The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 177 When shopping in progress

Chapter 177 Shopping in progress ([-])

Four tall beauties with different styles walked towards Shengshi Huatian's eighth floor arm in arm, attracting attention along the way, but the four of them didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan, the manager of the tailor-made clothing store went out to greet Xue Zhiyan and the others.After what happened last time, the manager had already gotten to know Xue Zhiyan, so he naturally knew her details, so he didn't dare to neglect them.

Who knew that if I accidentally said something that made her unhappy, I would lose my job?She entertained him carefully, but Xue Zhiyan was very uncomfortable.

Of course Xue Zhiyan knew what was going on in the heart of this respectful manager, but he had no choice but to send her away, so he could only let her stay with a few people.

"By the way, manager, do you have sister outfits here?" Xue Zhiyan thought of the topic of girlfriend photos that made them very excited just now, and asked.

"I don't have girlfriend outfits, but a series of new styles have come out recently, would you like to take a look?" The manager walked to the front as he spoke, leading the way for a few people.

What the manager is talking about is a set of black clothes, and there are four sets in total: one is a black dress with a princess style; one is a black slim dress with a sexy line; trousers; the other set is a black suspender skirt with a book fragrance.

When Feng Ziyao saw the black jumpsuit, his eyes lit up.Of course Chi Qian and Liang Huan did too. Looking at the black slim dress and suspender skirt drooling, Xue Zhiyan glanced at the black princess dress speechlessly, and pouted, "Shall we try?"

The three of them nodded heavily without looking at Xue Zhiyan.Then each of them called a clerk who could help them, and walked into the dressing room with their favorite clothes.

Xue Zhiyan was the fastest to finish the change. This set of princess dresses was different from the ones she had worn before, not to mention that the color was black, but she liked the design very much.

The upper body is slim, with a hand-embroidered rose pattern as a whole, black tulle from the chest to the shoulders, conservative yet sexy.The tulle design on the back is just right to block the tattoo on her back, so you don't have to be afraid of being seen.The skirt body is designed with fluffy gauze. The black gauze skirt highlights the elegant temperament, but it is also playful and cute.

The second one came out was Liang Huan, wearing a black suspender skirt with a pure cotton white shirt, with long hair hanging over his shoulders, like a middle school student studying in school.

Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian lifted the curtain of the fitting room at the same time, Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan looked at them at the same time, stunned, but did not forget to "praise" them. "evildoer!"

Chi Qian's black slim dress is a tube top design. Chi Qian has a very good figure. Wearing this dress on her body perfectly shows her uneven figure, especially her collarbone, together with being a woman Xue Zhiyan swallowed unconsciously.

Not to mention Feng Ziyao, the one-piece trousers, originally designed with a bare back, were worn on her body, which made her independent personality more prominent.The black pearl wraps around the neck, and several straps crossed on the back, which are sexy and individual.Xue Zhiyan looked at Feng Ziyao's bare arms and beautiful back, and couldn't help but click his tongue, "Monster!"

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!" Before Chi Qian and Feng Ziyao could take a closer look at Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan's attire, an annoying female voice came to several people's ears.

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan turned their heads, Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian looked up, and saw Di Wei and Li Er standing not far from them.The speaker was Li Er, with a look of impatience and disgust.

Xue Zhiyan thought about it in his heart, it really is a narrow road to Yuanjia!But Xue Zhiyan didn't care, and waved to the manager who had been standing beside her, and said to her when the manager approached: "I want this set of four clothes, and I will put them in the store for now, and wait for the need." I'll call someone over to pick it up!"

The manager who heard Xue Zhiyan said this was naturally happy, and nodded immediately, "Then shall I go over there first and help Miss Xue complete the order?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded and took it as an answer, then glanced at Feng Ziyao and the others, "Let's go in and change, and go over there to try on the shoes?"

After hearing Li Er's words, Chi Qian's smiling and happy face instantly collapsed. If Feng Ziyao hadn't pulled her, she would have rushed to beat her up.

"Manager! I want to try on that black dress too!" Li Er pointed to Xue Zhiyan's clothes, and said to the manager who came back with the opened receipt.

Who is a manager?It is not easy to be the manager. She first nodded politely to Li Er and Di Wei, then glanced at Xue Zhiyan, and then said, "I'm sorry, miss, our SPY rule is that as long as there is The clothes ordered by customers first will not be tried on by other customers.”

"What do you mean? Do you mean I can't afford it?" Li Er deliberately raised his voice, his face full of resentment, and he glared at Xue Zhiyan and the people around Xue Zhiyan.

Di Wei held her hand next to her, wanting Li Er to stop messing around, otherwise it would attract other people and make it hard for everyone to come down.Li Er didn't appreciate it, he shook off Di Wei's hand, took a step forward, and stared at the humble manager.

The manager had no choice but to call in the clerk, hand over the opened receipt to her, and ask her to pass it on to Xue Zhiyan.

When Xue Zhiyan changed into his own clothes and came out, the manager was still standing there confronting Li Er.Xue Zhiyan shook his head helplessly, and wanted to go over to pay the bill.

"Miss Xue!" Seeing Xue Zhiyan walking towards the other side, the manager stopped her in time, "Young Master Su said that if you come to the store, you don't need to pay cash for everything."

"Ha! It turns out that you were taken care of by Su Lingxuan. I wonder why you have so much money to come here!" Before Xue Zhiyan could say anything, Li Er snorted coldly and said such a sentence.

Seeing that both Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian clenched their fists, Liang Huan hurriedly stood between them, holding one arm in each other, for fear that the two of them would slap that arrogant woman in the face if they rushed up.

Xue Zhiyan was well educated, he didn't rush up to slap Li Er twice, but just gave her a cold look.The corner of her mouth tugged slightly, and a wicked smile hung on her delicate face, "At least I have the ability to make Su Lingxuan spend money for me. Pay you money?"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he nodded politely to the manager, and shook his head at Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian who were standing behind him who were extremely angry, and Liang Huan who had been pulling them to prevent them from rushing up, " Where are we going?"

Feng Ziyao half pulled Chi Qian and Liang Huan out of SPY quickly. When Xue Zhiyan passed by Di Wei, he happened to see the cabinet where the cufflinks were placed. He approached and picked out a pair of sun-shaped blue jewel cufflinks. Looking at the manager, he glanced at Li Er again, "I pack this pair of cufflinks for me, and I swipe my own card, so it doesn't need to be counted to Su Lingxuan!"

Xue Zhiyan didn't look at Di Wei the whole time, and of course he didn't take her apologetic look into his eyes.

The fourth update~~ Weiliang needs a true fan, please support~~
(End of this chapter)

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