The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 259 Drunken Fever

Chapter 259 Drunken Fever
When Yan Shaochen arrived, Liang Huan had stopped crying, but her red and swollen eye sockets still told Yan Shaochen that she had cried just now.

When Yan Shaochen got the needle for Xue Zhiyan, she had already started talking nonsense, her voice was very soft, if she hadn't leaned close to her to listen, she would have no idea what she was talking about.

At this time, Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan are also driving their own cars to Chi Qian's residence.

After hanging up the water for Xue Zhiyan, Yan Shaochen saw Feng Ziyao slumped on the sofa like a puddle of mud, and only when he got closer could he smell the strong smell of alcohol on her body.

Looking at the empty wine bottles scattered around Xue Zhiyan and her, it is not difficult to know what is the cause of Xue Zhiyan's fever this time.

Drinking this bottle of spirits would make even a good person feel uncomfortable, not to mention that she is a sick person now!

Yan Shaochen shook his head helplessly, hugged Feng Ziyao and let her lie flat on the sofa, took out two bags of glucose and started dripping her.

I thought it was to give her two sticks of glucose, but who knew Liang Huan was bitten by this drunk when he opened her mouth, and now Liang Huan's fingers are still bleeding.

As soon as Yan Shaochen put the needle on Feng Ziyao, she woke up, looked at Yan Shaochen in horror, and wanted to pull out the needle, but under Yan Shaochen's angry gaze, she obediently leaned back on the sofa and fell asleep again.

When Yan Shaochen took Xue Zhiyan's temperature for the fourth time, Jian Zelin and his party arrived.When he entered the door, he saw Yan Shaochen looking at the thermometer with an ugly expression.

Jian Zelin didn't even have time to change his slippers, strode up to Yan Shaochen, grabbed the thermometer in his hand, looked at the number on it, and knit his eyebrows together.

"Forty five degrees." Jian Zelin frowned and stuffed the thermometer into the hand of Su Lingxuan who came over, and put his hand on Xue Zhiyan's forehead.

The hotness of the tentacles made Jian Zelin's expression even worse.How could you suddenly have a high fever?It's so hot, cracking an egg and pouring it on will make an omelet, right?
Looking at Yan Shaochen with doubts, Yan Shaochen took an empty wine bottle from the coffee table and put it in front of Jian Zelin, as if it was the wine these women scavenged from them last time.

Just drank it all?Jian Zelin turned his head and looked at Feng Ziyao who was sleeping on one side, as if he understood.The woman asked for leave together, and the two of them hid here and drank?

Su Lingxuan was worried, sat over, and gently covered Xue Zhiyan's head with the towel in his hand. Only he knew that a towel would have to be changed every minute.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan's slightly opened mouth, her slightly heavy breathing, her flushed smiling face, and her tightly knit brows, Su Lingxuan knew that Xue Zhiyan was the most uncomfortable right now.

Seeing her moving lips and the ravings coming out of her throat made his heart ache even more.

"Mom..." Xue Zhiyan's voice was very soft, but it still fell into their ears.

Liang Huan covered her mouth and ran back upstairs. Every year she hated Xue Zhiyan the most. Every time she couldn't bear it, and every time she took care of her with tears in her eyes.

Yan Shaochen glanced at Xue Zhiyan, then at Liang Huan who ran upstairs, shook his head and stood up from the ground, "I'll go and see her, call me if there's anything!"

Xue Zhiyan's sudden high fever caught everyone by surprise.Even Chi Qian is still leaning on Chi Yuan's arms in a daze, staring blankly at the empty wine bottle on the ground.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan's painful look, and suddenly thought of Xue Zhiyan's allergic reaction when he was a child, and he was lying quietly on the sofa, breathing hard with his small mouth open, and his beautiful smiling face Wrinkled together because of sadness.

At this moment, Jian Zelin's heart was firmly grabbed by an invisible hand, and a dull pain instantly spread throughout his body.

"It's really not possible, let's take it to the hospital..." Jian Zelin said and stood up, hugged Xue Zhiyan's upper body, sat on the sofa by himself, and let Xue Zhiyan pillow his leg.

With this momentary movement, Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan open his misty eyes, and looked at him pleadingly, "No, no, the hospital..."

"Linlin...Brother...Yanyan...Yanyan be good...don't send the hospital..." After saying this, she closed her eyes again, as if what she just said was just a dream.

Hearing Xue Zhiyan's brother Linlin's voice, Jian Zelin's heart ached again for no reason, and he patted her lightly with one hand, with an unprecedented gentle tone, "Okay, okay, Yanyan is good, don't send Yanyan to the hospital. "

Chi Yuan and Su Lingxuan looked at Jian Zelin in surprise. How many years have they heard this tone?
And Chi Qian finally regained her strength, stumbled and ran out, not long after, walked in with a big cardboard box in her arms, when she put the cardboard box on the ground, there was a sound of glass colliding inside.

Chi Qian handed another wet towel to Jian Zelin, sat back beside Chi Yuan, pointed to the cardboard box on the ground, "Take those wines away, I don't want them here!"

Knowing that she was blaming herself again, Chi Yuan patted her sister's shoulder comfortingly, putting away the surprise just now, and her tone softened a lot, "Don't blame yourself, she has been in poor health recently, and she doesn't want to."

Chi Qian, a woman who never shed tears easily, couldn't help shedding tears when she saw Xue Zhiyan's painful little face again.

"In the afternoon, Yaoyao called and said that we will celebrate together in the evening! Who knew that as soon as we came back, we saw them lying on the sofa half dead, with wine bottles all over the floor. At that time, Xue Zhiyan had already had a fever. We I don't even know when she started to burn..."

Listening to Chi Qian's narration, Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan frowned at the same time, staring at Xue Zhiyan who was still having a high fever, the distress in their hearts gradually surfaced in their eyes.

It's just that everyone was just like this, watching Xue Zhiyan lying in Jian Zelin's arms, no one noticed that the medicine on her infusion stand had already run out.

If Yan Shaochen hadn't helped Liang Huan calm down, and Liang Huan said that he went downstairs to help them cook food, he wouldn't have found Xue Zhiyan's bright red blood in such an infusion tube.

Seeing that Feng Ziyao's two bags of glucose had already been injected into her body, Chi Qian couldn't let her sleep on the sofa all the time, so she asked Chi Yuan to carry her back to her room here.

And Chi Qian followed Liang Huan to the kitchen to help everyone prepare food.Even if they have no appetite, if Feng Ziyao or Xue Zhiyan wakes up later, they will still have to eat.

Yan Shaochen glanced at Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan who were absent-minded, and sighed, "These two drunks, what are they talking about? They're drinking like this!"

Su Lingxuan pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and a wry smile appeared on his frustrated face at this moment.He was disappointed because he saw Xue Zhiyan having a high fever, and he was still powerless like a few years ago. He was disappointed because he saw the sentiment in Jian Zelin's eyes, which had always appeared in Jian Zelin's eyes from time to time when he was a child.

"Start from the time we met, until the final draft of Xinjingdi is the end!" Su Lingxuan's tone was also a little uncertain, and he turned around to change a towel for Xue Zhiyan.

Yan Shaochen sighed heavily again, and said nothing more.Chi Yuan carried Feng Ziyao back to her room, and quickly went downstairs.

Sitting on the sofa and looking at Xue Zhiyan, whose face was getting worse and worse, he felt a little sad. He thought that this child could finally be happy after going through so much, but this illness is really...

Jian Zelin still patted Xue Zhiyan lightly, looked at her frowning eyebrows, and finally hummed a tune that was both familiar and unfamiliar to Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan from his throat - stepping on the cat.

(End of this chapter)

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