Chapter 286 It hurts
Xue Zhiyan had a fever again.the fourth time.

This time Yan Shaochen was really helpless, because seeing Xue Zhiyan's appearance was completely different from the previous few times.

Xue Zhiyan curled up on the bed, like a cooked prawn, curled up in the corner, holding his hands tightly, not allowing anyone to touch him.

The most worrying thing is the continuous stream of tears on her face, the lower lip without a trace of blood, which has been bitten by her, and the bright red blood dripped on the bed sheet and flowed into her mouth. Enduring the physical pain, weeping silently without saying a word.

Both Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan tried to step forward to restrain her, pull her hand away, and ask Yan Shaochen to give her an infusion, but it was useless, as soon as Yan Shaochen walked in, she would twist her body like crazy , Do not allow the cold needle to penetrate your body.

Her high fever has never subsided, and the blush on her cheeks has not dissipated because of the fever on her pale little face. With the traces of tears, the redness of her cheeks looks abnormally obvious.

What hurt the most was not that Xue Zhiyan passively resisted the treatment, but that they all saw the despair and helplessness in her eyes that only occasionally opened.

No matter how thick the duvet was, it couldn't stop Xue Zhiyan from shivering due to fever.Tears were still raging on her face, and her messy long hair was wet with tears, sticking to her forehead and cheeks; the lips bitten by her white teeth had long been swollen due to bleeding and wounds, Xue Zhiyan This is the most embarrassing look, right?
Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen stood at the foot of the bed and looked at Xue Zhiyan, who was lying on the bed who was not cooperating, and jumped anxiously.Jian Zelin's eyebrows could not be twisted into one. If he hadn't controlled it well, his thin lips would have been bleeding profusely. .

"Xue Zhiyan!" Jian Zelin couldn't bear to look at her. He had never seen Xue Zhiyan like this since he was a child, which made people feel distressed.

Xue Zhiyan on the bed shrank subconsciously when he heard Jian Zelin's growl, and shrank back into the quilt again, but he didn't open his eyes.

Su Lingxuan stepped forward, gently hugged Xue Zhiyan, took out the already decomposed pillow under her head, and replaced it with a dry pillow. When Su Lingxuan touched the long hair on the back of Xue Zhiyan's head, Su Ling Xuan His brows furrowed again.

"She's sweating!" Su Lingxuan looked at Yan Shaochen helplessly, "Hair is already wet."

Yan Shaochen, who was pacing anxiously in the room, gave Xue Zhiyan a hard look at Xue Zhiyan who refused to cooperate this time, and his voice was much colder than before, "Nonsense! She has been having a fever, and the salt water can't be cured, and the medicine can't be fed." Go in, if this continues, she will be burned to death first!"

"Ask Liang Xu and the others to come, maybe..." Jian Zelin's voice trembled a little because of distress, and he looked at Yan Shaochen erratically.

"Fuck! They will take Xue Zhiyan away in minutes when they come!" Yan Shaochen swears angrily, remembering what Liang Huan said to him in the car last time when he sent Liang Huan home.

If Xue Zhiyan still feels uncomfortable because of Di Wei's illness, they will take her away and keep her away from Jian Zelin until she spends these two months safely. If she still wants to go back to Jian's house, then let her come back.

As Jian Zelin's friend, he was sure and certain that Jian Zelin would definitely not let those three women take Xue Zhiyan away. Although he refused to admit it, he just cared about her.

"It seems that I have to use a sedative to make her fall asleep!" Yan Shaochen frowned and looked at his medicine box. There was always a sedative lying in it, "Both of you hold her down!"

As if aware of Yan Shaochen's intentions, when Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan were sitting beside her, she frowned uncomfortably and shrank again.

Jian Zelin looked at her pale face, frowning brows, and trembling shoulders. The hand extended to her trembled uncontrollably, and couldn't bear to do it again.

"Jian Zelin!" Su Lingxuan growled and glared at Jian Zelin, "If you really love her, ask Chen to give her an injection!"

Yan Shaochen also frowned in displeasure, and there was a hint of anger in the eyes looking at Jian Zelin.This emotional idiot, every time he hurts someone, he realizes how much he has done and how much he has hurt someone.

And Xue Zhiyan who was trembling on the bed was the one who was hurt the most by him.What kind of thing made Xue Zhiyan's eyes linger for a long time with despair and helplessness, even he and Su Lingxuan's help would want to refuse?

"If you really love her, you should have drawn a clear line with Di Wei long ago!" Yan Shaochen saw Xue Zhiyan who was pressed on the bed by the two and was still struggling, and hurriedly stuck a slender needle into her arm.

It was just a matter of a moment, the expression on Xue Zhiyan's face finally eased a lot, and he seemed to have been sucked out of all his strength in an instant, and he collapsed powerlessly on the bed.

Yan Shaochen touched the sweat on his forehead, threw the syringe in his hand into his medical waste recycling bin, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, the dosage is very small, just let me give her a fever-reducing injection, and then feed her the medicine." Give her, let her sleep for a while."

After finishing speaking, Yan Shaochen turned around and went to prepare medicine for Xue Zhiyan, and stopped looking at the two men sitting beside the bed with angry faces.

After a while, everyone's bodies froze, because Xue Zhiyan was crying, and this time, she cried out loudly.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan looked at Yan Shaochen as if they were frightened, and they also looked shocked when they saw Yan Shaochen. They looked at Xue Zhiyan who was lying on the bed in disbelief. She had already been sedated, and she was crying?

When Chi Yuan rushed over, he saw Yan Shaochen holding a syringe in one hand, Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan sitting by the bed with surprised faces, these were not enough to surprise him too much.

What surprised her the most was that Xue Zhiyan, who was dressed in black, was lying on the bed crying loudly with his eyes closed.

"What's wrong?" Chi Yuan walked to Yan Shaochen's side, frowning and looking at Xue Zhiyan who was lying on the bed, with indescribable emotions in his heart.

"It hurts..." Xue Zhiyan curled up, turned his back to Yan Shaochen, and whispered softly, "Ling, it hurts..."

Hearing her sound, Su Lingxuan felt as if struck by lightning, his whole body was stiff and he didn't know what to do.She said it hurts, the word she never said easily, finally said it.

She said it hurts.Su Ling thought about it.The hands hanging on both sides of the body clenched into fists, his eyes froze, and he looked at Jian Zelin who was sitting on the other side.

"Chen, give her an injection!" Su Lingxuan's voice was emotionless, all his energy was focused on Xue Zhiyan.

It seems that the person who hurts is not her, but him.In fact, he is in more pain than her, and he would rather be the one who has a fever now than her.

Looking at the tears on her face, Su Lingxuan stretched out his hands to gather her messy hair behind her ears, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingers.

Seeing Yan Shaochen push all the antipyretics in the syringe into Xue Zhiyan's body, Su Lingxuan looked up at Jian Zelin, "Let's go downstairs, don't disturb her rest here."

But Jian Zelin looked at Yan Shaochen, saw Yan Shaochen nodded, got up and was the first to walk out of Xue Zhiyan's room...

(End of this chapter)

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