The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 139 She figured it out

Chapter 139 She figured it out
"If, if time goes back, I'd rather not go to Jane's house and not become Xue Zhiyan. The old Xue Zhiyan is also very good, at least no one will get hurt because of her, and all I need is Ling's love and care... "

Xue Zhiyan's words were clear, Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, who were found, listened to them, and every sentence fell into their hearts.

cat continued to pat Xue Zhiyan on the back lightly, "Even if time goes back, I think your choice is still the same, you will still go back to Jane's house, because some things are beyond our control, fate has already been arranged, so You are destined to experience pain first or enjoy happiness first.”

"I think even if any one of them is given a chance to choose again, they will still choose to protect you. Because in their hearts, you are the one who needs their protection and love, so it is worthwhile to sacrifice your life for you, At least you didn't get hurt?

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural, but they used another way to go to places you couldn't reach earlier. Their greatest happiness is watching you grow up healthy and alive, because you are their hope. what!
"Maybe, they are regretting where you can't see, regretting that they have wronged the little baby in their hearts, but they are also happy, because after they left, Jian Shao, Su Shao and Yan Shao came again. to protect you.

"They don't blame you, and you don't need to keep worrying about it. The bad guys have been punished as they should, but you always remember him. This is what those bad guys want most. He wants to influence you all the time. Remind you not to forget the pain.

"It's true that the pain can't be forgotten, but it can't be like this. Why do you keep grabbing the cracked skin and forcing him not to heal the wound that can obviously heal?"

"If, this time, Jian Zelin didn't..."

"There are not so many ifs in the world!" Cat looked firmly at Xue Zhiyan, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, and smiled on his face, "Now Jian Zelin is alive and well, and you are alive too!"

"Don't think about those insignificant ifs. Ifs and ifs are all excuses made up by your own inner fear. You have to do well now and overcome those ifs in your heart!"

"I don't want anyone to be hurt again because of me. If I can, I'd rather stay away from them..." Hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, who had been hiding aside all this time, felt their hearts hang.

"Look, you are what if again! But have you ever thought about it, you don't want them to be hurt, don't you want to see them sad because of your disappearance? The most painful thing in this world is not to do it again and again Lost, but lost and regained, gained and lost again! To them, you are the treasure that was lost and recovered. If you lose it again, who of them can bear this pain?"

"How much can you bear alone?" cat looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously, waiting for her answer.

Xue Zhiyan stared blankly at the cat in front of him, not knowing how to answer.She never thought about the pain brought to her by gaining and losing again. She only cared about the harm she caused to everyone, but forgot that she could also hurt everyone.

If she leaves cruelly, it is equivalent to letting herself lose again.Thinking of this, a relieved smile bloomed on Xue Zhiyan's weeping face, and he looked at cat gratefully.

"Got it figured out?" Cat saw Xue Zhiyan's smile and knew what she was saying, so she listened.

Originally, Xue Zhiyan didn't have a very serious illness, but he was stimulated by the beehive man, which caused this little ailment. As long as he talked to her clearly, he would be fine.

And those big men will listen to her speak so carefully?Before I even said it, I was comforted!Coupled with the nature of those sullen men, there is no way to say anything to explain it, or they will scold her and say that she is thinking wildly, or they will run away to reflect on their own problems.

"Then what will you do in the future?" Cat couldn't help asking because Xue Zhiyan was afraid that Xue Zhiyan would turn around again.

"Since you can't go, stay away!" To prevent him from getting hurt, anyway, there are some things that you can't go back, just can't go back!After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he smiled and looked up at the sky.


When Feng Ziyao, Chi Qian and Liang Huan came down the stairs, Xue Zhiyan was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, watching a movie with snot and tears.

There was also a sound of Dangdang in the kitchen, and Chi Qian walked in suspiciously in his pajamas, disheveled and disheveled.Chi Qian screamed, tightened her pajamas and ran upstairs quickly.

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen came out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife and a pot. They didn't know what Chi Qian was screaming just now.

Of course, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan didn't spare the eardrums of these masters, and ran upstairs screaming.Xue Zhiyan held the remote control and pressed the pause button, picked out his itchy ears with his little fingers, looked at the stairs with a smirk on his face, then turned back and waved at the two handsome and beautiful men "cook husbands" in the kitchen. Press the play button, and the frozen picture on the TV continued.

After washing and changing, Chi Qian ran to the kitchen mysteriously, and before he could speak, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan, who followed behind, also walked into the kitchen lightly.

At this moment, the originally spacious kitchen seemed a little crowded.Hearing the movement, Xue Zhiyan tilted his head to listen to the sound, and continued watching his movie when he couldn't hear anything.

Su Lingxuan put down the minced meat in his hand, Yan Shaochen turned down the fire, Feng Ziyao reached out and gently closed the kitchen door, the five people lowered their voices as if they were talking about a secret.

"Why did Yanyan come back?" Feng Ziyao frowned. What decision did these people finally make last night? They even briefly told her and Liang Huan when they came back. Normally, this should be a very long process. Why? Xue Zhiyan came back after only one morning?
"Don't you know her yet? She's so smart!" Su Lingxuan was really speechless. Xue Zhiyan knew everything, but sometimes she even pretended to be stupid. After chatting outside for more than two hours, I came back with a smile on my face!"

"cat told me, she said it herself, it should be fine!" Yan Shaochen added, "and Xiao Zhiyan cried, cat said that it's okay to cry in this situation! But I will still Let cat come over and chat with her regularly!"

"Nonsense, didn't she also cry before?" Liang Huan gave Yan Shaochen a look, Xue Zhiyan's eyes were red from crying, anyone with long eyes could see it all if they were not blind!

Yan Shaochen naturally didn't dare to roll his eyes back, so he had to sigh helplessly, "It's not the kind of forbearable crying, it's indulgent, crying out loud, mixing all the fears, worries and fears into the tears and crying out."

"And also said a lot of things that I can't talk to you, you, and you!" Chi Qian glanced at Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and Su Lingxuan, "She can't and dare not, she can't make you worry."

There was another silence in the room.All I could hear was the gurgling sound of the soup boiling in the pot, and the smell of the food that gradually permeated the air.

"Hey! You five, aren't the big meals ready yet? I'm hungry!" Xue Zhiyan's voice came from the living room outside the kitchen.

 Lost a collection~ Weiliang is a little sad~ If there is anything, let’s talk about it, is it okay if you don’t drop the collection~ Seek comments and suggestions from true fans~ Ask for more collections~
(End of this chapter)

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