The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 232 It's time for me

Chapter 232 It's time for me

On Monday, both Shengshi and Kaisheng were busy, because today the young masters of the two families had to meet with the contributors of the design draft of Xinjingdi alone.Of course, there is another mysterious young man who is also said to be a partner.

After Su Lingxuan finished the week's work arrangement meeting in Kaisheng, he returned to the office to arrange Xue Zhiyan's work for the day, and then went to Shengshi.

Xue Zhiyan didn't have time to think about more things, he had already said everything he needed to say yesterday.Even if Su Lingxuan took her to the prosperous world today, she would avoid it.

Besides, the boss is in a meeting, why is she a special assistant?Serving tea and pouring water?It seems wrong, she is not an employee of Shengshi!

Su Lingxuan didn't arrange too much work for her, it was nothing more than documents for other things, as long as she sorted out the electronic version and archived it.

So it was very easy, Xue Zhiyan downloaded the chat software on his laptop.When he was bored, he would chat with Liang Huan and Chi Qian, and Su Lingxuan knew about it, so he didn't say anything.

But what Su Lingxuan didn't know was that these four little girls were in a separate group, and they talked about everything in it.

Today was as usual, Xue Zhiyan finished his work at hand and started his boring life as a net worm.Web news, jokes, online shopping, and then funny videos.Without Su Lingxuan's office, the atmosphere is so relaxing!

However, in another small meeting room on the top floor of Shengshi, the atmosphere is not so relaxed.

Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan, and Chi Yuan sat side by side, with indifferent expressions, listening carefully to each designer's design concept, and talking about the benefits of the house they designed.

Most of them are the same rhetoric, which sounds nothing new.Jian Zelin and Su Ling are used to it. Sometimes, when carrying out such open projects, there will always be such a situation.

Chi Yuan is different, because he manages a different industry from theirs, so he likes to hear the results directly.He became a little impatient with this long nonsense.

From nine o'clock to now, I have listened to the ideas of seven people, and the last three are left.Chi Yuan raised his hand to check the time. It started at nine o'clock in the morning, and it's only 10:30 now.

Suddenly remembering that the two guys went to him the day before and explained why they broke the appointment, Chi Yuan then remembered that the two designers with the same design hadn't come out yet.

Thinking of this, Chi Yuan kicked Su Ling with his foot under the table where no one else could see, Su Ling turned his head slightly, "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you say there was something fun to do?" Chi Yuan raised his eyebrows as he spoke, and deliberately lowered his voice for fear of being heard by others.

After all, those who do design are afraid of being accused of plagiarism and plagiarism.

Su Ling rolled his eyes at him, "Listen well, after the eighth one, it will be fun!"

Chi Yuan didn't say anything more, the female designer who was explaining her thoughts in detail, she might not be very good-looking, but she just had a kind of arrogance, maybe she was a bit of a designer.

There are also two female designers in front, who also have the same arrogance.Chi Yuan doesn't like this kind of woman, he thinks that a woman has to be docile, no matter how arrogant a woman is, she has to hold back her edge when she is around a man.

In this way, Chi Yuan kind of agrees with what his mother and sister said - machismo.

Lin Mo was the ninth to come in. When he came in and saw Su Lingxuan sitting in front of him, he frowned in surprise.But it was only a moment, and the next second he sat calmly on the chair opposite the three of them.

When Jian Zelin saw this man, he finally remembered where he had seen him.The man who was beaten by Xue Zhiyan in a circle in Qingcheng, lying on the sofa and unable to stand up for a long time.

No wonder when I saw his resume, there was a feeling of déjà vu.In this way, another image appeared in his mind, that is, the image of Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao taking out a small USB flash drive from his coat pocket.

"A fun thing is coming!" Of course Su Lingxuan knew Lin Mo, a well-known wimp and playboy in the design department of A University, but he was such a person who could not be called a good person, Feng Ziyao's ex-boyfriend.

"Mr. Lin, can you tell me about your original intention for making this picture?" It was Jian Zelin who spoke. Of course, Lin Mo was not too surprised when he looked at Jian Zelin, because he didn't see his face when he was in Qingcheng.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Lin Mo crossed his fingers, put his hands on the table, and had a playful smile on his lips.

What Jian Zelin showed him was of course the picture that Xue Zhiyan said was drawn by her. Hearing Lin Mo's words, Jian Zelin did not show any strange emotions, but raised his eyebrows, "What is the truth, and what is the lie? ?”

Lin Mo felt that Jian Zelin was very interesting, so he relaxed a lot. After all, it wasn't Su Lingxuan who asked him the question. If it was Su Lingxuan, he still had to think about it.

Lin Mo relaxed on the back of the chair, watching Jian Zelin's eyes bent, and an obvious smile appeared on the corners of his lips, "The truth is such a design, which can not only bring you benefits, but also bring benefits to you." I bring benefits!"

"Where are the lies?" Su Lingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't like Lin Mo's feeling very much, it seemed that he regarded Shengshi and Kaisheng as cash cows.

"The lie is that this blueprint can realize my wish!" Lin Mo was honest, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became much stronger after speaking.

Chi Yuan has never looked at this man. The main reason is that he is not very interested in men. Another reason is that he suddenly became interested in Feng Ziyao. I don't know what kind of female designer can design such a house.

How should I put it, the detached villa in the sunken courtyard, the yard is full of daisies, swings, grape vines, and a watchdog, giving people a very warm feeling.

"Haha! This is true!" Jian Zelin rarely laughed during a meeting, and he didn't know why he laughed, but suddenly thought of Xue Zhiyan.

"Please wait outside!" Jian Zelin smiled and put away the design draft in his hand.

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the meeting room was opened.

When Feng Ziyao saw Lin Mo, he frowned obviously in disgust.And when Lin Mo passed by her, he obviously leaned towards the door again, for fear that he would run into him.

"It's my turn?" Feng Ziyao has always had such a temper, and he never asked Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan's opinion, let alone that strange face sitting next to them.

Feng Ziyao dragged the chair Lin Mo was sitting on just now, and replaced it with a new one.After sitting down, he was not as cautious as those in front of him, but took out a wet tissue from his bag first.

While tearing off the wrapping paper, he looked towards the door of the meeting room, with a disgusted expression on his face, as much disgust as he wanted.

Chi Yuan looked at the woman in front of him who didn't pay attention to the three of them at all, and became interested in an instant.Squinting his eyes, he began to look at her face.

She is not a beautiful woman, with her long hair casually pulled behind her head, a white shirt, a large navy blue sweater, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black flat shoes on her feet. The snow-white insteps are still exposed. in the air.

The relaxed sitting posture opened Chi Yuan's eyes.As if on the sofa at home, hugging your legs, curled up in the chair.

If he had seen Xue Zhiyan's sitting posture in the Shengshi Grand Conference Hall before, maybe he wouldn't be so surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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