The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 141 You Can Wait

Chapter 141 You Can Wait
Xue Zhiyan is a typical type who can't stay idle at home. It's not that Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian went to work on their own affairs early in the morning, leaving Liang Huan at home to accompany her. Nest in the sofa spiritually.

Xue Zhiyan pressed the remote control in boredom, there is no TV that suits her, she really wants to eat egg tarts!Xue Zhiyan thought about it, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Xue Zhiyan raised his foot and kicked Liang Huan who was lying beside him, staring at Liang Huan treacherously, Liang Huan was furious when she saw him, "What are you doing?"

"Shall we wait? The door won't be open for almost a month. How can we pay the rent, water and electricity?" Xue Zhiyan sighed, "It's been more than 20 days since I went to the Orange Garden at the end of last month. Now, we can't drink the northwest wind this month, right?" As he spoke, he still stared at Liang Huan with innocent little eyes.

As soon as Liang Huan heard her words, he knew what she wanted to do.I can't afford the rent and utilities anymore. When did I pay the rent and utilities?Are they all picked up in Su's building?

"Don't think about it, let Su Lingxuan know that if you don't demolish me, you have to demolish me, so you can stay at home in peace!" In fact, Liang Huan wants to wait more than she does. If she doesn't go for [-] days, the wait will definitely come to an end. A layer of dust, if you want to reopen the business, you have to fight hard, and you must clean it from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

In fact, it was because my hands were itchy, I hadn't touched those things for a long time, and I missed them too, but there was no way, who let Xue Zhiyan hurt his feet?
It's okay if it hurts other places, but this foot is the only one that can't be helped. After going and waiting, she will definitely not be able to stay idle, walking around, so it's okay?

Even if he wasn't afraid of Su Lingxuan, for the sake of her body, he couldn't pamper her!Snatching the remote control from her hand, following Xue Zhiyan's example, he lay on the sofa and watched the boring TV over and over again.

"Don't you want to go?" How could Xue Zhiyan not know Liang Huan's thoughts?It's just that she is really uncomfortable, and she can also see that Liang Huan is also uncomfortable.

Since everyone is a person who can't take time off, it's much easier to talk about!Whether it's being coquettish or playing tricks, Liang Huan must be persuaded, and the two of them will wait.

I haven't been there for a few days, and I still miss it.Not a few days, but more than ten days!

"I want to, I really want to!" Liang Huan responded to Xue Zhiyan's words intermittently, and his eyes kept falling on the boring rerun of the TV series at eight o'clock.

"Then let's go!" Xue Zhiyan regained his energy after speaking, sat up, looked at Liang Huan expectantly, thinking that as long as he persisted for a while, Huan Huan would agree.

Liang Huan finally shifted his gaze to Xue Zhiyan, first at her feet, then at the TV.Shaking his head, "No, your feet can't!"

"Don't worry, I will be obedient and help you at the counter so that you won't worry!" Xue Zhiyan continued to insist, if he worked harder, he would succeed!

"Why are you so obedient? When there are more people in the store, you will definitely not be able to help running around, no!" Liang Huan actually wanted to carry Xue Zhiyan to wait a long time ago, she sat at the counter She is at the cash register and answers calls for takeaway food, but thinking about the overcrowded appearance when she is busy, she has a headache.

"I swear, I will never run around!" Xue Zhiyan raised his hands, making an oath.

"No, I just can't, even if I have horns growing in my house now, I can't let you get hurt again, no!" Liang Huan shook his head vigorously, if she agreed and the two went out, Xue Zhiyan would suffer some kind of harm, I will blame myself to death.

"Then I'll call Ling. If Ling agrees, we'll go, okay?" Xue Zhiyan also knew Liang Huan's concerns, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask Su Lingxuan. If he agreed, Huan Huan would be fine. Reasons for rejecting her.

Liang Huan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xue Zhiyan, it seemed that she must go today, so he nodded in compromise.Then he looked at Xue Zhiyan nervously, his eyes full of expectation.

Xue Zhiyan heard the phone ring, and was quickly hung up by Su Lingxuan. The cold mechanical voice came from the phone, "The number you called is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

Xue Zhiyan's originally high mood dropped to freezing point in an instant, and he looked at the phone in his hand in despair. The screen saver was a photo of Su Lingxuan and her, and the screen gradually dimmed.

Liang Huan sighed. Just as he was about to lie back on the sofa and continue watching the rerun of the boring TV series, he heard the prompt tone of Xue Zhiyan's text message, a cute child's voice: "You have a new text message, do you want me to read it for you?"

Xue Zhiyan was inevitably a little disappointed. He clicked on the text message and found that it was from Su Lingxuan: We are in a meeting, what's wrong?
Seeing this text message, Xue Zhiyan put on a happy smile on his originally disappointed face. Does this mean there is still a chance?His fingers tapped nimbly on the phone screen.

Take it easy and wait for me, okay?Xue Zhiyan pressed the send button with excitement and nervousness, and stared nervously at the phone screen, waiting for Su Lingxuan's reply.

Xue Zhiyan, who hadn't received a reply for a long time, couldn't sit still anymore, stood up from the sofa, and nervously sent another message, can't it?

The reply came very quickly this time, Xue Zhiyan closed his eyes, opened the text message with trembling fingers, slowly opened his eyes, and peeked at the phone screen, it was Su Lingxuan's reply: Go, I already let Ben pass first, I will find you for lunch at noon.

"YES!" Xue Zhiyan took his mobile phone, kissed the screen of the mobile phone, looked at Liang Huan who was lying on the sofa watching TV with a happy face, and snapped his fingers next to her ear, "Huu girl, serve me Palace change!"


I have to say, with Ben's help, the clean up is quick.Moreover, Ben bought fresh ingredients very considerately, and Xue Zhiyan sat by the window, drinking tea in the sun, feeling very leisurely.

"Miss Xue, look, is it okay to hang this sign on the door?" Just as Xue Zhiyan was about to fall asleep, Ben walked up to Xue Zhiyan with a cute sign.

"Limited hours: 11:30 am-3:30 pm every day." Xue Zhiyan looked at the doll font on the sign, read it in a low voice, and nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, you can take a rest after hanging up. I've been busy for more than an hour!"

"Yes! Thank you so much. Without your help, I don't know if I can open today!" Liang Huan came over with twice the water, and looked at the shy Ben gratefully.

"Thank you, I'll put up the sign first!" Ben was a little embarrassed to be thanked by Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan at the same time.He hurriedly walked to the door with the reminder in his hand, and hung it up.

Before Liang Huan finished drinking the glass of water, he heard the tinkling sound of the sunny baby on the door. He didn't expect someone to come so soon.

Ben looked at Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan in surprise, he didn't expect the business of their small shop to be so good.Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan didn't expect someone to come so soon, they looked at each other and smiled, and only now did they know that this store is so popular.

"I thought Miss Xue would never come again!"

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(End of this chapter)

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