Chapter 273
It has to be said that Xue Zhiyan's appetite is so strong that Yan Shaochen and Su Ling came up to stop her from eating. It's not that the food they brought was not enough for her to eat, but she drank two bowls of scallop porridge in a row, three bowls Shredded chicken porridge, not to mention side dishes, the whole thing is a big appetite.

How hungry is this, eating so much regardless of the image?Even if you are hungry, you have to bear it, right?If this continues, the erythema on the face has not healed, the fever has not subsided, and the stomach is not working anymore.

"Eat less, eat so much at once, will your stomach take it?" Liang Huan took the spoon from her hand politely, and put it into the empty bowl she put away.

"I still feel half full!" Xue Zhiyan looked unwillingly at the side dishes and the small table that Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen took away, and frowned.

"You have to raise it slowly. If you overeat like this, who cares if your stomach hurts in the middle of the night!" Liang Huan said angrily. She still had confidence in Xue Zhiyan's stomach.

When it came to her stomach, Xue Zhiyan had no choice but to surrender.He leaned back on the bed again, narrowing his eyes slightly, like a kitten who was full.

For a while, the room was very quiet, and the sound of Liang Huan's water washing the tableware could be heard outside.

"Chen, how long do I want to stay?" Xue Zhiyan was tortured by the terrifying silence, feeling uncomfortable all over, he opened his eyes and looked at Yan Shaochen.

Her body temperature seemed to rise again, and she could clearly feel that her face was getting hotter, and she even started to feel breathless when speaking.

"We have to wait until your fever subsides." Yan Shaochen knew that Xue Zhiyan wanted to go back, and that she didn't want to go to the hospital, he knew it when he gave her a physical examination.

"Go home and raise him, can't you?" Xue Zhiyan didn't want to give up the chance to get out of the hospital, so he asked tentatively.

"No." It wasn't Yan Shaochen who answered her, but Su Lingxuan who had been standing aside with a straight face.

"But..." Xue Zhiyan bit his lower lip and looked at Su Lingxuan. He knew her best and was also the one who could restrain him the most.

"My mother said that when you are discharged from the hospital, she will pick you up to live in Su's house for a while, and I will give you some care." Su Lingxuan's tone did not seem to be asking for Xue Zhiyan's opinion, but directly made a decision for her.

Saying this was nothing more than telling the people present that she, Xue Zhiyan, was discharged from the hospital and would go to Su's house for the time being, and could not go anywhere else.

Not even the Jane family.

As soon as these words came out, both Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen frowned in displeasure.

Su Lingxuan and the others understand that he is usually a nice gentleman, gentle and refined.Once his bottom line is touched, his machismo will be revealed without any cover.

And the fact that he made such a decision for Xue Zhiyan arbitrarily now shows that what happened today has touched his bottom line.

Jian Zelin lowered his head when he heard Su Lingxuan's words, like a child who has done something wrong. "Let her go back to Jane's house, and I will let the servants take care of her." Jian Zelin hesitated for a moment, and refused for her.

Jian Zelin didn't even dare to look at Xue Zhiyan, for fear that when she looked at her, she would nod in agreement.Although he knew that Su Lingxuan would not let go easily, he still had to try, even if it was a little chance.

He didn't want Xue Zhiyan to go to Su's house, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see her, and he would feel flustered.So even if he knew what reasons Su Lingxuan would use to reject him, he still had to try.

Su Lingxuan snorted coldly, and Jian Zelin's reaction was within his calculations, "Even if you can't take good care of her, can I still count on your servants?" Su Lingxuan was not wrong at all, it is obvious that he is living now. Jian Zelin was angry.

Jian Zelin raised his head to look at Su Lingxuan, sad emotions flashed quickly in his eyes, "Ling, I know you are angry, but you can't let her go to Su's house just because of this, you know, my grandpa will call every once in a while." Call her and ask how she's doing."

"She can talk to Grandpa Jian as if she went to Su's house. I won't restrict her on this point." Su Lingxuan paused at this point, glanced at Xue Zhiyan who sat up straight, and glared at the two of them, "At least she If you go to Su's house, there will be no other women thinking about it and thinking of different ways to torture her all day long."

"Di Wei may have been unintentional." Jian Zelin frowned upon hearing Su Lingxuan's words, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his face.

"She and Li Er are very close. Li Er is the person who knows the weakness of words best. Do you think she did it unintentionally?" There was a sneer on the corner of Su Lingxuan's mouth, and even the eyes that looked at Jian Zelin were a little colder. , "Or, do you want to explain for Di Wei and side with her?"

Jian Zelin's face finally collapsed, a cold and expressionless face, covering up all his apologies and heartache for Xue Zhiyan, he met Su Lingxuan's cold gaze, with the same sneer on the corner of his mouth, "If she is On purpose, I will never spare her!"

Liang Huan, who walked in from the outside, felt the awkward atmosphere as soon as he came in. After putting everything away, he walked up to Yan Shaochen and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Yan Shaochen took out a disinfectant wipe from his pocket and handed it to her, shaking his head, "Don't interrupt, these two people have something to settle, just watch."

Liang Huan nodded in confusion, wiped his hands and walked to Xue Zhiyan's side, sat down next to the bed, and looked at Xue Zhiyan's face that was gradually turning rosy.

Of course it wasn't because she got better, it was obvious that she had started to have a fever again.

"Then you have to deal with that woman, and let Xue Zhiyan go back." Su Lingxuan's tone was still strong, without any intention of compromise, "I can't let her face that woman again, not even for a minute!"

"I won't let Xue Zhiyan stay at Su's house, not even for a second!" Both of them were angry, but they didn't have the momentum of a volcanic eruption.

There was only an icy chill between the two of them, Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan who were sitting together seemed to be able to hear the sound of freezing.

"Well, can I..." Xue Zhiyan's voice was hoarse, trying to break the rigid situation between the two of them.

"You just need to recuperate in the hospital obediently, and then go home with me!" It was the first time that Su Lingxuan spoke to Xue Zhiyan in such a domineering tone.

Xue Zhiyan frowned in dissatisfaction, lifted the quilt, and walked directly off the bed.Because he couldn't find any slippers, he simply walked to Su Lingxuan's bare feet.

Sensing Xue Zhiyan's approach, Su Ling turned his head and looked at Xue Zhiyan standing in front of him with a sick face, "Go back to your hospital bed!"

"What if I say I don't?" Xue Zhiyan raised his head stubbornly, his eyes were also full of stubbornness, looking at the angry Su Lingxuan, she knew Su Lingxuan's anger, and she also knew Jian Zelin's anger.

It's just that where to go has always been her own business, and she will not let the two of them make decisions for her.

"I'll let you go back to bed!" Seeing Xue Zhiyan standing barefoot on the cold floor, Su Lingxuan didn't relax at all, but became more severe.

Seeing Su Lingxuan's hand pointing at the hospital bed close to his face, Xue Zhiyan didn't even move. "I said no!" Xue Zhiyan confronted the angry Su Lingxuan for the first time.

She knew that Su Lingxuan had never been a good tempered person, but he used all his good temper on her.

(End of this chapter)

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