Chapter 209 Lost
"What if I lose?" Jian Zelin raised the corners of his mouth, with a faint smile.His eyes narrowed slightly, but he couldn't stop the gleam of light flashing in his eyes.

Of course Feng Ziyao knew what Jian Zelin meant, and returned him with a generous smile, "If you lose, I will do the design of the twenty villas in Xinjingdi, and the design fee will be paid according to the market price, how about it?"

After arguing for a long time, Feng Ziyao wanted the right to design the [-] single-family villas, so as to reduce the chance of losing in the competition.

Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen took a look at Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao knew the news as soon as the case was finalized, she couldn't have said it, right?The two of them are going to collect designs extensively!
"Don't look at the words, she didn't reveal it to me!" Of course Feng Ziyao knew what Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan's eyes meant, she glanced at Xue Zhiyan, "I accidentally saw the documents on my mother's desk, so I know !"

Xue Zhiyan stood next to Liang Huan indifferently, she still knew the rules, even if she really thought about letting Feng Ziyao take charge of the case.

"Then, does Bureau Yao deliberately leak secrets?" Jian Zelin was relieved when he heard Feng Ziyao's words. He really didn't want Xue Zhiyan to say anything about Xinjingdi.

"Maybe?" Feng Ziyao shrugged helplessly, then looked at Jian Zelin seriously, "How about it, do you want to bet?"

"I hope your design can stand out among the many designs!" Jian Zelin still did not give up his original plan, and said it truthfully.

Feng Ziyao smiled confidently, "I have confidence in my own design!"

A few people stood in the aisle like this and watched the two talk to each other. Finally, the discussion was settled, and everyone walked into the large billiard room one after another.

Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and Chi Qian were in a group, with Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian playing, while Liang Huan and Xue Zhiyan sat on the pure leather sofa to watch the battle.

As for Di Wei, even if the four of them pulled her into a group with them, she would not nod her head in agreement. Naturally, she would be in a group with Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan challenged, while Yan Shaochen sat not far from Liang Huan, watching Liang Huan quietly.

In his eyes, Liang Huan was his main battlefield.As for how Jian Zelin and Su Ling fought, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him at all.

"Ah Ze, come on!" Sitting on the sofa, Di Wei cheered on Jian Zelin.

For some reason, Xue Zhiyan had goose bumps all over his body when he heard her voice.

"Di Wei, can you talk well?" Xue Zhiyan took a lollipop in his mouth, and looked at Di Wei speechlessly, always feeling that her words were cute.

"How I speak seems to have nothing to do with Miss Xue!" Di Wei finally straightened her tongue.

Hearing Di Wei's cold voice and that smiling face that was no longer flattering, Xue Zhiyan felt unspeakably comfortable.

A good person doesn't speak well, if he insists on pretending to be a weak lady in front of Jian Zelin, he has to keep half his tongue in his mouth.Even every time I see myself, I have to smile hypocritically. Are you really afraid that my mouth will cramp when I smile?
But Di Wei didn't intend to keep smiling at Xue Zhiyan hypocritically, because she had already decided on something.Once some things are decided, no matter how good I am in acting, it will never be the same as before.

Yan Shaochen noticed Di Wei's small changes, because she finally stopped smirking at Xue Zhiyan today, and didn't kiss your "Zhiyan" anymore, but directly called her "Miss Xue".

I just don't know if Jian Zelin has noticed these small changes in Di Wei?Yan Shaochen just glanced at Di Wei, then turned his attention back to Liang Huan.

"Don't look at me, look over there!" Liang Huan stretched out a hand, covering Yan Shaochen's face without hesitation, and pushed his face aside forcefully, while he stared at Feng Zi intently. Yao and Chi Qian.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan were worried that they would scare Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian directly because they were too powerful, so they repeatedly released water on them.Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian were not fools, they directly poked the club against the wall, and looked at them with their arms crossed.

"You two belong to the faucet, right?" Feng Ziyao was speechless, and turned on the water again and again, "Is it endless to turn on the water?"

"Jian Zelin, even if you are the birthday star today, I can't stand you anymore!" Chi Qian walked up to Jian Zelin and snatched his exclusive cue.

Standing in Jian Zelin's position, lying on the table, aiming at a bouquet, with a little force on his right hand, the bouquet hit accurately entered the hole.

"You think the two of us are blind?" Chi Qian stuffed the club back into Jian Zelin's hand, and pointed to the flower ball that had just been wiped, "Is there any way to have fun?"

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, "Okay, okay, start over!" Jian Zelin really didn't expect these two women to be so sharp-eyed.

Feng Ziyao walked up to Xue Zhiyan and sat down, took the lollipop from her mouth and stuffed it into his own.

"Jian Zelin, don't you take the two of us as Xue Zhi's words and deeds?" Feng Ziyao said with a very speechless glance at Jian Zelin who came over.

"Die!" Xue Zhiyan unceremoniously pinched Feng Ziyao's waist, and at the same time gave Jian Zelin a blank look.

It's okay to bet, and it doesn't matter if you make a bet, why should you put water on Feng Ziyao!It's okay to let the water go, and it's obvious to people, it's really stupid!

Jian Zelin directly ignored Xue Zhiyan's big eyes, passed Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao, and looked directly at Yan Shaochen, "Chen, what birthday gift do you want to give me?"

"I'll give you two dumb pills!" Yan Shaochen looked at Jian Zelin with a smile, pulled out a box from behind, and threw it directly to Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin took the box thrown by Yan Shaochen and put it beside him without even looking at it, but the smile on his mouth was just right, telling everyone that he is very happy now.

"It's your turn!" Chi Qian walked over and winked at Feng Ziyao.

Su Lingxuan followed Chi Qian, and also flirted with Jian Zelin, sat where Jian Zelin was sitting just now, and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's hair.

Feng Ziyao followed Jian Zelin to the table with a lollipop in his mouth, with a calm expression on his face, showing no emotion.

"Will you win?" Xue Zhiyan knocked off Su Lingxuan's big hand covering her head, protected his hair, and asked Su Lingxuan curiously.

"Narrow victory!" It was Chi Qian who spoke, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

Su Lingxuan curled her lips pretending to be disappointed, "I let my defeated sister win me, how could I have the face to tell others!"

Chi Qian stepped past Xue Zhiyan, and gently patted Su Lingxuan on the back as a sign of comfort, "Don't worry, I'm just going to ask my brother for a reward, I won't tell anyone else!"

"Come on, have a glass of wine to calm your nerves!" Liang Huan also cooperated, and directly passed a wine glass to Su Lingxuan.

Turning around, he picked up his own wine glass, lightly touched Chi Qian's wine glass, "Sisters, for your first victory, I'm done!"

"To Su Lingxuan's first defeat, let's drink!" Xue Zhiyan also picked up the wine glass cooperatively, lightly touched Liang Su and Chi Qian's glass, and drank the wine cleanly with his head raised.

Yan Shaochen looked at Su Lingxuan and shrugged helplessly, and the two of them looked at these three women who were talking about themselves, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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