The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 290 Careful Care

Chapter 290 Careful Care

After taking a shower, Jian Zelin went to Xue Zhiyan's room again, took the medicine Yan Shaochen left by her bedside into his room, put it within his reach, poured hot water into Xue Zhiyan's bear thermos, Put it on the bedside table next to the bed, and then got into bed.

Because Xue Zhiyan was sleeping next to him, he put on his pajamas helplessly, facing naked.For him who is not used to sleeping, this is undoubtedly the most depressing thing.

However, smelling the familiar fragrance emanating from the woman beside him, he felt that sleeping in pajamas was actually not that difficult.

Stretching out his hand under her neck, he gently embraced her into his arms. His warm palm felt the hot temperature under the pajamas, and his brows, which were finally relieved, frowned again in the next second.

"Xue Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin softly called her name.

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan vaguely heard someone calling her, and answered softly.

"Did you take the medicine just now?" Jian Zelin turned to look at the head of the bed worriedly, there was no trace of opening the package of medicine.

"No..." Xue Zhiyan muttered, turned and turned to the side.

Jian Zelin looked at her movements, as if he disturbed her sleep, smiled helplessly, got up, picked up the medicine box on the bedside and opened it, but she didn't take a single pill.

Jian Zelin helped the sleeping Xue Zhiyan to sit up, and let her lean half on his shoulder. Her scorching breath hit his side face, making his hand holding the water glass tremble.

"Come on, take the medicine first, and then go to bed after taking the medicine." Jian Zelin held her water glass with his arm, and gently squeezed Xue Zhiyan's chin with the other hand holding the medicine.

"En." Xue Zhiyan responded to him gently, but did not open his eyes, and continued to fall asleep leaning on his shoulder.

"Xue Zhiyan?" Seeing her sleeping deeply, Jian Zelin couldn't bear to disturb her, but for her own good, she had to disturb her dream.

"Well, take the medicine!" Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth with his eyes closed before he could speak again.

Jian Zelin stuffed the medicine into her mouth with a smile on her face, and then fed her water bit by bit.Feeling warm water flowing down his throat, Xue Zhiyan finally opened his eyes.

Misty eyes, looking at Jian Zelin's smiling side face, felt that he had a sweet dream, and Jian Zelin in the dream smiled at her.

"Ah, what a dream!" Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand this time, and really touched Jian Zelin's side face.

Feeling the touch of her dry fingers, Jian Zelin turned his head to look at Xue Zhiyan, who was half-closed and smiling happily, frowning slightly.

"Ah, it's really a dream. Look, I'm frowning again!" Xue Zhiyan said as he reached out to touch his brow, and almost knocked over the water glass in Jian Zelin's hand.

Jian Zelin sighed softly, half bent her body and laid her flat on the bed, stretched out her other hand outside the bed, and there was still water dripping down on her hand.

Jian Zelin dimmed the lights in the room, and when she hugged Xue Zhiyan again, she had fallen asleep again.Her small mouth was slightly opened, her cheeks were flushed, her breathing was short of breath due to the fever, and when she felt Jian Zelin's embrace again, she crawled into his embrace like a cat.

Jian Zelin seemed to be quite comfortable with her reaction, she closed her eyes contentedly, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.He knew that any night with her by his side would be a dreamless night.

The night was getting deeper, and in the room with the dim light, the two sleeping together embraced each other, their breathing gradually became steady...

Jian Zelin opened his eyes, and saw his bare arms, and the little woman on his chest was tightly pressed against his chest.

Jian Zelin glanced down at her naked upper body, and patted her forehead speechlessly, not knowing when she took off her pajamas!
Maybe it was because his body temperature was lower than hers, so she hugged his waist tightly all the time, curled up in his arms and enjoyed the cold feeling.

Of course, his normal body temperature was cold to Xue Zhiyan who had a high fever.

Jian Zelin lowered his head and kissed her on the top of her head, then lightly patted her on the shoulder, "Xue Zhiyan?"

"Well, it's so cool." Xue Zhiyan didn't even open his eyes, and rubbed against her arms like a cat.

The smile on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth deepened, he withdrew his hand that was holding her, and tried to pull away her hand that was holding him, but found that these actions were futile.

"Xue Zhiyan, I'm going to make breakfast for you. I'll be more comfortable after eating breakfast and taking medicine before going to bed, okay?" Jian Zelin whispered softly in his ear, breathing the fragrance emitted from her body. aroma.

After hearing his words, Xue Zhiyan let go of his arms, nodded slightly, turned his back to him, and continued to sleep.

What Jian Zelin likes most is to see her unconscious response, everything is so natural, it always warms his heart.

Jian Zelin kissed the top of her hair again, then picked up the pajamas that fell on the floor, got out of bed, and went to prepare breakfast for Xue Zhiyan.

But Xue Zhiyan didn't know that what Jian Zelin did to her was still immersed in her sleep, fighting against the uncomfortable stove that was burning in her sleep.

When Jian Zelin came up with breakfast, Xue Zhiyan was still sleeping, but not as peacefully as before. Jian Zelin saw her frowning at a glance.

Jian Zelin put the breakfast in the tray on the bedside table, went to the bed and sat down, reached out to pick up Xue Zhiyan, rubbed the center of her brow, "Xue Zhiyan, are you up?"

"En." Xue Zhiyan struggled to open his eyes, and saw the familiar face enlarged in front of his eyes.

Breaking away from his embrace, he sat up on the bed barely propped up, "I'm going to wash up."

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's swaying figure and his unsteady steps, Jian Zelin's heart tightened, he stepped forward and picked her up, and carried her into his bathroom.

He had brought her toiletries long ago, in order to save her two steps. He knew that the sore muscles caused by fever would make her weak.

A fever would take a few days without strength. She had fevers one after another in a month, and her body could no longer bear it.

"Thank you." Xue Zhiyan sat on the edge of the bathtub, took the toothbrush handed over by Jian Zelin, half-closed his eyes, and brushed his teeth much slower.

Xue Zhiyan finally finished washing, looked at the long hair scattered on her shoulders in the mirror, and reached out to turn it into a braid, but before she could do it, Jian Zelin stood aside holding her long hair, and braided it seriously.

Seeing him lowering his head and conscientiously braiding her hair, Xue Zhiyan's eyes flashed a strange light quickly, and he reached out and handed him the hair rope in his hand.

Xue Zhiyan watched him tie up his hair, and said thank you softly.

Then he enjoyed the treatment of a princess again, and was carried back to his room by Jian Zelin, sitting on the bed and eating the breakfast he made.

After breakfast, Jian Zelin watched Xue Zhiyan take the medicine, closed her eyes, and fell asleep again, then went downstairs to clean up the dishes, and ordered the servant to cook something light for noon.

Only then did he turn around and go upstairs, carried the files and computer into the room, leaned against the head of the bed, and took care of Xue Zhiyan while processing the work at hand.You know, he never brings work into the bedroom.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, and after feeling the familiar breath around him, he gradually let go, and his breathing gradually became steady...

(End of this chapter)

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