The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 261 Don't Be Too Kind To Me

Chapter 261 Don't Be Too Kind To Me

Jian Zelin just looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously, never expecting that she would suddenly open her eyes, as if she woke up from a nightmare, staring at him with wide eyes.

Jian Zelin looked into her eyes and was stunned for a moment.But in the next second, warm palms covered her forehead, feeling the gradually warming body temperature, her brows furrowed uncontrollably.

Have a fever again?I thought she was hungry or woke up with a fever.

"Do you want a drink of water?" In such a late night, Jian Zelin's voice was very soft, as if he would be sucked away by the tranquility of the night if he didn't listen carefully.

Xue Zhiyan still only looked at him, and nodded slightly.

Seeing her nodding, Jian Zelin leaned forward lightly, went to fetch the cup on the coffee table, but kept holding her upper body all the time, maintaining the posture of letting her pillow on his lap.

Xue Zhiyan bit his habit and drank water quietly, but his eyes always stayed on Jian Zelin's face.

That handsome face was no longer as cold as before, at this moment Xue Zhiyan could only see worry and tension on his soft face and deep eyes.

"Do you want to eat?" Jian Zelin deliberately lowered his voice, but it was not difficult to hear his hoarse voice.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, looked at him for a while, then turned his head with difficulty, and saw Su Lingxuan who was leaning against the edge of the sofa, Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan who were lying on the sofas on both sides, were already asleep, covered with a blanket.

"I had a dream just now." Xue Zhiyan withdrew his gaze, met Jian Zelin's eyes again, and looked at him seriously, as if he wanted to see all of his appearance at this moment.

"Hmm." Jian Zelin touched Xue Zhiyan's forehead, and responded softly, "You haven't subsided your fever yet, you need to rest more, go to sleep. I will always be with you and drive away your nightmares."

Seeing her rosy face, her hot forehead under the palm, and listening to her completely changed voice, Jian Zelin felt as if there was a blunt knife in his heart, constantly sharpening his heart.

"I dreamed that I was back when I was a child. When you were coaxing me to sleep, you sang nursery rhymes to me." Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath after saying these words.Because of the persistent high fever, her breathing seemed to be much more difficult.

"Well, that's not a dream!" Jian Zelin's hand moved down along her forehead, and gently covered her no longer chubby face.

In the past few months after Xue Zhiyan came to Jian's house, she lost a lot of weight. Her originally fleshy face no longer had much flesh, but her chin became more and more obvious.

She has experienced so many things in the past few months, how can she not lose weight?Looking at her thin face, Jian Zelin felt distressed instantly.

Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth, but did not make a sound. He quietly looked at his gentle face like water, and let him put his hands on his face without refusing.

"Jian Zelin." Xue Zhiyan finally called out his name.

"En." Jian Zelin only had her eyes on her, and responded to her softly, rubbing her index finger lightly on her face.

"Don't be so nice to me, don't be as nice to me as you were when you were a child, I'm afraid..." Xue Zhiyan's eyes were clouded with mist, but he still looked at him.

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Jian Zelin stopped speaking, and stopped rubbing her cheeks with his fingers, just looked at her quietly, waiting for her to say the next half of the sentence.

Xue Zhiyan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "I'm afraid I will fall in love with you."

The moment Jian Zelin heard her words, his heart skipped a beat.Just staring at him like that, as if he forgot to breathe, just watching her tears fall down the corners of her eyes.

Tears rolled down his thumb a little bit, and he could feel the temperature of her tears, which seemed to be hotter than her body temperature.

"It's nothing to do with dependence when I was a child. I'm afraid I'll really fall in love with you." After Xue Zhiyan said this softly, he finally closed his eyes and stopped looking at him, for fear that he would fall into his eyes in the next second .

Jian Zelin watched her close her eyes, but tears kept overflowing from her eye sockets.He lowered his head in a daze, and kissed her lips uncontrollably.

Dry and hot lips are not as tender as before.He could feel that Xue Zhiyan made a tight lip movement, but he didn't care, his warm palm was still covering her face, and he continued to kiss her.

At this moment, Jian Zelin had only one thought in his mind, which was to kiss her, whether she was willing or not, he just wanted to kiss her...

After a night's sleep, Xue Zhiyan's fever finally subsided. When he opened his eyes, he saw Jian Zelin leaning on the back of the sofa, looking at her with his head down.

Turning his head, he saw Su Lingxuan's sleeping face, and Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan, still asleep.

Xue Zhiyan raised his head slightly, and sat up propped up. Because of the fever, his whole body was sore, and even his throat was very itchy and uncomfortable.

She was somewhat fragmented, I don't know if it was because she drank too much with Feng Ziyao, or because she had a fever, in short, it was fragmented.

Gently stood up from the sofa, pulled the blanket covering his body, and laid it lightly on Jian Zelin's body, his eyes moved to the corner of his mouth, thinking of his kiss, his brows frowned slightly .

Maybe in the second half of the night, because of the effect of the previous medicine, she sweated a lot, and now her body temperature is not so high, because the muscle soreness caused by the fever made her a little overwhelmed.

The sticky feeling on her body made her even want to pinch her arms, so she walked back upstairs with bare feet and light feet, and went back to her room to take a hot bath.

Her long, semi-dry hair was scattered on her shoulders, and the sore muscles were relieved by taking a hot bath.When he came out of the bathroom, he saw Jian Zelin sitting on his bed.

To be exact, it was Jian Zelin who was staring at her angrily, sitting upright on her bed with his hands crossed over his chest.

Seeing him like this, Xue Zhiyan felt a little uncomfortable, but when he thought that he would treat her with such an attitude, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not afraid of him like this, nor is she afraid that she will fall in love with him.She just didn't want her feelings to be a burden to him.Because now she is not sure whether he still loves her as much as he did when he was a child, and only pampers her.

Xue Zhiyan's brows moved inaudibly, walked to him and threw off the slippers, got into her bed, stretched out his hand and poked his waist, "It's really nice for you to casually enter a girl's room like this ?"

Jian Zelin turned around and grabbed the hand that she hadn't retracted in time, looked at the back of her hand bruised from the infusion, frowned in distress, and covered her head with warm palms again, fortunately, she didn't feel the heat again body temperature.

"Can't you make people feel more at ease?" After speaking, he stuffed his hands into the quilt and helped her tuck the corners of the quilt.

"Sleep a little longer!" Knowing that she no longer had a fever, Jian Zelin's tone became a little harsher.

Xue Zhiyan closed her eyes obediently, and after a while she heard the sound of her even breathing, Jian Zelin tucked her quilt up again, and then turned and left her room.

Hearing the sound of him closing the door, the tears in the corners of Xue Zhiyan's eyes fell silently...

The following content is free~ la la la today is the first day of the new year, happy new year everyone, thank you for your support to Weiliang, thank you~ the first update of the new year will be sent, and it will be updated every day~
(End of this chapter)

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