The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 185 The Ambiguity in the Bathroom

Chapter 185 The Ambiguity in the Bathroom
Xue Zhiyan's face turned redder, like a ripe tomato.Putting his hands on the ground, he didn't lift his butt, but just rubbed his back, leaving Jian Zelin's warm lips.

"You, you, why are you in my room!" Xue Zhiyan turned his head away from him, his eyes erratically looked at the pure white toilet in front of him.

The question I wanted to ask him originally, I just asked it now.The smile on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth got deeper and deeper, but it also seemed more playful.

"Only your bathroom is empty. Seeing that you haven't woken up yet, I'll use it first!" Jian Zelin moved forward again, and stretched out his hands through Xue Zhiyan's armpits.

With a little effort in his hands, Xue Zhiyan was hugged up, and of course he stood up himself.

The two of them were so close that Xue Zhiyan could smell the scent of his own shower gel on his body.It smells so good, this is not the first time she feels that her shower gel smells good, but it smells even better when it is mixed with his scent.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to come in just after I started taking a shower!" Jian Zelin looked Xue Zhiyan from head to toe as he spoke, as if Xue Zhiyan was the one who had been seen naked just now.

"I, I, I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't know you were in my bathroom!" Xue Zhiyan didn't know why, and began to feel a little difficult to breathe, so he stretched out his hand and gently pushed Jian Zelin.

When the fingers touched his **** chest, they quickly retracted.Because at the moment of touching, Xue Zhiyan felt his strong heartbeat.

"Um... have you used it up?" Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to raise his head to meet Jian Zelin's gaze, and looked at him pretending to be calm, "Go out when you're done, I want to use the toilet!"

The smirk on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth became more obvious. For some reason, he just wanted to tease her today.Jian Zelin put his hands on the washstand behind Xue Zhiyan, wrapped Xue Zhiyan in his arms, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a look of confusion, "What should I do, this is the first time I have been seen by a woman other than my mother, You are responsible to me!"

It is estimated that if Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen heard this, they would definitely drag him to see a psychiatrist.How could the always cold Jian Zelin say such words?Still so ambiguous?
But it doesn't matter, as I said, there are only him and Xue Zhiyan in this bathroom, so there is no need to worry about being heard and seen by others.

Xue Zhiyan heard his words, the first time?The brain also short-circuited in an instant, "Then what do you want? Do you want me to..." At this point, Xue Zhiyan unconsciously crossed his hands on his chest, and looked at Jian Zelin nervously.

"What do you want?" Jian Zelin knew from Xue Zhiyan's movements and expressions that she was thinking too much, but he just wanted to see Xue Zhiyan's different reactions in various situations, even the way he looked at Xue Zhiyan became different.

"You don't want me to get naked, let you see it all over, right?" Xue Zhiyan's brain is really short-circuited, he can say such words, if it were normal, she would definitely throw him out, Then tell him that she is the one who suffers, and she is worried that she will get a needle's eye.

After hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin knew that he couldn't tease her anymore, otherwise something would really happen when she really took off her clothes.No matter how you say him, Jian Zelin, he is also a normal man of the right age!
"Oh? You think I think so?" Xue Zhiyan got out of his wild thoughts only after hearing Jian Zelin's words.

Seeing the smirk on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth, she realized that she had been fooled.But no matter what, she really saw it, both what she should see and what she shouldn't see!
Xue Zhiyan blushed again in embarrassment, and couldn't care less about that, so he pushed Jian Zelin and rushed out.But today it seemed that the two were destined to meet each other honestly, Xue Zhiyan didn't pay attention, slipped and fell backwards.

The flustered Xue Zhiyan grabbed the bath towel on Jian Zelin's waist in a random grab.Seeing Xue Zhiyan fall backwards suddenly, Jian Zelin reached out to grab Xue Zhiyan without thinking too much.

Hmm, fortunately, Jian Zelin shot in time, and his movements were considered sensitive. He protected Xue Zhiyan in his arms, and he used Xue Zhiyan as a meat pad.

"Uh... so dangerous!" Xue Zhiyan patted his beating heart, and heaved a sigh of relief lying in Jian Zelin's arms. If he fell to the ground, he would definitely be taken to the hospital for a few days.

"Are you okay?" Xue Zhiyan said as he was about to stand up and check Jian Zelin's situation.

But Jian Zelin looked annoyed, and pressed her tightly against his chest, "Don't move!"

Of course Xue Zhiyan would not be so obedient, he looked at Jian Zelin with a puzzled expression, "The floor is so cold, don't you think..." Before he finished speaking, Xue Zhiyan felt something hard around his waist, pushing against him.

Swish - Xue Zhiyan blushed again.She is not an ignorant little girl, of course she knows what this means.Seeing Xue Zhiyan's appearance, Jian Zelin remembered the scene where Xue Zhiyan kicked him off the bed, and smiled helplessly.

As a normal man, it is absolutely normal to wake up early and react.Originally, Jian Zelin had taken a shower and was already much better.But Xue Zhiyan, who suddenly barged in, looked at him, and the deer in his heart started to jump wildly again.After finally appeasing the little deer in my heart and the restless brother, this Xue Zhiyan was slippery again, this is good, I have to take a bath again!

"Don't move!" Jian Zelin didn't know what he was anymore, and reacted to Xue Zhiyan one after another. According to his attitude towards her, let alone reacting, it was impossible for him to treat her like he did when he was a child.

Helpless, at this moment, Young Master Jian still doesn't know some of the reactions of people, so that he can truly reflect his inner state and express what he subconsciously wants.

"Close your eyes!" Sensing Xue Zhiyan's careful breathing, Jian Zelin could only sigh, and said in a commanding tone.

Xue Zhiyan didn't dare to get angry, and closed her eyes obediently, she didn't dare to look at Jian Zelin's figure again.It would not be worthwhile if Jian Zelin poached her beautiful eyes when she was angry.

Jian Zelin supported Xue Zhiyan to stand up, glanced at the towel scattered on the ground, shook his head helplessly, then glanced at Xue Zhiyan with his eyes closed, took her hand, and walked out slowly.

"Xue Zhiyan, I just realized that you at this moment are the most similar to you when you were a child!" Jian Zelin said helplessly, not forgetting to kick away the towel under her feet to prevent her from slipping again.

After hearing his words, Xue Zhiyan didn't understand the meaning. He wanted to open his eyes and ask him what he meant, but when he moved his eyelids, he heard Jian Zelin's cold voice coming from above his head: "I don't want me to do anything to you If so, close your eyes!"

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips to express his dissatisfaction, but he still closed his eyes obediently, "What do you mean by that? Is that when I was a child?"

Jian Zelin really wanted to open her head to see what was inside, in such an ambiguous atmosphere, she could still ask such stupid questions.

"I mean, you are the most similar to when you were a child!" Jian Zelin was not angry, and patiently explained to her, "Just listen to me alone, I will let you go east, you will never go west! "

It's the second update~ Is Weiliang's recent writing too plain~ No one reads it~~
(End of this chapter)

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