The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 214 Birthday Presents

Chapter 214 Birthday Present ([-])

What Xue Zhiyan said to Jian Zelin in the afternoon was heard by Di Wei who had no sense of presence all day, but it remained in his heart and imprinted in his mind.

What?Is it best to snatch it from others?Di Wei raised her head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, her eyes were full of murderous intent.

Xue Zhiyan, are you telling me that you want to rob Jian Zelin?The more Di Wei thought about it, the more angry she became, the hand holding the wine glass exerted strength, and the knuckles turned blue and white.

Not to mention that I have been ignored like air today, just seeing the intimacy between Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin, the little flame of anger has completely swallowed Diwei.

Although Di Wei is not the eldest lady that everyone is looking forward to, she has never been tried by anyone.But today, she experienced all the cold reception she hadn't received in more than [-] years.And the person who caused all this was Xue Zhiyan.

Even if Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang didn't like her very much, they never turned a blind eye to her.But now because of Xue Zhiyan's existence, she was completely cut off from sight by Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang.

Not only Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang, everyone's eyes stopped on Xue Zhiyan, as if Xue Zhiyan was the center of the universe.

Even Jian Zelin, who was very disgusted with Xue Zhiyan before, changed his previous attitude, and his eyes always stayed on Xue Zhiyan.

Not to mention Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen, after returning from viewing the red leaves in Xishan last time, they never looked at her again.

Now I will think about what Xue Zhiyan said carefully. Is this a challenge to myself?The furious Di Wei threw the wine glass out of her hand viciously.

Xue Zhiyan, all of this, the cold reception I have suffered is because of you!Di Wei clenched her fist tightly, and the veins on the back of her hand protruded.

Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, Diwei's scarlet eyes and clenched lips told the man who opened the door that the woman in front of her was extremely angry.


Xue Zhiyan looked at the cream-stained dress and Jian Zelin's suit hanging in the cloakroom, and curled his lips happily.

From the top drawer of the corner cabinet, she took out a bag containing the pair of cufflinks she bought at SPY last time.

She gently opened the box containing the cuffs and looked at the pair of sapphire cufflinks inside.She likes the design of this pair of cufflinks very much, the unique sun shape, if yellow gemstones are used, it will be more vivid.

But this blue gem is also good, it matches Jian Zelin's unique identity very well.Once upon a time, in Xue Zhiyan's heart, Jian Zelin was like the sun warming her and illuminating the dark places in her heart.

Even after more than ten years, everyone's mood is different, Jian Zelin still warms Xue Zhiyan like the sun, illuminating all the dark corners in her heart.

It's just that Xue Zhiyan forgot that although the sun can warm people, it also emits infinite heat energy, making people unable to get close easily.

He looked at the cufflinks in his hand, put them back into the bag, put them deep in the drawer, turned around and walked out with his pajamas.

It's just that the door of the cloakroom was closed, and soon Xue Zhiyan opened the door and came back.Taking out the cufflinks that she put in the drawer, hesitantly walked to the place where Jian Zelin put the clothes.

It's just that Di Wei gave him a pair of cufflinks this afternoon, and his pair... Xue Zhiyan hesitated for a moment, and walked over with the bag, and put the bag in his hand on the cabinet that Jian Zelin could see as soon as he entered the door .

Otherwise, it's useless to keep such a pair of cufflinks by herself, and she doesn't need to wear a suit and tie.

As soon as Jian Zelin walked into the cloakroom after taking a shower, he saw a bag on the cabinet where he used to put his cufflinks, which seemed to be a gift.

The things he received today, except for the box that Xue Zhiyan gave him, were all thrown into the storage room downstairs by him, why is there one missing?

Jian Zelin picked up the bag in doubt, and took out the small box inside, looking at the maroon satin box lying in his palm, Jian Zelin was even more puzzled.Diwei gave him such a box, did he leave one here?

To be honest, Jian Zelin didn't open the thing that Di Wei gave him, but saw the box when he took the bag away, the two boxes are too similar.

Jian Zelin opened the palm-sized box, and saw the pair of sapphire cufflinks lying inside, the sword eyebrows had been twisted into twists, could it really be the pair of cufflinks Di Wei gave him?

Xue Zhiyan walked in with loose half-dry hair, and was startled when he saw Jian Zelin standing in the cloakroom, "Are you there?"

Seeing the pair of cufflinks he was holding, Xue Zhiyan was gripped by an invisible hand fiercely, and put the bracelet in his hand back into the jewelry cabinet.

Taking a peek at Jian Zelin who was full of doubts, just as Xue Zhiyan was about to say something, Jian Zelin turned his head and looked at her seriously, "This cufflink..."

He was sure that he put all the things he received today on the shelf in the storage room, and the "left" gift in his hand was definitely not from them.

Apart from him, there was only one person left who could enter the cloakroom and leave the pair of cufflinks quietly.Of course he wouldn't be so bored, giving himself a gift.

"I bought the cuffs, and it's your birthday present!" Xue Zhiyan closed his eyes and didn't look at Jian Zelin, and said like a cannonball, "Diwei gave you a pair of diamond cufflinks this afternoon, I don't want to give it away! But this It’s useless for me to keep it, so I’d better give it to you!”

After Xue Zhiyan finished what he wanted to say, he stood there and breathed a sigh of relief.I haven't heard Jian Zelin speak out after waiting for a long time, are you angry again?
Xue Zhiyan opened one eye in fear, wanting to see Jian Zelin's expression, but found that there was darkness in front of his eyes.

Opening his eyes, he realized that Jian Zelin had stood in front of him without knowing when it started, and what he saw just now was his black bathrobe.

"If you don't like it, it's up to you!" Xue Zhiyan said it very easily, but only she knew how uncomfortable she felt when she said this sentence.

"En." Jian Zelin only replied Xue Zhiyan.

Ok?What does this word mean?like?Or do you not like it?Or even hate?

Well, Xue Zhiyan really wanted to yell and ask him what the "um" meant.But it doesn't matter anymore, facing Jian Zelin's current attitude, she no longer has the heart to know what he thinks.

It's just that if you can't guess what he's thinking at this moment, you will feel sad, and your face and eyes will be a little sour?

"Good night!" Xue Zhiyan was like a leaking ball in an instant, with an indescribable grievance in his heart, he turned around and prepared to go back to his room.

"Xue Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan's lonely back, and couldn't help but want to hug her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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