The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 159 The Story of Liang Huan

Chapter 159 The Story of Liang Huan ([-])

Chi Qian sighed heavily, glanced at Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao who were sitting on the sofa on both sides, and spoke first, "Tell me, what is going on slowly?"

Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao looked up at Chi Qian in surprise, not understanding why she would ask such a question.Chi Qian was not in a hurry, and continued to say slowly: "I have known Yan Shaochen since I was a child. Although he has a weird personality, he has absolutely good character and doesn't mess around. Moreover, based on what I know about him, once he gets acquainted with a person If you move your heart, it’s a lifetime thing.”

"Huan You can trust him completely. If you want to date him, why do you refuse, and you are so decisive that you don't leave any room for retreat. Is it possible that the two of them will have to go around when they meet in the future?" Chi Qian didn't think so at all. Instead of looking like a female man in the past, she became serious and looked at Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao seriously.

Both Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao showed embarrassment at the same time, not knowing where to start.After all, this is Liang Huan's own business, so it's not appropriate to say it rashly.

"Let Huan Huan speak for himself..." It's not that Xue Zhiyan doesn't want to say it, but it involves Liang Huan's privacy, and she really doesn't know how to speak.

"You have the heart to see your own sister miss your MR. RIGHT?" Chi Qian glanced at Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao again, clearly knowing what they were worried about.

"Is he my MR? RIGHT I don't know, I only know that he and I can only be regarded as ordinary friends now." Liang Huan's hoarse voice came from the stairs, and the three of them looked at her awkwardly, but she didn't Shrugging mindfully, "I don't know if I can continue to associate with him, so I refused."

Liang Huan sat next to Feng Ziyao, lay down on Feng Ziyao's lap, narrowed his eyes, "I know he is sincere, because he has already hinted once before, and I rejected him. I don't know if I The thoughts in my heart, so I can't easily agree to him."

"Don't ask me if I have feelings for him. I don't know myself. I just think he took good care of him. I am very grateful to him. So far, that's all." Liang Huan's voice sounded weak , maybe the voice is like this when you have a cold?
"Qianqian, in your circle, there is a Shen Linli who is famous in the tourism industry, you should know, that person is my biological father." Liang Huan's hoarse voice seemed to be talking. Other people's stories have nothing to do with it.

"Just because I was a girl, I couldn't help him get the right of his eldest grandson to inherit the family business, so he and her wife threw him on the side of the road and was taken away by the orphanage. Shen Linli's son Shen Ang committed suicide by jumping off the building three years ago , I planned it all by myself."

"Shen Linli has long forgotten about me, and he doesn't even remember that he has a daughter living in this world. I promised to date Shen Ang that year, and he took me back to Shen's house. Shen Linli and his wife recognized me at a glance , just because I look so much like Mrs. Shen when I was young. Afterwards, Shen Ang began to alienate me. I didn't know the real reason at the beginning, but I thought he was a rich second-generation nature exposed, so I gradually got along with him Cut off contact."

"It just seems to be an arrangement of fate. Shen Ang called me after drinking and told me the truth. He also laughed at me and said that they just abandoned their unwanted child, and even tried to borrow him back to Shen's house. It turned out that he thought I did it on purpose. I approached him, wanting to go back to the Shen family to restore my identity as the young lady of the Shen family, but I don't know that what I despise the most is that false name.

"I found Shen Linli and told him that I would not go back to Shen's house, nor would I ask him for a penny. I just wanted him to control his son's mouth and not go out and talk nonsense, so as not to cause unnecessary harm to their family. Of course, Shen Ang should have gone back and learned from Shen Linli, so when he sees me in the future, he will shout loudly that I am a loser that no one wants." Liang Huan said here with a wry smile to himself, and sighed Tone continued:
"I can ignore these completely. After all, as long as I ignore them, I won't confirm his claims. But my brother is different, oh, he is the biological son of the adoptive parents who later adopted me. Once, my brother and I went to choose for my parents. Holiday gift, I met Shen Ang, Shen Ang still ran on me like before, I ignored it. But my brother is different, he treats me like his biological sister from the day I was brought back to Liang's house, so naturally I can't see it Others said something bad about me. Shen Ang said a few words, and he rushed up to fight with Shen Ang.

"Of course it turned out that Shen Linli used his own relationship and locked up my brother. Shen Ang, who was beaten into a pig's head, lay on the hospital bed and became more and more angry, trying to get revenge on me and my brother. Shen Linli also did it for the sake of face. I found someone to lock up my brother for a few days. Later, Shen Linli apologized to me, saying that Shen Ang was spoiled and spoiled, so he didn’t know how to speak. There will be none, and I will not tell others about our relationship.

"But Shen Linli's eldest brother, who has never had any heirs, heard these rumors from somewhere, and used his connections to get my brother out of the detention center, trying to use me. I disagree with him and said that he will be arrested again for my brother. Well, my brother said that my sister's surname is Liang, and for his sister, he would be happy to go to jail for the rest of his life.

"Shen Linli's eldest brother has no choice but to give up. After all, the rule of their Shen family is that whoever has an heir first can get the right to inherit most of the Shen family's inheritance. In the past twenty years, Shen Linli's eldest brother has also been aggrieved. I thought of going to persuade Shen Ang to seek revenge from my brother, so as to achieve the purpose of using me to threaten Shen Linli.

"Shen Ang is a typical person who looks good but has no brains. After being teased by his uncle, he went on the road. In addition, Shen Ang has the habit of going to nightclubs, and occasionally takes drugs. If he is unconscious, he will listen to his uncle. In other words, I will grab his property, and my brother who beat him that day is my boyfriend. As long as the two of us get married and then go to recognize our ancestors, Shen Ang will have nothing. He actually believed it.

"Afterwards, my brother's work began to go wrong, and even the work of my adoptive parents began to have various problems. I knew that Shen Ang might be playing a young master's temper to deliberately play a prank, so I had to go to Him, let him stop these boring games, who knew that bastard took drugs that day, and he went crazy.

"In a daze, he has completely forgotten my life experience. He told me that if I make him happy, he will let my brother go. I am not a little girl, so I naturally know what he means. I noticed that he When the eyes of my friends became more and more wretched, and the atmosphere became more and more weird, I thought it was too late to run. The bar was their territory, and I couldn't run at all.

"Just when he was about to rape me, my brother came. It turned out that he peeked at my diary and knew the whole story. He also knew that I came to Shen Ang to intercede."

 Today's first update, sent by Weiliang tenderly, by the way, I would like to ask softly, as usual, there are still no recommended tickets and no favorites?No comments?


(End of this chapter)

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