green star

Chapter 506 Conquering England's football mecca! !

Chapter 506 Conquering England's football mecca! ! (Crying for a monthly ticket! 200 tickets plus update! Cum today's fifth update!!)

Robinson was holding the football and was about to delay the time when he suddenly heard someone calling him loudly. He looked up and found that Li Rui was standing near the middle circle with an anxious expression on his face, raising his hands desperately to shout. ——

Want him to launch a quick counterattack with his big foot directly in front of the goal?
Robinson didn't hesitate at all. Holding the ball, he strode to the penalty area line and threw the ball far forward with all his strength!
His strong hand tossed the ball really far. Li Rui retreated to catch the ball in the middle circle. He stopped with his chest and unloaded the ball beautifully and steadily.

"Robinson! He threw the ball vigorously to launch a counterattack! Li Rui got the ball! England's chance to counterattack!" Taibi shouted loudly and stood up involuntarily.

At this time, on the sidelines, Owen was already standing on the sidelines. As long as there is a chance of a dead ball, the England team will complete the substitution, and Owen will replace Li Rui.

After the chest stopped the ball, Li Rui looked up and looked forward. In the backcourt of the French team, there were only three players, the central defender Thuram, the left back Abidal, and Makelele.

Behind Li Rui, the French players were desperately returning to the defense. Li Rui didn't hesitate at all. He lowered his head and rushed forward with the ball.

On the one hand, the opportunity to counterattack is fleeting. On the other hand, Li Rui also knows that he has no time. Even if the French players commit a crime against him and the ball is dead, he will be replaced by Owen.

Seeing Li Rui rushing over with the ball, Makelele first rushed to Li Rui, and at the same time he was calling for Abidal to come up and defend.

Facing Makelele who was rushing forward, Li Rui controlled the football under his feet. He pretended to throw the ball to the right. After attracting the French veteran's center of gravity to the left, he lightly pulled the ball with his right foot, and then a Speeding up, he dribbled the ball past Makelele's right.

"Beautiful! His footwork is so gorgeous!" Lineker exclaimed loudly.

After breaking through Makelele, Li Rui saw Abidal appearing on his way forward.

"You can't stop me!!" Li Rui roared loudly, and he looked extremely confident at the moment.

This is Wembley Stadium, the holy land of football in England. If you want to conquer England fans, you must first conquer here. Three months ago, Li Rui was on this stadium and made the whole of England go crazy, but he was not enough!
not enough!

He wants the whole of England to accept him willingly, accept his football, he is a talent, his footwork, his shooting skills, his football world! ! !
Although his football dream is bitter, on a road full of thorns, there will be flowers after all, isn't it? ! !

At this moment, Li Rui is so confident! !

Facing Abidal who was rushing forward, Li Rui slammed on the brakes while running at high speed, stepped on the football in place, then suddenly accelerated again, passing Abidal's side!

Abidal saw Li Rui stop abruptly, and stopped too. At this moment, Li Rui suddenly started, and rushed past him like a leopard. At this time, he wanted to speed up and turn around to chase, but , but his feet trembled, and he fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity.He looked helplessly at Li Rui's back as he walked away.

"I declare that the kinetic energy theory is invalid on Li Rui!!!" Lineker shouted excitedly. Li Rui's sudden stop and acceleration broke through Abidal in the blink of an eye, which made everyone crazy.

The entire new Wembley Stadium was like boiling water. Some fans had already stood up ahead of time, staring at Li Rui, the football under his feet, and the opponent in front of him! !
Although Abidal did not stop Li Rui, he bought that second for Thuram. Don't underestimate this second. On the football field, an instant is enough to create a miracle, and it is also enough to stop a miracle from happening .

Thuram was smart enough to post Li Rui. The French veteran's defensive experience and ability are quite good. Despite his age, Thuram still has physical strength after only 60 minutes of the game.

On the sidelines, seeing Thuram posting it successfully, the French team coach Domenech was relieved. He still believed in the veteran of his team. After being posted by Thuram, Li Rui wanted to relax It's very difficult to kick and shoot, and at this time, the defenders of the French team have to be in place to defend.

Domenech raised his eyes and saw Rooney was also advancing quickly on the other side. He shouted from the sidelines and told Vieira, who was back on defense, to go up and entangle Rooney. Otherwise, Li Rui only needed one point and Rooney could score The restricted area has a single chance.

Li Rui felt his blood boiling. At this moment, all he thought about was scoring a goal!


Only goals, only goals, is the medicine to cool down his boiling blood!

Just like an erupting active volcano, it needs a huge amount of refrigerant to cool down a little bit!
Li Rui's feet were extremely flexible. His feet switched back and forth. Suddenly, he moved, and the inside of his right foot flicked the football. Then he made a turn, and the football went around Thuram. At the same time, Li Rui accelerated, Skim over from the other side! !
"The human ball is divided!!! God!" Lineker waved his fist and shouted, "The tenacious Thuram...God!!!"

When Li Rui was about to catch up with the football, Thuram did not give up. He fell to the ground behind Li Rui and made a tackle. Seeing the football being shoveled by himself, Thuram jumped up. On the ground, laughing.

Because he saw that Kupe had already attacked. At this time, the distance between the football and Kupe is the same as the distance from Li Rui. However, under such circumstances, the advantage of the goalkeeper is undoubtedly obvious, because the goalkeeper can fall to the ground For saving, the length of the arm gives the goalkeeper an innate advantage.

This ball, just got by the goalkeeper of the French team?
Everyone on the England bench and on the coaching bench stood up, and everyone opened their eyes wide, watching this wonderful scene on the field.

At this moment, in the stands of the new Wembley Stadium, the Spanish coach Aragones also stood up. He even felt a little regretful. In his opinion, England's counterattack was very sharp. Unfortunately, they missed the goal Now, the football is going to be taken by Kupe! !

Is that right? ! !

Do not! ! !
At this moment, incredible exclamations came from the entire stadium.

Everyone saw that Li Rui accelerated and approached the football almost at the same time as Coupe. However, Li Rui's right foot touched the football first, and he picked the football up with his toe, hitting Coupe's body and jumping up.

At this time, Li Rui, who was too fast, had already passed Kupe by half a body. At this time, everyone knew that Kupe only needed to reach out to catch the football, and this attack was over!

"Oh!!!! God!! He is simply a genius!!!" Lineker opened his mouth wide. At this moment, there are tens of thousands of people in the entire New Wembley Stadium who are doing the same as him!
Everyone opened their mouths wide to see——

Li Rui's right foot dragged behind, but before Kupe fell to the ground to catch the ball, he suddenly picked up the football!
The football jumped up like a mischievous elf, and went around Kupe's shoulder!
Then flew directly into the unguarded earth gate!

However, Li Rui, who couldn't hold back his center of gravity, fell forward and fell headfirst in front of the goal, but his eyes were fixed on the net, watching a round ball hit into the snow-white net, Splash white waves! !

Then, Li Rui turned over and lay down on the turf of the new Wembley Stadium, looking at the blue sky, hearing the roar of mountains and tsunami in his ears——

Finally in! ! !

He felt the moisture in his eyes, teacher, did you see, I'm going to conquer this court...conquer, conquer...are you still blaming me?I really……

"MY——GOD—goooooooooooooooooooooal!!! Goooooooooooooooooooal!!!" Tabby's crazy and high-pitched roar sounded, and he almost screamed desperately! ! !

After the entire New Wembley Stadium was silent for a moment, the active volcano completely erupted, and a huge tsunami erupted in the English Channel!The whole Thames is rolling! !
Boom! ! !

Mourinho, who had been standing there on the sidelines with his hands in his trouser pockets watching the attack, raised his arms high, yelled, and then rushed into the field to celebrate, the fourth official on the side quickly stopped his excitement. The head coach of the Three Lions.

But at this moment, on the field, whether it was Li Rui's teammates or the players of the French team, they were still in a daze. They looked at the man lying in front of the French team's goal...

Until this moment, they never thought that this ball actually——

In! !
The Chinese fans in the stands of the new Wembley Stadium hugged each other excitedly. They were singing and dancing, hugging, shouting, jumping, jumping, and venting crazily. They knew:
Wembley became the place where Li Rui became famous.

This Chinese star conquered this stadium, the holy land of English football! !
He made the proud John Bull bow down! ! !
PS: 200 votes will be added!
This is the fifth update today, and about [-] words have been updated today.

Don't be afraid of everyone's jokes, this chapter, writing here, Xiaoqi really cried, a Chinese, at Wembley Stadium, let the English pay homage, what a sight it is, I am afraid it will be difficult to see in this life, Just let Li Rui do it! !

220 votes away from 8 votes!
Don't you guys want to vote for the monthly ticket when you see that Xiao Qi is tired and let Xiao Qi rest?Xiaoqi wants to say, don’t be tired, work hard like this, fight with everyone, Xiaoqi is not tired, really, we are together, maybe, we can really witness a miracle!
The results of this book have always been dismal, but we still grabbed the monthly pass for this month!

Because of you!Xiaoqi fights hard without regret! !
Ask for monthly ticket support!

Thank you so much, brothers and sisters!It is Xiao Qi's lifelong blessing to get to know everyone through this humble competitive novel!
(End of this chapter)

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