green star

Chapter 498 Mourinho's trust!

Chapter 498 Mourinho's trust! (Boom! The first update, please ask for a monthly pass!)
England's training camp was chosen at Arsenal's Kearney training base. Mourinho arranged the England training at Arsenal's training base instead of Chelsea's Harrington training base. The media was surprised. They all thought that Mourinho would take the England team to his former "turf" for a while, and revisit the old place.

However, Mourinho's approach is not worthy of criticism, because the Kearney training base is advanced, and the England team has used it as a base for preparing for important games many times before. The major leagues have also come to Kearney many times for recovery training during the offseason. As for whether this will cause Ferguson's dissatisfaction, I don't know.

Don't look at Arsenal's lack of action in the transfer market, but when it comes to training bases, the "Gunners" Kearney base can be called the best among giants.The Kearney training base was completed in 2000 and is built in the lush Hertfordshire, only 45 minutes' drive from the Emirates Stadium.It is currently the best training ground in the UK, with a total of ten standard courts, each of which is equipped with underground drainage facilities and an automated sprinkler system.

Speaking of Kearney, I would also like to thank Real Madrid-Wenger used half of the £2300 million that Real Madrid paid for Anelka to build the Kearney base, and the other half was used to acquire Henry, which resulted in Arsenal getting Total sublimation.

When Li Rui arrived at the Kearney training base, he found that he was the last one to arrive, but luckily he was not late.

Li Rui cannot be blamed for this. After the game against Newcastle, Manchester United received a fax from the FA asking Li Rui to report to the England team. However, Ferguson believed that Li Rui had just returned from injury and was reluctant Rui went to the Kearney training base. In the end, Mourinho called Ferguson himself, but Ferguson had no choice but to let him go.At this moment, Manchester United's England international Rooney, Ferdinand, Carrick and Hargreaves have already set off for the Kearney training base before Li Rui, so Li Rui will be the last to arrive.

"Welcome, Li Rui." Mourinho smiled and patted Li Rui on the shoulder.

"I'm not late, sir." Li Rui said with a smile. Although Li Rui knew in advance that Mourinho would be the head coach of England, and this was already the second training session for the England team, this was Li Rui's It was the first time I formally met with a madman as a disciple, and it was inevitable that I was a little emotional.

"Of course not." Mourinho continued, "Remember to call me the boss..."

"Yes, uh—boss."

"Go for a physical examination first, then you can walk around and start training in the afternoon." Mourinho is in a good mood, and Li Rui can participate in this training camp, which makes him confident about the match against the French team.

In fact, the whole of England is paying attention to this warm-up match with the French team. Whether Mourinho's Three Lions can usher in a victory in the second game has attracted much attention.

Li Rui originally planned to go to Rooney, but the English players had already started training, so he could only rush to the medical room at the Kearney training base by himself. Of course, the medical room was now occupied by the England team doctor.

"Great, I don't know what state you were in before you were injured, but I want to say, boy, you are so strong now that you can kill a wild boar with one punch." England's team doctor Hippel patted Li Rui on the shoulder, It's an exaggeration to say, of course, Hippel didn't forget to slander Ferguson, and Li Rui didn't dare to say anything about this.

"Mr. Hippel, can I participate in the match against France?" Li Rui asked eagerly.

"Hehe." Hippel smiled, "Your physical condition is good, but I can't decide whether you can play or not, depending on Jose's opinion like that, okay, boy, you can leave now, um, Remember to attend the training on time in the afternoon. Now, go out and forget to walk about 500 meters. There is a bar where you can have a drink or two. If you are sure that Jose will not find you... In addition, the training room is also open, but, I don't recommend you at this time..."

Li Rui has a black hair, he felt that the image of Xi Boer overlapped with the grumbling Tang Monk in "A Chinese Journey to the West", he quickly said 'BYE', and ran away with his head in his arms, which was the team doctor's killing The power is huge.

Li Rui misses the team doctor in the McLaren era a little bit. Although the old gentleman is a bit boring, but at least he is not noisy... Maybe this is the only thing that makes Li Rui satisfied in the McLaren era.

Li Rui is relatively unfamiliar with Arsenal's Kearney training base. In the McLaren era, McLaren preferred Chelsea's Harrington training base, so this is the first time Li Rui has come to the Kearney training base.

Thinking of himself as a Manchester United player, but wandering around the Arsenal training base, Li Rui felt weird. After walking for a few minutes, he saw the bar that the team doctor said - "Long live the Gunners". Obviously, This is the place for Arsenal fans.

Seeing Li Rui push the door in, the guests in the bar were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Li Rui with bright eyes, which sent a chill down Li Rui's spine, because he noticed the neck of these drinkers. They were all wearing Arsenal scarves, obviously, most of the people here were Arsenal fans.

"Damn it." Li Rui cursed secretly, he was already prepared, if something went wrong, he would run away, now is not the time to be a hero, besides, if you fight with fans, the FA will not let you go .

However, the next scene made Li Rui stunned, and even slightly moved.

A fat man who was obviously drunk stood up and raised his glass, "Guys" hiccup, "welcome our hero Li, come on, let's have a toast..." Gululu...

A group of people yelled and drank the wheat-yellow beer in their cups in one gulp. Then, they gathered around again, patted Li Rui on the shoulder, and asked him for his autograph and group photo.

This really flattered Li Rui. It is really not easy to make Arsenal fans so enthusiastic about a Manchester United player. Li Rui knew that it was because of the goal he scored to save England in the game against Croatia. Goal, these fans are grateful to him.

Seeing that he looked quite popular, Li Rui felt relieved. He smiled and nodded at the Arsenal fans, and patiently satisfied their request for autographs.

The owner of the bar also squeezed over, wanted to take a photo with Li Rui, and said that he would hang the photo with Li Rui in the bar in the future. To be honest, Li Rui was deeply suspicious of this sentence. You are an Arsenal fan bar owner. Hanging in the photo with Manchester United's main striker, this is a bit too much...

After ordering a glass of non-alcoholic rum, Li Rui sat down. After a while, the bar became lively, and England players who had finished training gradually walked in.

Seeing Li Rui, they all warmly greeted Li Rui. Although in the league and in the rivalry, the two sides are sworn enemies, but, no matter what, they are now England players, and the superficial relationship still needs to be maintained. .

The bustling situation was a little silent because of the appearance of a person.

"Would you like to have a drink with me?"

Hearing the sound, Li Rui turned his head to look, but saw Mourinho's face. He swallowed. This was a surprised reaction. No wonder everyone stopped talking. Thinking of what Mourinho said just now, he froze for a moment. Unexpectedly, Mourinho would make such a request when he opened his mouth.

"Professional players can't drink—" Li Rui replied, and then argued, "This rum is non-alcoholic." He was afraid that Mourinho would think that he was an alcoholic, so he would stop eating.

"Bernard, give him a glass of juice." Mourinho yelled at the bar owner, and then he patted Li Rui on the shoulder, "Tomorrow's game against France, you will start. Don't let me down."

As the head coach, Mourinho's words are indeed a great encouragement to a player, especially a young player. Li Rui was fed up with being wronged in the McLaren era. At this time, I feel Seeing Mourinho's attention, the excitement in my heart can be imagined.

Seeing Li Rui's reaction, Mourinho smiled. This is what he wanted. Of course, he really appreciates Li Rui. This is a necessary premise!
In addition, Mourinho's Portuguese, Li Rui is a Chinese player. The two people's "beginnings" are close, and it is easier to gain the trust of each other. This is also a reason why Mourinho chose to "train" Li Rui's status in the England team reason.

Looking at Mourinho's back, Li Rui was still a little dazed, while the other English players looked at Li Rui with jealousy or envy. Mourinho's trust and love for Li Rui were undoubtedly revealed. In this England team, no player has ever gained such trust from the Portuguese before.

Li Rui was a little moved. He finally knew why so many players respected this maverick head coach. Of course, Li Rui also knew that Mourinho's preference was also a kind of pressure. If Li Rui A bad performance in this game is tantamount to betraying the trust of the 'madman'. Although it cannot be said that there will be no chances in the future, the impact is definitely not good, and among these teammates, it may be that they have not waited to see themselves It’s a joke, for example, Defoe, in the McLaren era, this guy didn’t have a good relationship with Li Rui. At that time, Owen and Rooney were starting partners, and Defoe was fighting for the position of the third striker, so he regarded Li Rui as a thorn in his side.

Defoe may not have realized that Li Rui will be in an unprecedented position in the Three Lions in the Mourinho era, and he can't be compared.

Of course, this also requires Li Rui to show this kind of performance himself!

PS: The first update! !Start to give back to everyone!

It is still in the double monthly pass period, everyone still has a monthly pass, let's smash it!Xiaoqi's source of motivation!Still the same sentence, no matter what the result is, fight for a month!Xiaoqi needs everyone's support! !Let everyone have a good month!This month is cool!Say it first! !
(End of this chapter)

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