The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 295 Don't Blame You

Chapter 295 Don't Blame You
Chi Qian snapped her fingers, made an aiming gesture with both hands, and kept pointing at Su Lingxuan, "Ling is smart."

Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan shook their heads helplessly, what she said was so obvious, anyone who doesn't understand is a fool, okay?

Chi Qian took another sip of the tea in the cup, and then said slowly, "You find someone to clean the villa, and I move in with Xu Huan and Feng Ziyao, so that I can see Xue Zhiyan usually, and it's okay for her to recuperate at home. It won't be boring."

The corners of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched indistinctly, and he suddenly felt dizzy. This was obviously not for Xue Zhiyan to recuperate from his illness!They can talk and make trouble so much, how can she recover from illness with peace of mind.

"No." Jian Zelin took a sip of tea and directly rejected Chi Qian's proposal.

Of course Chi Yuan didn't dare to reject his sister directly, otherwise he wouldn't have to make a fuss when he got home!
"She needs to rest, you are too noisy, no." Seeing Chi Qian's slightly parted lips, Jian Zelin gave the reason without waiting for her to ask why.

"You're not a doctor, why do you make decisions!" Chi Qian turned her head and threw the words at Yan Shaochen.

Yan Shaochen really wanted to get under the table so they couldn't see him.Isn't this what it means to be shot while lying down?
Yan Shaochen put down the cup in his hand to cover his face, cleared his throat, looked at Jian Zelin, and nodded, "Xue Zhiyan needs to rest, rest more, heal soon."

When he turned his head to look at Chi Qian again, he found that she was staring at him fiercely. Yan Shaochen swallowed, smiled awkwardly, and continued, "It's good to have friends to accompany you to chat more, you can't just lie on the bed all the time." , Sleeping for a long time will only make her muscles weaker."

Yan Shaochen really admired his own wit, so that no one would be able to provoke anyone, so I really have to give myself a compliment!
"Then find someone to move for me this afternoon!" Chi Qian really said that the wind is the rain!
Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao couldn't keep up with her rhythm at all, so they nodded in agreement.In fact, there is nothing for a few people to move, just bring a change of clothes to go there, it is really a bag to move in!
This meal looked calm on the surface, but everyone's heart was filled with turbulent waves!

Jian Zelin was extremely depressed. He thought it would be convenient to take care of Xue Zhiyan and let her have a good rest, but Chi Qian took advantage of the loophole.It seems that not only Xue Zhiyan can't recover well, but even he will suffer from slowness.

Su Lingxuan was speechless, he knew what was going on with Xue Zhiyan's body, and when an emergency happened, he had to take care of the emotions of these women.

Chi Yuan, on the other hand, was relieved, but fortunately, Chi Qian didn't use their elder Chi to pressure him into submission.At the same time, he was also grateful to Yan Shaochen in his heart, what he said was really convincing!
Yan Shaochen broke into a cold sweat for himself in his heart. Fortunately, what he said was more to the point, and no one was offended, otherwise he would suffer.Jian Zelin is okay, it's Chi Qian who really gives him a headache!But he is still a little excited, because Liang Huan is about to move to Guanhai Yujing where he lives!
Chi Qian greeted people with a smiling face the whole time, and she was already jumping with joy in her heart.Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan didn't care, they were dating anyway.

Xue Zhiyan was always drowsy, he didn't listen to what they said at all, and didn't take it seriously.

After lunch, Xue Zhiyan went back under the supervision of Jian Zelin, took the medicine, and retreated into the quilt to sleep again.Jian Zelin sat on the tatami and read the documents, observing her situation by the way.

In the other villa, however, it was extremely lively. Chi Qian really brought Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan over here, and besides changing the clothes, he also sent a copy of all the daily necessities that the family needed by Home Express. .

Xue Zhiyan woke up after four o'clock, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Jian Zelin frowning, with his thin lips tightly pursed, staring at the laptop screen in a daze.

She tried not to make any noise, so as not to disturb Jian Zelin.However, Jian Zelin saw her movements when she lifted the quilt and was about to go to the ground.

"Are you awake?" Jian Zelin closed the laptop, put the pen in his hand on the small table, got up and walked to the bed, took a cardigan of his own and draped it over her shoulders.

Her clothes haven't been packed yet, seeing her wearing her own bathrobe in the morning, she always felt that it was too ambiguous, so she found a cashmere cardigan in the cloakroom and used it as temporary clothes for her to wear at home.

"Well, I'm going to wash my face, and then pack my things." Xue Zhiyan put on his cashmere cardigan.

The sleeves were so long that they covered her hands inside the sleeves.Seeing her wearing her own clothes, Jian Zelin looked like she was wearing a wide theater gown, and rolled up her sleeves while smiling.

"It's okay to let the servants help you clean it up later." After rolling up one sleeve, she put it down, pulled her other arm, and continued to roll it.

In fact, Jian Zelin was a little nervous. He was afraid that she would go back to his room after tidying up the room, so he stopped Xue Zhiyan from tidying up the room.

"I just packed out my change of clothes." Xue Zhiyan seemed to know what he was thinking, "I'll go back to my own room when I don't have a fever after this period of time."

Jian Zelin paused when he rolled his sleeves, but he didn't say anything. He continued to roll his sleeves until Xue Zhiyan's little hand was completely in sight, and then he let go.

"I won't easily deprive you of your right to take care of me." Xue Zhiyan smiled and walked into the bathroom with a kick.

The moment Jian Zelin heard her words and saw the smile on her face, he felt a warm current flow into his heart.

Xue Zhiyan quickly tidied up the room, and hung all the clothes in the open wardrobe in the cloakroom.

Not too many clothes, mostly her usual clothes.She didn't have much jewelry either, and Jian Zelin, the watch and bracelet she usually wears, put them in a jewelry box and brought them with her.

There were also two black jewelry boxes, and Xue Zhiyan intuitively told her what was inside.Xue Zhiyan's outstretched hand rested on the jewelry box, and he refused to pick it up.

Jian Zelin's voice suddenly came from behind, "This is what I brought back that day, it belongs to you."

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, then withdrew his hand, but finally did not pick up the box, turned his head to look at Jian Zelin who was leaning against the bathroom door, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. "To me, they are just a painful past. If I take them with me, I won't be able to see the face of the person I want to see."

What she said was calm and calm, but what he heard was as painful as a needle prick.

The sneer at the corner of her mouth hurt his eyes and hurt his heart.While mocking himself, he also accused Jian Zelin.

"I'm sorry." Jian Zelin remembered that this was the second time he had seriously apologized to Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan smiled and shook his head, covered the suitcase with only two black jewelry boxes left, dragged the suitcase into the cloakroom, and put it in the corner.

"It's not your fault this time, it's just that I didn't take good care of my things." Xue Zhiyan's smile hurt his heart again.

She directly rejected his apology last time, and he felt better.But this time, when he saw her forced smile, his heart ached...

(End of this chapter)

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