The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 136 She's sick again?

Chapter 136 She's sick again?
Xue Zhiyan slept the most peacefully that night in the hospital. I have to say that Yan Shaochen's medicine is really good. Even Jian Zelin, who was worried that Xue Zhiyan would have nightmares and never dared to enter a deep sleep, had to praise Yan Shaochen.Of course, you can't tell her about Xue Zhiyan being drugged, otherwise Yan Shaochen will be in trouble!

When Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes and saw the unfamiliar environment, he was a little nervous, but when he heard the voice next to him, the nervousness disappeared and was replaced by disgust.

"Yo, I never thought that Ms. Xue, who always likes to stay in bed, would wake up so early!" Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan who opened his eyes in a daze with a smile, and thought of Su Lingxuan saying that Xue Zhiyan was a fool when he just woke up. Can't help but tease her.

Xue Zhiyan's doubts were all doubts, and Jian Zelin's fun-loving heart was not wasted at all.Although it was very disgusting, but when she looked at him, she really had a stupid look, which made people want to pinch her little face and feel sorry for her.

"Miss Xue, I am the escort called by Doctor Yan to take care of you. Everyone calls me cat." Before Xue Zhiyan's brain was fully awake, he heard a soft female voice,

Xue Zhiyan looked at this woman with a serious face but good-looking eyes in surprise. If Xue Zhiyan knew the real purpose of this woman's coming to take care of her, he would definitely refuse.

"Hello, you can call me Zhiyan!" Xue Zhiyan said, sitting up with his hands propped up.

She glanced at Jian Zelin standing in front of the window, and smiled embarrassedly at cat, "Well, can you help me to the bathroom?"

Cat smiled when he heard Xue Zhiyan's words, nodded, and helped her to go to the bathroom.Before Xue Zhiyan's feet touched the ground, he felt his whole body fly into the air, and when he turned around, Jian Zelin hugged her up at some point.

Xue Zhiyan showed shock, his hands tightly wrapped around Jian Zelin's neck, and he looked at him blankly, "What are you doing?"

"When you get to the bathroom, you won't be suffocated to death!" Jian Zelin's face was as cold as ice, without any expression, and he strode towards the bathroom without waiting for Xue Zhiyan to raise an objection.

When Xue Zhiyan was washing up, her mind was wandering. She couldn't remember why she was sleeping in the ward.I just remembered that after several people had dinner last night, they sent Jian Zelin back to the hospital and fell asleep on the bed.

I shook my head vigorously, don't think about it if you can't remember it, really.Xue Zhiyan supported the marble table and moved it out little by little. It had been a few days, but he still couldn't exert any strength on his feet. Every time he moved a step, there would be a heart-piercing pain from his feet to his heart.

Xue Zhiyan sighed heavily, thinking that his foot might not heal before New Year's Day.

"Girl Yan, why are you sighing so early in the morning?" Jian Guozheng was sitting on the sofa, looking at the downcast Xue Zhiyan with a smile. He really didn't expect to see his grandson early in the morning, and found Xue Zhiyan by accident.

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan was obviously surprised, Jian Guozheng came to see Jian Zelin so early, and it was a lie to say that he was not worried, "It's nothing, good morning, grandpa!"

"Early, early!" Jian Guozheng said, coming over and holding Xue Zhiyan's other hand, and walking towards the hospital bed, "Hurry up, let's have breakfast together, Yu Ma cooked a lot of delicious food!"

Xue Zhiyan smiled embarrassingly. Since the day she decided to leave the hospital and go to Huan Huan, although she called Jian Guozheng every day, the old man was rejected by the children because of his health, and it took many days. There are no more words of Jane Xue.

To say that Xue Zhiyan didn't want this old man to be a fake at all, even though they had only lived together for a few days, their feelings were there.Some people, once they have a relationship, can never break it off.This was the case between Jian Guozheng and Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan sat at the small table, glanced at Jian Zelin, and put the bowls and chopsticks in front of him, "Let's eat!"

Speaking of Xue Zhiyan, he turned his head and looked at Jian Guozheng who was sitting on the side, "Grandpa, aren't we together?"

"I ate it when I came from home, you two, eat it quickly, or it won't taste good if it gets cold!" Jian Guozheng waved his hand with a smile, urging the two to eat quickly and leave him alone.

Xue Zhiyan took a small piece of pork liver and put it in Jian Zelin's bowl, "Pork liver nourishes blood, you should eat more!"

Jian Zelin never expected that Xue Zhiyan would suddenly serve him some food, and looked at Xue Zhiyan in surprise, neither talking nor eating.Xue Zhiyan noticed his gaze, took a mouthful of green vegetables, looked at him while chewing, swallowed the food in his mouth and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong with you? You look so ugly?"

Speaking of Xue Zhiyan, he stretched out his hand to cover Jian Zelin's forehead, covered with a thin layer of sweat, Xue Zhiyan frowned, "Did you pull the wound when you carried me to the bathroom just now?"

Jian Zelin shook his head, picked up the piece of pork liver that Xue Zhiyan gave him, and put it in his mouth.Xue Zhiyan is not a fool, looking at his pale face and the fine beads of sweat on his hands, he knew that it must be what he guessed.

"No way!" Xue Zhiyan put down the bowl and chopsticks with a haughty face as he said, and moved to Jian Zelin's side.Before Jian Zelin could make a move to stop him, she lifted his hospital gown with her slender hands. Sure enough, red blood oozes from the white gauze.

Xue Zhiyan bit his lower lip, and the golden beans in his eyes fell down as soon as he said it, making Jian Guozheng and Jian Zelin, the young and old, unprepared at all.

Jian Guozheng was secretly watching their every move, and was very satisfied with the delicate atmosphere between them, especially Jian Zelin's attitude today.Still feeling relieved for the sudden relationship between the two of them, and before he had time to sigh whether this is a true friendship in adversity, Xue Zhiyan's crystal clear tears flashed into his old man's eyes.Seeing the child's teardrops for the first time, Jian Guozheng, as an elder and a grandfather, was at a loss for what to do.

Jian Zelin was calm, patted Xue Zhiyan on the back lightly, and kept comforting her, "It's okay, it's okay, it will be fine soon, don't cry, don't cry..."

The tenderness in his eyes was like water, he patted her big hand lightly, and all the words that came out of his mouth entered Diwei's eyes, ears and heart.The hand holding the thermos can't help tightening. Ever since Di Wei found out that Jian Zelin's feelings for Xue Zhiyan were different, she no longer knew what kind of pain it was like nails piercing the palm of her hand.

"cat?" Seeing Xue Zhiyan's appearance, Jian Zelin knew that she might be blaming herself again. After coaxing her for a long time, she didn't look up, but Jian Zelin had no choice but to ask cat for help.Looking up, she met Di Wei who was looking at Xue Zhiyan with hostility, but the moment the two eyes met, all the hostility disappeared.

But Jian Zelin was not mistaken, there was jealousy, hatred, and a little expectation in his eyes.Jian Zelin just nodded, and yelled "cat" to the outside, and the nurse walked in slowly.

Jian Zelin pointed at Xue Zhiyan helplessly, and the cat knew what was going on. Cat took a look at Di Wei, ignored her, and was about to close the door of the ward. Unexpectedly, Di Wei took a step forward, wanting to walk to Jian Zelin's side.

 Tomorrow, Weiliang is going to be featured on the recommendation, hoho~ Thank you for your support~ If you like it, please feel free to poke, bookmark and recommend it~ Weiliang is so happy, hug your friends and have a crazy kiss~~~ Bobo Bobo~~~

(End of this chapter)

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