The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 169 You are more than enough to match him

Chapter 169 You are more than enough to match him

Originally, he wanted to stay away from Jian Zelin and just look at him like that, but who knew that Di Wei provoked her again and again, whether it was directly or indirectly.It made Xue Zhiyan give up the idea of ​​getting up to make room for others, and just stayed in front of his eyes, making Di Wei and the others unhappy.

Originally, I still felt that I was not worthy of Jian Zelin, but after thinking about it carefully, what was there that I was not worthy of?She doesn't lack arms or legs, and she doesn't need him, Jian Zelin, to support her. What can't she be worthy of?She also doesn't want her parents to have an accident, so she can't underestimate herself again and again.

Although Xue Zhiyan doesn't want to marry Jian Zelin yet, and still insists on finding someone who will be with him for the rest of his life, hasn't he found it yet?What's wrong with taking advantage of her fame?
"Using what right?" Feng Ziyao's voice came from the door, saying that he would not come to eat, but he came back before everyone finished eating and cleared the table, which was just right.

Feng Ziyao didn't go upstairs to change. He just threw his bag and coat on the sofa casually, and ran to the restaurant. Before he could wash his hands, he twirled a chicken wing and put it in his mouth.

He looked at Xue Zhiyan with a puzzled face, waiting for her to give an explanation, but as soon as he entered the door, he heard Xue Zhiyan say that he wanted to use her right as a fiancée, whose fiancée, what right?
Liang Huan, who was sitting on the outermost side, stretched out his hand and hit Feng Ziyao, "Eat it without washing your hands, it's so dirty!" He gave her a disgusted look, but he didn't stop passing his hand to her. Disinfectant wipes in action.

Yan Shaochen looked at Liang Huan's small movements, and felt warm in his heart. So in some respects, the two of them are the same kind, right?

"What are you afraid of? There are no outsiders!" Feng Ziyao frowned impatiently, sat next to Liang Huan, picked up Liang Huan's chopsticks, and added another slice of boiled meat.

"Xue Zhiyan, your skills have improved!" Feng Ziyao swallowed everything in his mouth, and it took him a long time to say such a sentence.

"I'll help you serve porridge!" Liang Huan glanced helplessly at Xue Zhiyan, and had no choice but to pick up the bowl and walk into the kitchen to serve Feng Ziyao a bowl of porridge.

"Xue Zhiyan, are you planning to get married?" Feng Ziyao was typical of not being able to keep his mouth shut when he was eating. He still didn't forget what he heard when he entered the door just now, so he glanced at Jian Zelin and then at Xue Zhiyan.

"If she is willing to marry, someone must be willing to marry!" Jian Zelin said coldly, not forgetting to give Xue Zhiyan a supercilious look.

"Marry? Marry who?" Xue Zhiyan directly ignored Jian Zelin's sarcastic remarks and big white eyes, and looked at Feng Ziyao innocently, as if he didn't know anything.

Feng Ziyao quickly drank a bowl of porridge, and only then remembered that he had to greet Jian Guozheng and Su Kai first.Fortunately, Jian Guozheng and Su Kai are not stubborn, otherwise Feng Ziyao would definitely have to take an etiquette class first.

"Then what fiancée's rights did you say just now?" Feng Ziyao couldn't walk or stand up as soon as he sat at the dining table, so he handed the empty bowl to Liang Huan, asking her to serve her porridge.

It was also very interesting for Jian Guozheng and Su Kai to listen to these children talking. They sat there without any pretensions of elders, quietly listening to the young ladies chatting.

"I mean, if Di Wei comes again..." Xue Zhiyan had only finished speaking halfway before Feng Ziyao made a stop gesture to her.

"Here, drink more!" Liang Huan put the bowl on the table in front of Feng Ziyao, and patted Feng Ziyao's head helplessly, "Did you not eat for another day? many?"

Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes at Liang Huan, lowered his head and took a sip of the shredded chicken porridge, and then slowly said, "When eating, can you stop talking about such an unappetizing topic!" After speaking, he returned it to Jian Zelin who was sitting next to her A pair of super big white eyes.

Jian Zelin frowned in displeasure, but didn't say anything.On the other hand, Feng Ziyao, like the roundworm in Xue Zhiyan's stomach, knew her thoughts like the palm of his hand.

"Xue Zhiyan, let me tell you, you don't have to think that you are not good enough for Jian Zelin, in my opinion, he is not good enough for you!" Feng Ziyao said this, except for Jian Guozheng and Su Kai, everyone was shocked He opened his mouth so wide that his jaw would have dropped to the floor if the table hadn't been in the way.

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen looked at each other, this Feng Ziyao is really embarrassing!Dare to say anything, it seems that Jian Zelin has suffered from these two sisters today!

Jian Guozheng laughed out loud, glanced at Jian Zelin, then at Xue Zhiyan, and gently patted Xue Zhiyan's hand, "Girl Yan, I really wronged you for making you endure my grandson's bad temper!"

With a bang, the chair fell down.Jian Zelin walked out with a dark face.

The corners of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched a few times, this Feng Ziyao really didn't know what it means to be euphemistic!
"Look, even Grandpa Jian said he has a bad temper, and he's not happy about it!" Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes at the back that Jian Zelin left behind for everyone, and muttered.

Xue Zhiyan really didn't know what to say, his best friend just said what was on his mind.There was a big drop of sweat on her forehead, and Xue Zhiyan took a piece of chicken wing, hoping that the chicken wing would stop her mouth, "Eat it quickly! You are ashamed to let everyone wait for you alone!"


It's night, alluring luxurious box
Di Wei didn't know how much wine she drank, but she felt soft and hot, and even her vision began to blur.

It was because of Xue Zhiyan that Jian Zelin didn't come to Qingcheng.

It was because of Xue Zhiyan that she was not favored by Jian Zelin.

It was all because of Xue Zhiyan that she sat alone in the box drinking.

"Xue Zhiyan, it's all because of you... hiccup..." Di Wei hiccupped, narrowed her eyes slightly, and pointed to the door with her glass up, "It's all because of you that my plan... hiccup... fell through... "

Diwei had ulterior motives in running to Jian's house in the morning to deliver Yangzhi nectar to Jian Zelin. She knew that Xue Zhiyan had been staying at Chi Qian's house since he was discharged from the hospital.She wanted to pretend that she knocked over the dessert, and something happened when the two of them went to wash and change their clothes, so that she could confirm that she was Jian Zelin's woman.

It was all according to her plan before, but Xue Zhiyan's sudden return to Jane's house was unexpected to her.Xue Zhiyan's appearance disrupted all her plans, and because of Xue Zhiyan's sudden appearance, she couldn't get down from the stage.

Di Wei felt that all her embarrassment and failure to step down were all because of Xue Zhiyan, without Xue Zhiyan, she would still be that noble Miss Di Wei.Di Wei, who is by Jian Zelin's side, has a unique status.

But all of this was broken after Xue Zhiyan appeared...

"Xue Zhiyan, I hate you...I hate you!" Di Wei fell on the sofa and muttered to herself.

The door of the box was pushed open, a man and a woman stood at the door and looked at Di Wei, who was already drunk on the sofa, seeing her embarrassment and desolation in her eyes.

"Di Wei, Di Wei! Wake up, don't sleep here!" Such a familiar voice, who is it?
Di Wei, who was already completely drunk, just wanted to sleep, but she didn't want someone to shake her vigorously. "Who are you?" Di Wei's tone was full of impatience.

"Di Wei, wake up, I'm Li Er!" The woman was still shaking Di Wei's body, a faint smile flashed on the corner of her mouth, "Why are you all over the city by yourself? Have you drank so much wine?"

"Li Er?" Di Wei opened her eyes with difficulty and looked at the woman in front of her. It was really Li Er.

All the grievances and dissatisfaction with Xue Zhiyan welled up in his heart, he hugged the woman in front of him and cried loudly, "Li Er..."

 The first update today, please collect free recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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