The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 277 When did I lie to you

Chapter 277 When did I lie to you
After the erythema on Xue Zhiyan's face faded, and the small injury on her forehead healed, she went to work regularly every day. At the end of the year, all departments had to make a summary, so it was not easy for her.

She wants to extract all kinds of information, and then synthesize it into a file to show to Su Lingxuan.Although the powerful and beautiful secretaries outside the door have already summed up the same, she still has to screen it again, otherwise what would she do with this position?

Half a month has passed in a flash, every day I go to work in the morning, continue to work for a while in the afternoon, then go to the hospital to "visit" Yan Shaochen, and go to bed early at night, which is a rule.

Xue Zhiyan put one hand on his pretty buttocks, frowned and pouted, still muttering that Yan Shaochen had to stop the needles, otherwise this buttock might turn into a hornet's nest.

As soon as he entered the door, Xue Zhiyan felt that the atmosphere of Jian's house was not right, it seemed to smell of gunpowder, and also felt a cold feeling of entering the polar region.

Sure enough, after Xue Zhiyan changed his shoes, he saw Jian Zelin sitting on the sofa with his back straight.Although I can't see his face, I know what his expression is like, ice cube face!

But what Xue Zhiyan was more curious about was who had the ability to anger Jian Zelin.However, the person sitting on the sofa next to Jian Zelin didn't seem to expect anyone to come at this time.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that Xue Zhiyan worked until around two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and then went back to Yan Shaochen's place for an injection, and then she could go home. This was decided by Su Lingxuan for her.

Seeing Di Wei's face of surprise, anger, confusion, and entangled emotions, Xue Zhiyan was slightly surprised.

This Di Wei has always been obsequious to Jian Zelin, and will make him angry today?
Looking at the expensive dress lying on her exclusive sofa, Xue Zhiyan nodded as if he understood something, and made an oh shape with his mouth, but he didn't make a sound.

Today should be the dinner party where celebrities from S city gather together, right?Xue Zhiyan glanced at Jian Zelin's tense side face again, turned around and wanted to go upstairs, the farther away from the eye of the storm the better, she didn't intend to go, so there was no need to know so much.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan turned around, Jian Zelin's cold voice came from behind him before he could take a step, "Have you gone to get an injection?"

Xue Zhiyan was like a child who was caught doing bad things, bowed his body, shrunk his neck, turned his head and saw Jian Zelin's concerned face, "Yes. Chen said that he would stop my oral medicine for a few days."

Jian Zelin nodded, "Then follow what he said, where are you going?" Jian Zelin could clearly see that Xue Zhiyan wanted to go upstairs, but he still called her back.

Xue Zhiyan stood up straight, turned around and smiled awkwardly, never looking at Di Wei again, "Keep talking, I'll go upstairs!"

"No, this year's black tea is here, black tea warms your stomach, come over and drink it!" Jian Zelin's words had the meaning that he could not refuse.

Xue Zhiyan frowned and glanced at the dress on the alone sofa, "Come on, let's talk, I'll come down to make tea later."

"Vic! Throw that suit out for me!" Jian Zelin yelled from across the air, Vic ran out from nowhere, didn't care to say hello to Xue Zhiyan, walked quickly to the sofa and really picked up that expensive suit up.

"Well, Jian Zelin, you..." Xue Zhiyan took two steps towards him, and when he got closer, he realized that Di Wei's face was so pale, like white paint.

Jian Zelin tilted her head, looked at Di Wei who was sitting on the other side, and said clearly, "If I can't say no to this dinner, I won't go. It doesn't matter who comes!"

Di Wei bit her lower lip tightly, tears would well in her eyes in the next second.What kind of role is she, how could she cry in front of Xue Zhiyan?He got up and left Jane's house quickly, leaving only a fleeing figure behind.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the door, Vic had really lost that suit, walked in empty-handed, and stood respectfully not far from the two of them.

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand and shook Vic, "Hi, long time no see!"

"Miss Xue." Vic saluted politely, then continued to stand still.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Jian Zelin, skillfully boiled water, washed the tea set, washed the tea, and made the tea.In the quiet hall, only the sound of water and the clash of porcelain can be heard.

Xue Zhiyan divided the tea, then turned around and waved to Vic, "Come and drink together, new tea!"

Vic shook his head with a smile, glanced at Jian Zelin with a bad expression, bowed slightly, turned and left the hall.

Xue Zhiyan didn't care whether Jian Zelin drank or not, he picked up a cup of tea first, smelled the fragrance of the tea, and put down the cup.

"You don't need to treat her like this because of me." Xue Zhiyan said calmly, as if she wasn't the one who was hospitalized a while ago, "She likes you, and it's very good for her to take anger at her because she doesn't like me." unfair."

When Jian Zelin heard Xue Zhiyan say this, his complexion became even worse, and his eyebrows were directly knit together, "Did I say that I like her?"

Xue Zhiyan shrugged helplessly, "No, but I always feel that it's really bad for you to treat a girl like this."

Jian Zelin was surprised, he never thought that Su Lingxuan was about to tear himself apart because of her, and she would still speak for Di Wei.

"Don't you drink tea?" Xue Zhiyan glanced at the tea placed in front of Jian Zelin, and couldn't help asking.

"Drink." Jian Zelin's expression softened a lot, although his back was still straight, Xue Zhiyan knew that he was not as angry as when he entered the door just now.

"But, are you really not going?" Xue Zhiyan poured a cup of boiling water instead of drinking tea.

She knew that at the end of the year, there would be a party like this in S City, whether politicians, businessmen, or celebrities, as long as they were famous, they would all be invited to such a party.

It is not necessary to explain what it means, but it is held for better cooperation and finding more suitable partners in the coming year.

"Well, when did I ever lie to you?" Jian Zelin put the teacup on the tea stand, and looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously.

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, thinking what does this have to do with cheating her?But before she could ask, she was interrupted by the voice of the phone.

"Feng Ziyao?" Xue Zhiyan took out his phone and looked at the jumping photos on the screen with a puzzled expression.

"Xue Zhiyan, you're not coming to the feast in S City tonight, are you?" Feng Ziyao didn't give Xue Zhiyan a chance to speak, and asked such a question right away.

"Well, not going." Xue Zhiyan nodded while speaking, "What's wrong?"

"It would be great not to come! Haha!" Hearing Feng Ziyao's excited voice, Xue Zhiyan seemed to be able to see her jumping across the street, "Where's Jian Zelin?"

Xue Zhiyan was even more puzzled, looked sideways at Jian Zelin, and found that Jian Zelin was also looking at her, and pouted back to Feng Ziyao, "He won't go, what's wrong?"

There was another excited scream from the other end of the phone, "Great!"

But before Xue Zhiyan asked her what was wrong, she hung up the phone.Xue Zhiyan looked at the phone in a daze, what's the matter, was scratched by a cat, startled?

"What's wrong?" Maybe Feng Ziyao's voice was too high, Jian Zelin should have heard Feng Ziyao's words.

"I don't know, I'm so nervous!" Xue Zhiyan glanced at the time, it was almost time to make dinner.

"What do you want to eat?" Xue Zhiyan asked seriously as he stuffed his phone into his bag.

"Hand-rolled noodles in clear soup!"

(End of this chapter)

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