Chapter 220
Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen looked at Chi Qian, who was stammering, and Liang Huan, who nodded affirmatively, and were very curious about what Liang Huan said.

"Huan Huan, what you said is true?" Chi Qian still couldn't believe it, the two of them looked so well matched, how could they be cousins?
Chi Qian always thought that such bloody things would only happen in Korean dramas, but she didn't expect it to happen before her eyes today.

Seeing that Liang Huan nodded affirmatively, Chi Qian wanted to pull out her tongue and cut it off.

"Then what should we do?" Chi Qian looked at Liang Huan worriedly, and asked her for help, "Won't Zhiyan be angry?"

Liang slowly shook his head, looked back in the direction of the kitchen, "Probably not!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a finger and poked Chi Qian's head, "What do you think is so strong in your head? Can you imagine this?"

"Please! Blind people can see that they are a perfect couple, okay?" Chi Qian said a little unconvinced, but the plot reversed too quickly!

"Are you going to tell me that the deaf heard the dumb say that the blind saw love?" Liang Huan gave Chi Qian a blank look, really convinced.

"Can you two say something easy to understand?" Jian Zelin frowned in dissatisfaction. Ever since Liang Huan said something to Chi Qian, neither he nor Yan Shaochen could understand a word they said.

Liang Huan didn't buy his account at all, and rolled his eyes at him extremely unhappy, "Jian Zelin, if you don't like it, just don't marry her, she doesn't need you to carry or hug her, she just lives in the You are just the Jane family, do you need to push her out like this?
What's the matter with her, do you need to clear it out like you are dealing with the inventory in the mall?Living under the same roof, I can't see you when you look up and see you when you look down!If you are like this, if one day she can't decide on your Jane's family, she won't dump you even if you beg her! "

After Liang Huan said this, he rolled his eyes together with Yan Shaochen, and dragged Chi Qian to the kitchen to find Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan and Aunt Wang were very happy working in the kitchen, with a smile on their faces, and they didn't look unhappy at all.

Chi Qian looked at Xue Zhiyan, who had his back turned to her, with a puzzled face, wasn't he a bad face just now?Why did you laugh out so quickly?

Liang Huan slapped Chi Qian who was standing at the door, "Go and help!"

Chi Qian nodded, rolled up her sleeves, and walked in after Liang Huan.

"Aunt Wang, we little sisters want to talk privately, so we won't delay everyone's lunch, okay?" Liang Huan walked in, looking at Aunt Wang with a smile, not knowing what it meant to be around the bush.

Aunt Wang nodded, put down the things in her hands, and picked up the fruit that Xue Zhiyan had cut just now, "I'll take the fruit out, and take a look at the master by the way!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, naturally he knew what Chi Qian and Liang Huan were going to say, "Aunt Wang, please forgive me!"

Aunt Wang walked out while saying no trouble.In the big kitchen, Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan and Chi Qian were the only ones left.

No one spoke, the chicken soup in the pot was bubbling and bubbling.The kitchen knife in Xue Zhiyan's hand collided rhythmically with the cutting board, making a thumping sound.

Looking at the almost cut cabbage, Liang Huan took out an empty plate and put all the cabbage in.

"Angry?" Chi Qian stood aside, really unable to help.

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes, "That's not likely, but sister, can you tell, how can you tell that we look like a couple?"

Chi Qian also rolled her eyes, "Who do you see Su Lingxuan being so nice to? Only you can ride on his neck and shit!"

Uh... this is the kitchen, can you stop being so disgusting?Xue Zhiyan really wanted to remind her to pay attention to her image, she could say such unreserved words!

"He is only tender to you, and you are only intimate with him, the opposite sex. He listens to you, even if you are unreasonable, he will accept everything. No matter what you do, he will do it unconditionally Accept it, and be your strong backing. And your trust in him and your dependence on him, in the eyes of outsiders, are things that only a couple will do.

The tacit understanding between the two of you that only you can bully him, and he will only let you bully him alone. If you act coquettishly and scoundrelly to him, he will accept everything. Everything in love is more like love than a couple.The most important thing is that the two of you never explain the relationship between you two to outsiders, you rely on what outsiders see, and you don't care about other people's speculation, let them think about it! " Chi Qian expressed all her feelings towards Xue Zhiyan and Su Lingxuan after getting to know Xue Zhiyan.

Chi Qian leaned against the console and sighed, "He is so kind to you, in the eyes of outsiders, there is only one best explanation!" stood aside.

"He loves you!" Chi Qian really didn't know what it means to be tactful, she just said what she said.

Xue Zhiyan smiled, "I know! But it's limited to the kind of love between brothers and sisters! But I was misunderstood by you and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Qianqian!"

The smile on the corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth was a bit bitter, she picked up the plate containing the pork belly that had already been cut, and walked aside, "Now, the less people know about our relationship, the better, so that Jian Zelin doesn't have to worry about one day, Grandpa Jian will Isn't it good to force him to marry me?"

Xue Zhiyan glanced back at Chi Qian, turned his head to light the fire, poured oil into it, and prepared to make braised pork.

"Zhiyan, do you like Jian Zelin?" Liang Huan looked at Xue Zhiyan calmly after hearing Chi Qian's words. Recently, she noticed that something was wrong with Xue Zhiyan, but she never asked.

Xue Zhiyan smiled and shook his head, "It's not like you like it, is it?" The smile at the corner of her mouth gradually froze on her face, but it was just a trace of bitterness, but she couldn't hide it anymore.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the gradually heating oil pan, turned down the heat, and put the meat into it one by one.At this time, the only sound in the kitchen is the sizzling sound of the meat being put into the pot, and the aroma of the chicken soup wafting out.

"My feelings for him only lasted when I was eight years old!" Xue Zhiyan turned his head and looked at Chi Qian and Liang Huan seriously, "But someone said that children's feelings are insignificant. Then how dare I Do you remember it?"

"I don't know if I like him or not, but I can tell you clearly that when I said these words..." Xue Zhiyan stopped and pointed to his heart, "It hurts here! "

Xue Zhiyan shook his head again, "I really don't know what kind of feelings I have for him now, I can't express it! I just think it's good now!"

Chi Qian and Liang Huan were silent, they stood quietly behind her, listening to the sounds in the kitchen, their expressions were very serious.

"Xue Zhiyan, have you made braised pork?" Feng Ziyao walked in smelling like a dog, and found that the atmosphere was not right, but he didn't ask anything, walked straight behind Xue Zhiyan, and gave her a backhug.

(End of this chapter)

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