The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 207 Happy Birthday

Chapter 207 Happy Birthday
Jian Zelin came out of the shower, and just as he walked to the bed, he saw his mobile phone flashing, as if there was a message.

Puzzled, he picked up his phone, unlocked it, and read the information.Only to find that it has reached NO.11.

I didn't see the text message, but I saw a message prompt on the social software, clicked on it and saw the three big characters Xue Zhiyan shaking non-stop.

"Jane Zelin, the fifth son of the diamond, happy birthday!" There was an expression of cake and gift box at the back. Looking at this message, the corners of Jian Zelin's mouth turned up, revealing eight teeth.

This is the first time he has received birthday wishes, and he usually hides himself, and he will not return to the crowd until the end of the day.

And those who know him, few people dare to send him the four words happy birthday.

Xue Zhiyan made an exception and sent these four words to him in the first second of NO.11.He didn't feel disgusted, but smiled at the phone.

Xue Zhiyan was about to put down his phone to sleep, but he felt the vibration of the phone and picked it up again.

"Thank you!" Xue Zhiyan smiled with satisfaction when he saw the message sent back by Jian Zelin.

Put down the phone, close your eyes, this night is destined to be a good sleep.


Xue Zhiyan got up early in the morning without anyone calling, and when he went downstairs, Yu Ma was the only one cooking eggs in the kitchen.

"Mama Yu?" Xue Zhiyan quietly walked behind Mama Yu, patted Mama Yu's shoulder lightly, "Have you cooked the noodles yet?"

Mama Yu had heard about Xue Zhiyan a long time ago, so she was not frightened.Hearing Xue Zhiyan talking about noodles, Mama Yu shook her head, "Master didn't have the habit of celebrating birthdays in the past, so he didn't prepare longevity noodles, and I only cooked the eggs when Uncle Cheng reminded me just now."

Xue Zhiyan stood there and looked around, "Mama Yu, shall we make noodles?" Xue Zhiyan looked at the time, it was not yet seven o'clock, if the two of them were making noodles together, everyone would come down for breakfast at 08:30 It's time to cook.

Yu Ma hurriedly waved her hands, "Miss, don't do it, let me do it!" Seeing Xue Zhiyan's thoughts, Yu Ma turned around and went to the cupboard to take out the kneading and rolling noodles and put them on the operating table superior.

"It's okay, Mama Yu, don't worry!" Xue Zhiyan took the things in Mama's hands, stuck out his tongue, "I deliberately lifted the lid of the pot last time to distract Grandpa and the others!"

"Then you can't let Miss do these rough jobs?" Yu Ma said and was about to snatch the things from Xue Zhiyan's hands, but she nimbly dodged them.

Xue Zhiyan kneaded and kneaded the dough skillfully, with a faint smile on his face, "Mother Yu, this is not rough work. How can it be rough work if she can feed her stomach? Besides, I have been cooking since I was a child. Is it hard to do this?" Pour mine!"

Mama Yu knew that she couldn't speak for Xue Zhiyan, so she could only stand beside Xue Zhiyan with a smile and fight. "Miss, this must be the most memorable birthday of the young master!"

Xue Zhiyan's shoulders were a little sore, probably because the weather was about to change.She put the dough on the panel and stood beside Mama Yu and watched Mama Yu knead the dough.

"Mum Yu, Jian Zelin won't stop eating noodles, right?" Xue Zhiyan was still a little worried, after all he didn't know Jian Zelin's eating habits.If he didn't eat it after making it himself, it would be bad to make Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang angry.

"Eat, young master!" Yu Ma never expected Xue Zhiyan to have such thoughts, even her old servant who has taken care of Jian Zelin for more than [-] years did not expect to be so considerate.

Did Xue Zhiyan rub his shoulders, looking at the foggy sky outside the window, it seems that it's time again!
"Miss, why don't you go sit outside if you're not feeling well?" Yu Ma had already noticed Xue Zhiyan's small movements, but she just didn't know how to speak.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, took the dough folded by Yu's mother, and cut the noodles himself.Yu Ma looked at the noodles that Xue Zhiyan had cut out, and couldn't help but praise Xue Zhiyan, the noodles were cut evenly!

Although Xue Zhiyan is a rich lady, because of what she experienced in her childhood, she is more like the daughter of an ordinary family.But this doesn't mean that Xue Zhiyan can't play the young lady's temper. To play the temper needs to divide people and things.

Xue Zhiyan and Yu Ma were chatting and laughing in the kitchen without stopping their hands.When the two heard footsteps, the water in the pot had already boiled.

Xue Zhiyan poked his head out of the kitchen and found that everyone had come to the dining room, even Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen rushed over.

Several people were surprised that Xue Zhiyan got up early, especially when Su Kai saw Xue Zhiyan poking his head out of the kitchen, he burst out laughing, "Looks like thanks to Linlin, we are lucky today!"

Jian Zelin glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was smiling mysteriously, then walked towards the kitchen with a puzzled expression.As soon as he got close to Xue Zhiyan, Xue Zhiyan pushed him out, "Sit in your seat! Don't move!"

"Hey miss, don't forget, today he is the birthday star, he is the biggest!" Feng Ziyao held his chin, looked at Xue Zhiyan sleepily, and did not forget to remind her.

"That won't work either!" Xue Zhiyan gave Feng Ziyao a dissatisfied look, and then pushed Jian Zelin around, "Hurry up, sit back, or dinner will be late again!"

Jian Zelin walked back to the chair with a helpless expression and sat down. Jian Guozheng laughed when he saw his grandson's dissatisfied expression.

"See what tricks this girl can do!" Jian Guozheng glanced at Su Kai, since Xue Zhiyan came to Jian's house, Jian Zelin was obviously different from before.

Staying at home for a long time, although the words are still as few as ever.

"Noodles here~" Xue Zhiyan deliberately elongated his tone, and then trotted out of the kitchen with a bowl full of noodles.

Putting the bowl in front of Jian Zelin, regardless of Jian Zelin's surprised expression, he pinched his hands on his ears, "Longevity noodles, haha, are you moved?"

Before Jian Zelin could answer, Xue Zhiyan ran into the kitchen again, and when he came out, he held a tray in his hand, and there were several bowls on the plate, and the bowls were also filled with noodles.

"Mama Yu made it. I was just in charge of kneading the dough. It's purely handmade!" Xue Zhiyan and Mama Yu served everyone a bowl, and then sat down in their seats, looking at Jian Zelin expectantly.

"Why don't you eat?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin's darkened face, wouldn't he be angry again?
But Xue Zhiyan had already decided in his heart that even if Jian Zelin exploded into the sky today, she would not oppose him. Who made him the birthday star today?
"Miss, eggs!" Mama Yu reminded Xue Zhiyan by her side, and Xue Zhiyan remembered that there was still something to do, so he put down his chopsticks and ran into the kitchen.

"Xue Zhiyan, slow down, your feet are gone!" Su Lingxuan couldn't help reminding her when he saw Xue Zhiyan's flirting.

Xue Zhiyan came out of the kitchen with an egg in his hand, and gave Su Lingxuan a blank look. He was always fussing, "What are you afraid of, isn't there Youchen?"

Yan Shaochen smiled helplessly, even if he was there, he could only help her relieve the pain.

Xue Zhiyan walked up to Jian Qiyang, and handed the egg to Jian Qiyang, "Uncle, you have to do this!"

Everyone sitting at the table looked at Xue Zhiyan in surprise, not knowing what she was going to do.

Jian Qiyang was holding the egg in his hand, but he didn't know what to do. He looked back and forth between Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin's faces.

(End of this chapter)

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