was still mentally prepared for this. Although it would take a month, it was already ahead of schedule. 10 days or so, which is already pretty good.

Then, Ferguson and the team doctors discussed the time of Li Rui's comeback to arrange recovery training. In the end, the time of Li Rui's comeback was set for the 27th round of the league, when Manchester United played away with Newcastle.

Why this day is set? On the one hand, it depends on Li Rui’s recovery. At that time, he should have recovered very well. In addition, Ferguson still has his own Xiaojiujiu. Before the game against Newcastle, it happened to be FIFA’s On the day of the national team match, Ferguson didn't want Li Rui to come back early. That would be like handing over Li Rui, who had just returned from injury, to the new England coach Mourinho.

This kind of thing, Ferguson will not suffer to do it.

The first collision between Manchester United coach Ferguson and England coach Mourinho was born quietly.


In this game, although Manchester United scored two goals, both goals were scored by taking advantage of set kicks. The first goal was scored by Ferdinand's header, and the second goal, It was Scholes' set-piece that caused the chaos, and the Middlesbrough defender made a mistake and accidentally knocked the ball into his own net.

Therefore, after this game, the issue of Manchester United's striker after Li Rui's injury once again attracted the attention of the media and fans.

With less than a week before the winter transfer window closes, the rumors about Manchester United looking for a shooter have become more intense, and even some incredible versions have come out. The "Daily Mirror" reported that Manchester United has Possibly a free move for Vieri, who is now a free agent...

On January 1th, in the 29th round of the league, Manchester United 24-1 Portsmouth at home, Cristiano Ronaldo scored the only goal of the game, Manchester United No. 0 was also named the best player in the game after the game.

However, the headline on the front page of Manchester United's official website the day after the game was the news that Manchester United spent £1200 million to introduce Newcastle's England international Owen.

This news shocked everyone. The former golden boy of Anfield came to Old Trafford, Liverpool's arch-enemy. dare to believe.You know, although Irving is now a Newcastle player, everyone will think of Liverpool whenever Irving is mentioned. Owen has the indelible blood of the Red Army. That would cause such a big commotion.

According to the "Independent", when Newcastle bought Irving from Real Madrid at a price of 1650 million pounds, there was a buyout clause of 1200 million euros in the contract, which means that if any team intends to buy Irving, And as long as Owen himself agrees, then Newcastle can only release him at a price of 1200 million pounds.

But this time, Manchester United, whose front line was in crisis because of Li Rui's injury, was looking for a striker everywhere. Ferguson found Owen and invited Owen to join him. After thinking about it for a day, Owen called Ferguson and expressed his willingness to come to Old Trafford. court.Manchester United therefore exercised the buyout clause of £1200 million. Although Newcastle did not want to let people go, but Irving had no hope for Newcastle's current results and future. He was determined to leave, and Newcastle could only Can helplessly let people go.

Rooney called Li Rui to tell him that Owen came to Manchester United. At that time, Li Rui was taken aback. He really didn't expect that one day he would become a club teammate with the "chaser boy" Owen. You know, in 1998 During the World Cup in France in 13, Li Rui was only [-] years old. At that time, he was watching the England game in front of the TV. Owen's famous goal made him crazy, and it also made Li Rui remember this little England man named Michael Owen. shooter.

Later, Owen won the European Golden Globe Award, and Li Rui was also happy for Liverpool's golden boy. Although he cannot be said to be a fan of Owen, his love for the English striker is true.

Now, it is really unbelievable that he and Irving have become club teammates.Can't think of it.

Li Rui can already start training with the ball. However, he can only train with the ball. At most, he is allowed to practice a few shots on the sidelines. This makes Li Rui very depressed. Go to the pitch.

On February 2, Manchester United was tied 2:1 by Tottenham Hotspur in an away game in the league. Li Rui was in the VIP box at the White Hart Lane Stadium and saw that the team was drawn by Tottenham Hotspur at the last moment of the game. Thorn tied the score and he was powerless in the stands.So after the game, when a reporter from "Mirror" asked Li Rui what he thought of the game, the words Li Rui used were "very painful!"

It is indeed painful, but a shooter can only be in the stands, watching his teammates play in front of the TV, and the most painful thing is that when the team needs someone to score a goal, he is not on the field. kind of torment.

"Good morning, Lee, will you go to the game?"

"Yes, I will go to the new Wembley Stadium." Li Rui replied with a smile.

Li Rui was walking around in the park pushing a stroller. Although his right leg was recovering quickly, it still hadn't met the requirement to play. In Rinho's first game after coaching England, Li Rui could only be absent.

On February 2, Mourinho's first game in charge of England was against the Swiss team, one of the hosts of the European Cup in 6. In the final game, England 2008:0 Switzerland.

For Switzerland, being able to draw with the mighty England in an away game, for the hosts of Euro 2008, has greatly enhanced their confidence in qualifying for the group stage.

However, for England, it is facing censure, especially this is Mourinho's first game in charge of England, but it starts with a game that can be called 'ugly' in terms of scenes and scores, which is really unreasonable .

At the post-match press conference, Mourinho’s answer to the questions from England reporters was——

"My team is far from perfect, most obviously I need a talent and he just doesn't play..."

'I need a genius', Mourinho's words became the headlines of the media after the game, who is the genius in his mouth? "The Independent" is connected with an arrow after the headline, and at the end of the arrow is a photo of Li Rui...

PS: For the second change, please support the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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