green star

Chapter 549 Some children, watch in heaven!

Chapter 549 Some children, watch in heaven! (2nd update!)

While Li Rui was training hard to prepare for the Champions League final, Hai Shen was also busy with his donation to the disaster-stricken areas in China.

In Hai Shen's view, this donation is also a good opportunity to shape Li Rui's image in China and vigorously promote Li Rui. This is not a hype. After all, Li Rui is sincerely willing to help the disaster area , this is unmatched by some 'fake donations'.

After the donation of 50 euros arrived in the account, Haishen and his domestic team began to act quickly to purchase tents, mineral water, masks, instant noodles, bread and other basic daily necessities, and then sent them to the disaster area one after another.

On May 5th, at 14:50 AM BJ time, Haishen held a press conference and announced that Li Rui personally donated 50 euros to aid the earthquake-stricken areas. The donation will be used to buy tents, mineral water, bread and other basic living expenses Necessities, and said that this donation of [-] euros will be Li Rui's first donation to the disaster area, and there will be follow-up donations in the future.As a Chinese, he has always been with the people of the motherland and the people in the disaster area

Li Rui has also become the one who donated the largest amount of aid so far among the individuals who donated to the disaster area, and he is also the second person who donated money among sports stars.

Previously, Yao Ming, who played for the NBA Rockets, was still in the United States for treatment of injuries, but he had already donated a total of about 200 million yuan to the disaster area as soon as possible.

Yao Ming said in an interview: "I learned about the situation in the earthquake-stricken areas of Sichuan through TV and the Internet. There, many of my compatriots are going through the most difficult and painful time in their lives. Watching the earthquake destroy It is difficult for me to express my inner pain in words. I think the only thing I can do is to act together with everyone as soon as possible and try my best to help the compatriots in the disaster area.”

Yesterday, that is, May 5, Yao Ming donated 13 yuan to the Red Cross Society of China through his domestic brokerage team, and 50 dollars in foreign currency to the Red Cross Society in the United States, and his donation reached 21.4 million yuan.

Yao Ming was the first to donate, and Li Rui was the second sports star to donate, and the money Li Rui donated, just this first donation reached 50 euros, almost three times that of Yao Ming, but , Regarding the question of how much money was donated, Li Rui responded to the domestic media through Haishen, saying that what is important now is not how much money someone donated, but what is important is action. Every Chinese should take action to support the domestic earthquake resistance Disaster relief, the important thing is how many people can be rescued, life is the most important! !

After Li Rui's remarks were reported by the media, his popularity and prestige in China suddenly rose to the peak after he joined the England team.Fans also kept posting online to support Li Rui.

"Every Chinese should take action, the most important thing is action! Life is the most important thing!"

Li Rui's words were quickly quoted as headlines by major domestic media and placed on an important page. This is the heart of a Chinese, this is the family relationship where blood is thicker than water, and they are all descendants of Yan and Huang. Support from all directions, all descendants of the dragon!

Li Rui, the "first brother" in the football world, and Yao Ming, the "first brother" in the basketball world, both stood up to support the disaster area with practical actions. Immediately afterwards, whether willingly or unwillingly, some football stars and basketball stars also stood up. Come out and donate to the disaster area.

The domestic media and fans also praised the actions of sports stars. Even the national football team, which has always been notorious in China, seems to have changed.

Hearing that there was a major earthquake in Li Rui's home country, Manchester United's teammates all comforted Li Rui and wished the people in the disaster-stricken areas of China.

Li Rui thanked his teammates for their blessings and comfort. However, everyone clearly felt that Li Rui was working harder and more seriously in training. At this time, Li Rui seemed like a silent mountain, but this was a An active volcano may erupt at any time! !

And the final of the Champions League with Barcelona is the moment of explosion!
On May 5th, the Manchester United team conducted an in-team training session. Tomorrow, the Manchester United team will travel long distances to Moscow, Russia, to prepare for the Champions League final against La Liga giants Barcelona.

After the training, Bryant, the press officer of Manchester United's official website, hurried to the sidelines, whispered something to Manchester United coach Ferguson, handed a piece of paper to Ferguson, and everyone saw Ferguson with a dignified face He called everyone together, picked up the piece of paper Bryant gave him just now, and raised it towards the team members.

"Boys, I have a fan letter here, I think you need to listen carefully."

Letters from fans?The Manchester United players were all a little strange, whispering this in whispers, which is rare, and there has never been a matter of reading fans' letters in public before.

Ferguson glared at everyone, then looked at Li Rui, "Li, this is written by a fan from your home country..."

"Ah?!" Li Rui raised his head and looked at Ferguson.

"This is a letter from a fan in China. Just now Byant told me that this letter is from an earthquake-stricken area in China..."

Hearing what Ferguson said, the team members, who were still a little noisy, quieted down, but Li Rui felt a little panicked in his heart. He had a vague feeling that something was going to happen...

Ferguson began to read the letter:

"To my dear sir, and to all Manchester United players, staff:

First of all, congratulations to you for reaching the final of the Champions League again, and congratulations to Li Rui for achieving his goal and scoring 30 goals. We are all fans of Manchester United and Li Rui. The game against Wigan Athletic, we all Look, when Li Rui scored four goals, when Ronaldinho scored a penalty kick, when you hugged on the court, we also hugged in front of the TV, we were very happy.

Let's meet on May 5nd to watch the final of the Champions League and Barcelona in front of the TV, cheer for Manchester United and Li Rui together.

However, after watching the match against Wigan Athletic, on the second day, that is, on May 2008, 5, when we were still immersed in the joy of last night and the longing for the final of the Champions League, A disaster of the century occurred in China, the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan.
And in this tragic natural disaster, we found a class of students who had died in Dujiangyan Middle School in Sichuan. They were loyal fans of Manchester United just like us.

Before the accident, they were celebrating Manchester United's victory and cheering for the victory. In the ruins of the scene of the accident, we found a photo that we will never forget. A dozen children dressed as Manchester United fans happily took pictures.In the blink of an eye, some of these children were killed in this catastrophe.Thinking of it makes people cry!
We solemnly hand over this photo to Manchester United to help the children realize their wishes during their lifetime.I hope that you will compete bravely in Moscow to win the European championship and pay homage to the souls of the dead.
Enter an ordinary Chinese Manchester United fan.

Ferguson's voice was a little muddy, getting deeper and deeper, and the old man's eyes were red. At this moment, there was a burst of sobbing.

It's Li Rui, he still couldn't hold it back, he still cried out, a big man, a super shooter who makes everyone terrified on the court, at this moment, in front of his teammates, there are still some people watching the team's training on the sidelines In front of the fans, there was a lot of crying.

"What's wrong? I seem to see Li crying?" The Manchester United fans on the sidelines were stunned, they said.

At this moment, the teammates of the Manchester United team looked at Li Rui, and they came up to pat him on the shoulder to comfort him. At this time, no one would laugh at Li Rui, thinking that he was a crybaby.

Everyone felt heavy in their hearts. Originally, there was a major earthquake in China, and they knew about it. Some people also said words of comfort when they were interviewed by the media, but no one really took it to heart, because, this After all, it was too far away from them, and they couldn't feel the grief, the sadness, the pain of losing their loved ones!
However, at this moment, everyone feels the sadness in their hearts. After all, these children are just children. They are middle school students. They are fans of Manchester United. For the game on the 5nd, let's cheer together, cheer together, and look forward to it together.

But at this moment, those children, many of whom are no longer alive, were killed in the earthquake.

The players were passing that photo in their hands. This is not the original photo, but a photocopy. However, looking at the smiling children wearing Manchester United jerseys in the photo, everyone felt extremely uncomfortable.

Ronaldo handed the photo to Li Rui, Li Rui saw his teammate's eyes were red, Ronaldo cried, the media often said that Ronaldo is a crybaby, and ridiculed him, but at this moment, no one would say He is a crybaby.

Li Rui took the photo, took a look at it, and couldn't help it anymore, tears welled up in his eyes again, this time, it was silent tears...

"I think many people are in the same mood as Lee now. We are all sad. The reason why Manchester United can succeed and be so brilliant is because there are so many fans all over the world. They love Manchester United selflessly and love Manchester United. Players, every goal, every victory, and even every loss, there are so many fans who share your joy and sorrow... These little fans have died, but what I want to say is , on May 5nd, on this day, I hope that everyone can go all out to compete for the championship, regardless of whether they can defend the championship in the end, I hope that everyone can show your best state, because——Some children Guys, watch from heaven, root for you, applaud your every successful offense and defense...don't let them down..."

"Boss, I have something to say." At this time, Rooney raised his hand and saw everyone looking at him, he said, "I think, we have to do something... I mean, we are players, we It's far away from China. To be honest, I don't know where the earthquake happened, but we have to do something, and what we can do is to donate some money to help the disaster areas in China. I know that Li Rui has sent His home country donated 50 euros to buy tents, food, etc., I want to say." Then, Rooney came over and hugged Li Rui, "How can we be missing? We also have to do our part !"

Li Rui hugged his partner tightly, he didn't know what to say to thank him.

The others also looked at Rooney. This little fat man usually seemed out of tune, but at this time, he was able to say such words, which made everyone look at him with admiration.

However, Rooney's remarks still got everyone's proposals, and everyone agreed with them, wanting to donate generously.In the end, Giggs suggested that we go back to the locker room for a while, and after taking a shower, everyone will raise money on the spot. Giggs' words won everyone's support and approval. Li Rui was also moved by his teammates at this time. Thank you, everyone, from the bottom of my heart.

Looking up at the sky, the weather was fine. Li Rui felt his throat constricted. He didn't know if those fans who died were in heaven and could watch them...

PS: In this article, Manchester United is the runner-up in the league, but in actual history, in 2008, Manchester United was the league champion. In this article, due to the previous plot, the letter from the fans to the Manchester United club has been modified. Revise.

In order to express respect and memory for these fans who died, the following is the real original letter sent to Manchester United Club at that time, you can take a look.

Attached letter from Manchester United fans

Salute to dear sir, and all Manchester United players and staff:
First of all, congratulations on winning the league championship this season.
We are loyal Manchester United fans from China. On May 2008, 5, when we were still immersed in the joy of Manchester United winning the championship, a disaster of the century occurred in China, the Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake.
And in this tragic natural disaster, we found a class of students who had died in Dujiangyan Middle School in Sichuan. They were loyal fans of Manchester United just like us.Before the accident, they were celebrating Manchester United's championship and left us with a photo that we will never forget. A dozen children dressed as Manchester United fans happily took pictures.In the blink of an eye, some of these children were killed in this catastrophe.Thinking of it makes people cry!
We solemnly hand over this photo to Manchester United to help the children realize their wishes during their lifetime.I hope that you will compete bravely in Moscow to win the European championship and pay homage to the souls of the dead.
Chinese Manchester United fans enter.

This is the second update. It is a 4000-word chapter. I am not in good health. The update is a bit late. Forgive me. I have already posted [-] words today. If Xiao Qi doesn’t sleep tonight, he will also post [-] words in full. .of.

(End of this chapter)

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