The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 223 Chi Yuanzhang is Coming

Chapter 223 Chi Yuan is Back

"Brother, let's go!" Su Kai walked to Jian Guozheng's side, and smiled at him with a not-so-good-looking smile, with crystal liquid slipping from the corner of his eyes.

Jian Guozheng nodded, "Wait until I have a few words with these children!" After speaking, he patted Su Kai on the shoulder, glanced at his son, and asked him to help Su Kai get on the plane first.

"Yan girl! I took Yu Ma and Uncle Cheng away. I know you taught them something you are good at, but grandpa took them away. You have to take good care of yourself!" Jian Guozheng felt a little bit reluctant. No less than Su Kai, he patted Xue Zhiyan on the head, "That brat Aze, if you get into trouble with you, you can hit him hard, grandpa will support you?"

Xue Zhiyan laughed after hearing what Jian Guozheng said, "Grandpa, it's fine if I don't know as much as him!"

"Well, my granddaughter is the most sensible!" Jian Guozheng nodded gratifiedly, "Eat, you can do whatever you want, and if you don't want to, go to Jiangling Pavilion. Grandpa left you the ID card! Cleaning at home Those servants will come over on a regular basis every day. Jian Zelin, you just don't care about him, and he was never cared about in the past!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I will take good care of myself!"

Jian Guozheng shook Xue Zhiyan firmly, and then walked towards Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan, and Yan Shaochen who had been standing aside, "You too, before doing anything, the first consideration is the safety of yourself and the people around you, understand? "

The three of them also nodded, and Jian Guozheng nodded in satisfaction when he saw the three of them.Then he turned and walked into the gate, waved to the four people behind him, and left without looking back.

Looking at Jian Guozheng's old back, Xue Zhiyan couldn't bear the sadness in his heart anymore, and he squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

Fortunately, here is the VVIP waiting room, not many people.The beauty on the ground saw that there were three young girls and a beauty who was in pain, and retreated sensibly.

The three of Jian Zelin just stood behind Xue Zhiyan like that, quietly watching her cry on the ground, no one stepped forward to comfort her.

The three of them felt uncomfortable, especially the condition of Mr. Su, maybe he would...

Xue Zhiyan was almost crying too, covered his face and took out a tissue from his bag, wiped the tears and snot from his face indiscriminately, then stood up, turned around and looked at the three men standing behind him.

"The three of you are too much! You don't even comfort me when you see me crying, you just stand aside and watch!" Xue Zhiyan's nasal voice was very strong, and he looked at the three people behind him speechlessly.If the heart is big enough, let her cry in this public place with tears and snot all over her face.

"When you, Miss Xue, were crying, who of us would dare to step forward? If we turned around and accidentally said the wrong thing, it would be inappropriate to be punched and kicked again!" Su Lingxuan came over and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's hair carelessly, saying To be honest, the sadness in his heart was no less than that of Xue Zhiyan.

He wanted to go to Country M with him, but was rejected by his grandfather. The reason was that he went with him. That smart girl must have known about his illness soon.

After talking a few people started to walk out slowly, the three men habitually walked side by side.Xue Zhiyan also wanted to walk side by side with them. If that was the case, others wouldn't have to walk, and the four of them would be seen walking sideways in this corridor.

"Go to work or go home?" Jian Zelin glanced back at Xue Zhiyan who was following behind, and asked coldly, "Or are you going to Qianxiang Xiaozhu?"

Xue Zhiyan shook her head, she didn't want to go anywhere in these places, they used to be a few people together, now she would be sad if she was the only one left.

She cried just now, and she didn't want to go to work in the company with her walnut eyes. If she went there, she would definitely be a gossip center again, and the rumor that she was abandoned by Su Lingxuan would be even more disturbing.

"No need, I want to go shopping by myself!" Xue Zhiyan wanted to go back to You'an Courtyard to have a look, last time I only stayed with Jian Zelin for a while, and I didn't see Mother Shen, so I really miss it after a long time.

Because something happened during the last holiday, I was afraid that Shen's mother would find out, so I didn't go there. I really miss her a little after a long time.

Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan raised her head, wanting to stop the three of them and tell them her thoughts.It doesn't matter if you don't look up. When you look up, you find that the three people have walked directly to the reception floor.

If you go home directly by car and go out from the departure floor, get in the car and leave, why come to pick up the plane?
"Hey! You three, are you leading the way, right?" Xue Zhiyan stopped in his tracks, looked at the three people who were chatting happily but didn't realize that she wasn't following, and shouted out.

The three of them stopped when they heard Xue Zhiyan's shout, and took a closer look. Let alone, the three chatted and walked down.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the three men in front of him, and really felt that they were heartless. They just sent their relatives on the plane, and now they can chat in the next second, so they don't even care about the road.

"Forget it, the three of you can go back again!" Xue Zhiyan simply waved his hands, and didn't bother to argue with them, so that she could just get rid of the three of them, and just take public transportation to You'an Courtyard by herself.

"Where are you going?" Jian Zelin frowned when she heard Xue Zhiyan's words. She was talking about three people, which did not include herself.

"I'll just take the subway back, and just take a stroll!" Xue Zhiyan pointed to the sign, and answered Jian Zelin's words with a relaxed expression.

Su Lingxuan frowned, "You yourself?"

"Yeah!" Xue Zhiyan nodded, "It just happens to be quiet and quiet!"

As Xue Zhiyan said, he walked to Yan Shaochen's side, and spread his palms on his chest, "Give me your disinfectant wipes, I'll wipe my hands when I get off the subway!"

Yan Shaochen shook his head helplessly, this girl knew so quickly that she had the habit of carrying disinfectant wipes with her.Yan Shaochen solemnly put the two packs of disinfectant wipes that he carried with him in Xue Zhiyan's palm, and did not forget to stroke her hair.

"Be careful!" Yan Shaochen regarded Xue Zhiyan as his younger sister at this time, and to be honest, he didn't know why he regarded a troublesome person as his younger sister.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Xue Zhiyan squeezed through the middle of the three of them as he spoke, turned around as if he remembered something after walking two steps, and looked at Jian Zelin seriously.

"What's wrong?" Jian Zelin felt a little awkward being looked at by Xue Zhiyan for the first time.

"It might be a little late for me to go back tonight!" Xue Zhiyan pointed to Jian Zelin, "Tell Uncle Xu when you go home at night, I might ask him to pick me up!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he turned around and left, without waiting for the few people to say anything more.The three men shook their heads helplessly, turned around and walked back.

After walking a few steps, another man blocked the way.

The three of them frowned impatiently, and looked up to see which good dog was blocking the way.

"I'm just going back to China, do I need three people to pick me up?" The man took off the sunglasses on his face, flicked them casually, and the assistant behind him caught them accurately, "Hi, brothers, surprise! What? I, Chi Yuan, are back!"

(End of this chapter)

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