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Chapter 516 Sprint Arrangement

Chapter 516 Sprint Arrangement
Too sleepy to bear it.

After posting nearly [-] characters in two days, Xiao Qi's hands were about to cramp.

In the last two days of the double monthly pass, Xiaoqi will continue to fight!
Tell me about the update schedule for today.

The first chapter is the 270 monthly ticket refill. I hope that after Xiaoqi wakes up, the monthly pass can reach 270. Xiaoqi originally wanted to issue the 270 refill in advance, but he was too tired and had a low fever all the time. He wanted to vomit.

After the addition of 270, it is a guaranteed [-] update!
Then there are more updates:

Monthly tickets to 310 tickets, plus a chapter.

Monthly tickets to 320 tickets, plus one more chapter.

And so on!

The monthly ticket is doubled at the last moment, please support everyone!
Xiao Qi's [-] update guarantee is very kind, everyone please support and help Xiao Qi!
(End of this chapter)

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