Chapter 249
Xue Zhiyan found that going shopping with women like Chi Qian and Feng Ziyao who were extremely powerful in combat was simply torture.Look at the high-heeled shoes on both of their feet, and look down at the casual shoes on their own feet, oh buy!

Xue Zhiyan sat on the bench in the rest area, and put his legs on it directly, his hands clenched into fists kept beating his calf, the soreness felt as if this leg was not his own!

Not only Xue Zhiyan felt that his legs were not his own, but even Liang Huan felt that his legs were going to be useless.The two advocates of shopping felt tired, let alone the four guards who followed behind them!
Originally, Yan Shaochen was going to work, but after learning about the plans of Xue Zhiyan and the others, he asked cat to prepare the things Xue Zhiyan wanted and sent them to Jian's house, and he blatantly skipped work!
However, these four men seemed to have long legs by nature, and they walked without any effort at all. Not to mention that their hands were full of things, they stood aside one by one, chatting together, and had no intention of sitting down at all!
Xue Zhiyan visually measured the leg lengths of the four of them, then looked at his own legs, and sighed, "Why don't I have long legs that make people enviable and jealous!"

These words successfully attracted the attention of the four men, especially Jian Zelin, who looked back and forth at Xue Zhiyan three times, and finally his eyes stayed on her bare ankle.

"With your height, you are no longer short. If you want such long legs, do you want to walk on stilts?" Jian Zelin said coldly, and did not forget to give her big eyes.

puff!Chi Qian and Feng Ziyao, who just came back from buying drinks, couldn't hold back and spouted out a mouthful of coffee. Of course it wasn't wasted at all, and most of it was sprayed on Xue Zhiyan.

"Ancestor! Are you going to baptize me with holy water! I have grown up!" Xue Zhiyan jumped off the bench without even thinking about it, completely forgetting about his sore legs, and his hands were not idle, for a moment He kept shaking his coat.

Chi Qian quickly distributed the bought drinks to the four brothers, and reached out to help Xue Zhiyan wipe his clothes, but it didn't seem to help, Xue Zhiyan was wearing a gray baseball shirt today, so the coffee stains were particularly obvious.

Xue Zhiyan tugged on his skirt, looked at Chi Qian with an aggrieved expression, "What should I do?"

Chi Qian also frowned in embarrassment, not knowing what to do.Jian Zelin was the one with the brains, and directly handed over the clothes that Xue Zhiyan bought just now, "Would you like to wear long hair after buying?"

Xue Zhiyan looked at the bag that Jian Zelin handed over, and thought that luckily he didn't buy any small and fresh dresses today, otherwise it would be too mix-and-match with jeans and casual shoes!

Xue Zhiyan took the bag from Jian Zelin's hand, and when he passed by Jian Zelin's side, he even patted Jian Zelin's shoulder, "That's right, you have brains!"

Xue Zhiyan grinned and walked towards the bathroom indicated on the sign, she didn't mind even if there was still some saliva on her face.

I happily changed into new clothes, it was a green hooded sweater, still fleece, it was very suitable to wear in the city of S which was getting colder.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know why, but when he saw the green hat hanging down his back, he always wanted to put it on his head.But she just thought about it, if she didn't really wear it, if she really wore it, what would it be like in the public?

But God seems to want to oppose Xue Zhiyan, whenever she is happy, something or people will appear to be a little unhappy.

No, after changing his wife, after washing his hands and face, he walked out of the bathroom, and met Di Wei and Li Er who were also coming to the bathroom.

Xue Zhiyan's smile froze for a moment, but she quickly put away her smile, intending to pretend that she didn't see the two of them.

But there was really such a saying that heaven failed to fulfill one's wishes, Li Er had sharp eyes and saw Xue Zhiyan at a glance.

He saw it when he saw it, and even blocked Xue Zhiyan's way with his hand. This time, even Di Wei watched with cold eyes.

"Hey, isn't this our Miss Xue?" Li Er's tone was full of sour vinegar, "I thought our precious Miss Xue would only visit the VIP shop of Shengshihuatian, but I didn't expect that the third floor and the fourth floor Are you willing to come to a place like Lou?"

Well, this is how Xue Zhiyan described her eccentric tone.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, it was always her own business as to where she liked to shop, and besides, she didn't spend Li Er's money, so did she need to be squeezed by her?
However, Xue Zhiyan really didn't want to have too much communication with Li Er and Di Wei, after all, he didn't want them to affect his mood.

"Well, please step aside, stand here and block the traffic!" Xue Zhiyan stretched out his finger and poked Li Er's arm blocking her, trying to get out of that slender arm.

This posture is really uncomfortable. If Li Er was a man, it would really feel like an idol drama.

"What if I said I'm here to block you?" Li Er snorted coldly, seeing Xue Zhiyan who didn't want to talk to her, he would think of Su Lingxuan; thinking of Su Lingxuan, he would get angry.

Xue Zhiyan thought that Li Er was just talking, but he didn't expect that Li Er would actually move forward, as if he wanted to push her down.

"Li Er, who are you all? I'm afraid it's inappropriate to start a fight here, right?" Xue Zhiyan backed away as much as possible, lest he would pay for it if he ran into Li Er.

When Xue Zhiyan leaned against the wall behind him, he turned his head to look at the door of the bathroom next to him, and knew that he had no way out, he couldn't retreat into the bathroom to avoid them, right?

Xue Zhiyan didn't hide at all, he straightened his chest, as if he was sacrificing his life for righteousness. "Enough! You're never finished, why did I mess with you?"

"You didn't mess with me anywhere, but you didn't like me!" It wasn't Li Er who said this, but Di Wei who had been watching the battle with arms folded.

Xue Zhiyan forgot that Di Wei was still there, and frowned again, thinking what happened to a nest of snakes and rats?Let's go up together?

It's just that when Di Wei walked over, the smell of perfume on her body strongly stimulated Xue Zhiyan's sense of smell.And her sense of smell was stimulated, and her stomach became restless.

Originally, I felt a little upset in my stomach these few days, and I had no stomach medicine, so I just took a few painkillers to cope.In addition, the past few days are always full and hungry, and at noon, under Chi Yuan's flickering, I accidentally ate a lamb chop, which will be stimulated by the smell of perfume again, and I really feel like vomiting. And it's intense!
Seeing Xue Zhiyan's face pale a lot in an instant, Di Wei and Li Er were also puzzled, where did this woman sing?
So Li Er just stared, "Xue Zhiyan, why are you pretending to be pitiful?" He just said it, and reached out to poke Xue Zhiyan.

And Xue Zhiyan happened to see the bright red color on Li Er's nails, and she couldn't help but think of the bloodshot color on the lamb chops she ate at noon.

"Ugh..." Xue Zhiyan didn't have time to speak, his stomach rolled, and he just vomited all over Li Er. Of course, Di Wei, who was standing with her, was not much better.

How about a book without a coincidence?Xue Zhiyan vomited this scene, and was caught by the three women and four men who just rushed over to look for her. Of course, when Li Er stretched out his hand to poke Xue Zhiyan, they were all caught in the eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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