The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 143 You have no chance

Chapter 143 You have no chance

Su Lingxuan and Xue Zhiyan got bored with it for a long time before they remembered that there was Tong Yuan sitting across from him watching a play.Xue Zhiyan saw Su Lingxuan coming, so he was too lazy to talk to him, he just leaned on Su Lingxuan's shoulder and let Su Lingxuan take care of other things.

This kind of thing made Su Lingxuan refuse him, which was much stronger than his own rejection.Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help feeling complacent.

"Sir, please don't harass my family in the future, and don't try to date her, or ask her to be your girlfriend, you have no chance!" Su Lingxuan said with a little force on his hand, and Xue Zhiyan relied on him to get more closer.

Tong Yuan wasn't angry at all, and had a smile on his face from beginning to end.He glanced ambiguously at the big hand on Xue Zhiyan's waist, shook his head, and ignored Su Lingxuan.

"Miss Xue, Tong will come back another day." Tong Yuan also knew that he would not get any results if he stayed today, and obviously Xue Zhiyan's rescuers had already arrived, so he might as well leave like this, lest Xue Zhiyan would hate him even more .

"No need, if Mr. Tong comes to harass me again, I can only keep her by my side all the time!" Su Lingxuan was not polite at all. The last time I saw him stalking Xue Zhiyan at the waiting door, this This time, he simply pulled out all the signs in his heart.

"Miss Xue, do you like such a domineering president?" Tong Yuan walked a few steps, and after hearing Su Lingxuan's words, he finally put away the smile on his face, and stared at Su Lingxuan expressionlessly.

"If it's Ling, then I'm willing!" Xue Zhiyan said in a soft voice, and after finishing speaking, he lowered his head shyly and stopped looking at Su Lingxuan.

When Tong Yuan heard Xue Zhiyan's words, he was at a loss for words, frowned, turned and left and so on.Hearing the sound of closing the door, Liang Huan happily ran over and sat across from the two of them, with tears streaming from the corners of his smiling eyes.

"I said you two have great acting skills too!" Liang Huan pushed a glass of red wine in front of Su Lingxuan, put away the empty glass on the table, put it on the tray, and looked at the two with admiration.

"Otherwise, how can we repel those people!" Xue Zhiyan gave Liang Huan a blank look, and it was really a good show for nothing, "Otherwise, if Tong Yuan is gone, there will be Li Yuan and Lin Yuan all over again." If Bayuan comes up, I'm going to be annoyed to death!"

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's impatient expression, Liang Huan put away his smile and glanced out of the window, with a worried expression on his face, and his voice floated in the air, "But that person doesn't seem to give up so easily!"

"Never mind him! Ling was moved out by me, and he didn't dare to be too rampant!" Xue Zhiyan really hated that person to the limit, this is, waved his hand impatiently, expressing that he didn't want to continue this topic.

"But..." Liang Xu propped his chin, purposely elongated his voice, and looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously, "What about the big bouquet of roses outside?"

Xue Zhiyan blinked his eyes, and was so preoccupied with acting with Su Lingxuan that he forgot that Tong Yuan sent such a large bouquet of roses just now!
"What can we do? Put it there and watch!" Seeing Xue Zhiyan's helpless look, Su Lingxuan pampered Xue Zhiyan's head.

"I have a way!" Su Ling took a sip of the red wine in the glass without haste, and only with her would she drink at noon.

"What way?" Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan both looked at Su Lingxuan expectantly, waiting for him to tell a way to help them solve the problem.

"That's right..." Su Lingxuan also intentionally elongated his voice, and looked at the two expectant women with a smirk on his face. He was reluctant to say his answer for a long time, and he liked to see her deflated.

"It's fine if you don't say anything!" Xue Zhiyan pursed his mouth, and simply lay down on the table, tilting his head to one side, no longer looking at Su Lingxuan, and drawing circles on the floor-to-ceiling glass window with his slender hands.

"Slow down, call Ben back, close the door!" Xue Zhiyan's voice was so soft that you couldn't hear it unless you listened carefully.

But Liang Huan heard it very clearly. He glanced at Su Lingxuan with a smirk, got up and walked out. If he wanted to say that this could cure Su Lingxuan, it was Xue Zhiyan.

The two are really talented and beautiful, talented and beautiful, but unfortunately, the two of them are... well, don't think about it, Liang Huan shook his head, people are not in a hurry, what is he in a hurry?

"Stop!" Su Lingxuan lowered his head in frustration, covered Xue Zhiyan's head with his big hand, and rubbed her long hair fiercely, "I really lost to you!"

Even so, Su Lingxuan still had a nice smile on the corner of his mouth, "You give this flower to the guests who will come to eat later, each of you will give it away soon, especially the girls who work nearby. They will frantically surround and snatch it!"

"Then there must be a reason?" Liang Huan also thought of it, but he couldn't think of any good reason, so he restrained himself from saying it.

"It's easy to say, you haven't been open for such a long time, do you know? I can hear the little girls in our administration department talking about it all day long!" Su Lingxuan said, picking up the wine glass again, and took a sip of the wine in the glass. He looked at the two with a smirk on his face, "You have to know that if the employees are not in a high mood, it will affect the work efficiency!"

"You're the only one!" Liang Huan realized after listening to Su Lingxuan's words that co-authoring this eldest young master is really "borrowing flowers to present Buddha"!


After Tong Yuan came out of waiting, he changed the smile that had been hanging on his face.With a straight face, he walked to a red Porsche parked by the side of the road, looked around, got in the car and sat for a while, and found that the man who was standing next to Xue Zhiyan just now followed out, as if he was looking for something.

"How is it? Did our Miss Xue take the bait today?" A pleasant female voice came from the driver's seat beside him, "But I saw Su Lingxuan walked in just now. Didn't he find anything?"

"What? Are you afraid that I'll hurt your sweetheart?" Tong Yuan sneered, turning his head to stare at the woman sitting in the driver's seat, "Li Er, my dear Li Er, you need to know that you are me now If you care about another man so blatantly in front of me, you are not afraid that I will go back at night and treat you..."

Li Er rolled his eyes at him, knocked off the big hand that was pinching her chin, and said impatiently, "I'm asking you, did she take the bait!"

"Yo, are you still angry?" Tong Yuan smiled and grabbed her shoulders, pulled her chin, and forced her to look at him, "If she takes the bait as easily as you, this game will not be fun!"

As Tong Yuan said, he lowered his head and nodded on Li Er's red lips, then let go of his arm, and touched Li Er's head, "Let's go, otherwise this car parked here is too eye-catching!"

As he spoke, he didn't forget to turn his eyes outside, looking at the small coffee shop just now, with a wicked smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.Xue Zhiyan, we will grow up in the future!
"Don't underestimate Su Lingxuan, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Li Er started the car, and a red figure appeared on the wide road in an instant.

"Why, are you afraid I'll hurt him?" Tong Yuan still said the same thing, but this time he didn't look at Li Er.Hearing his cold voice, Li Er didn't have the slightest fear or fear, but just sneered.

"I'm just reminding you! Don't overturn the boat in the gutter, what you want are those brats, and what I want is to let that bitch lose her most important thing!"

 Today’s last update, I hope this recommendation will be effective, and the collection will increase, at least breaking through [-] ~~ Haha, let Wei Liang comfort me in my heart~~ The weather is getting colder and colder, no matter if you are in the south or the north Friends, please keep warm and don't catch a cold!


(End of this chapter)

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