Chapter 304

Jian Zelin was completely defeated by Xue Zhiyan's innocent and expectant eyes, he stretched out his hand in despair, and touched Xue Zhiyan's head, really wanting to loosen her long hair coiled on top of her head.

"Go wash up first, and think about these things tomorrow, okay?" Jian Zelin's voice was low and hoarse, which made Xue Zhiyan's heart itch.

Xue Zhiyan wanted to say something more, but he had no choice but to be pulled up by Jian Zelin, pulling her upstairs, and when he reached the stairs, he pushed her back with his hand to let her go upstairs.

"Hurry up and wash up, then take the medicine obediently, and go to bed early." Jian Zelin's tone was overbearing that no one could refuse.

"Then..." Xue Zhiyan blinked, and wanted to say something more, but seeing Jian Zelin's sullen face, he nodded.

Hearing the sound of Xue Zhiyan closing the door, Jian Zelin, who was sitting on the sofa, finally let out a long breath, picked up his phone, quickly opened the social software, and sent a message in the group that only he set up.

"Who of you can decorate a Christmas tree, send me the method!"

After a while, Vic, BEN, cat, and Leng Yun uploaded four files successively, and even Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan came to join in the fun and posted many pictures.

Jian Zelin glanced through the pictures and documents at a glance, and his eyebrows frowned even tighter. The pattern of Sichuan characters on his forehead seemed to be engraved on it, and it could not be dissipated for a long time.

Jian Zelin had never celebrated Christmas before, let alone spent a lot of time arranging any Christmas trees. If Xue Zhiyan hadn't insisted on celebrating Christmas, and if he hadn't seen the expectation in her eyes, he would never have wanted it. How to arrange a Christmas tree.

Su Lingxuan: Aze, you have changed your sex, and you are decorating a Christmas tree?

Knowing that Su Lingxuan's news came out, everyone realized that something was wrong. This aloof Young Master Jian, as long as he didn't have to reach out for anything, he would never reach out.

Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan sent a questioning expression one after another, while the other four didn't dare to make mistakes. They probably sat in front of the computer with breathless concentration, or held their mobile phones nervously, waiting for Jian Zelin to give an answer.

Jian Zelin: Chi Qian said that they want to spend Christmas together, and Xue Zhiyan wants to decorate the Christmas tree, but he doesn't want to bother Vic and BEN.

One sentence is simple and clear, pushing everything to Xue Zhiyan.But the few people on the phone were not fools, they tacitly didn't point out the important point, the important point was that Jian Zelin felt sorry for Xue Zhiyan, didn't want her to be troubled, and didn't want her to be sad, that's why she came to ask.

Vic and BEN changed the subject without a trace, the phone vibrated for a while, and the chat group became quiet, while Jian Zelin held the phone seriously.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan walked down the stairs, he saw Jian Zelin sitting on the sofa, looking at his phone in a trance.Although she was curious about what Jian Zelin was looking at, her upbringing told her not to peep into other people's secrets.

Xue Zhiyan could only shrug her shoulders, and walked into the kitchen with her slippers on. She was going to take medicine, but found that the water glass upstairs was empty, so she came downstairs.

But when Xue Zhiyan picked up the kettle, he was really depressed. How much strength did Jian Zelin use?Tighten the lid of this bear thermos so tight?

Xue Zhiyan exhausted all his strength, but he couldn't unscrew the lid of the pot in his hand, but his hand slipped, and the back of his hand bumped against the faucet without warning.

"Woooo..." Xue Zhiyan threw down the water bottle in his hand, tears of pain swirled, he clutched the back of his hand that was bumped and hurt, and squatted on the ground in embarrassment.

Jian Zelin turned his attention away from his mobile phone when he heard a thud coming from the kitchen, walked into the kitchen suspiciously, and saw Xue Zhiyan in pajamas, squatting on the ground, her long hair covering her face, looking Unclear expression on face.

Jian Zelin couldn't even remember when Xue Zhiyan came downstairs, shouldn't she be upstairs and go to bed after washing? "What's wrong with you?" Jian Zelin came over and pulled her up.

As soon as he looked up, he saw her tearful eyes, and her trembling hand. He pulled her trembling hand, and the back of the black hand looked into his eyes.

"How did you do it!" Jian Zelin's tone was flustered and nervous.

Xue Zhiyan sniffed, and pointed to the bear cup she threw into the sink, "I couldn't unscrew the lid, I didn't notice that my hand slipped, and it hit the faucet."

Hearing the words, Jian Zelin looked at the sink and the faucet connected to the water purifier, his brows trembled, and he walked over to pick up the bear thermos, and gently spun the lid with his big hand. Just now Xue Zhiyan couldn't unscrew the lid with all his strength. Separated from the quilt, she lay quietly in Jian Zelin's palm.

"You, you, how did you do it?" Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth wide, looked at Jian Zelin in disbelief, and then at the lid of the cup in his hand.

"You're stupid." Jian Zelin put the lid of the cup on the operating table, turned around and helped her fill a pot of hot water, and then turned around and handed the cup to Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan didn't want to argue with him, so he obediently took the cup he handed over, turned around and walked upstairs.

"Then I'll go to bed first, and you should go to bed earlier." Xue Zhiyan said calmly, still a little hoarse.

Yan Shaochen said that it was a sore throat caused by a cold and fever, and it would not affect her voice in the future, but to Jian Zelin's ears, it was enough to make him feel distressed for a while.

If it wasn't for him, Xue Zhiyan wouldn't have had a fever again and again, nor would his throat burnt out.

But now it's not about her voice, but because she said that, she fell asleep first.Is she going back to her room?Standing behind Xue Zhiyan, Jian Zelin frowned again.

He laughed so much these days that he almost forgot the original ice cube face. Even when he frowned, he felt that his facial muscles were stiff.

"That... you..." Jian Zelin hesitated, wondering if he should ask.

Xue Zhiyan held his blackened hand, frowned and looked back at Jian Zelin who called her to stop him, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Jian Zelin glanced at her, but finally didn't ask.

He was a little afraid to hear her answer. These days, he has long liked to sleep with Xue Zhiyan in his arms. When he woke up in the morning, he saw her sleeping face at first sight.

He was even used to getting up in the middle of the night to take Xue Zhiyan's temperature, and he was used to it for a long time. He supported the sleeping Xue Zhiyan against his chest and fed her water.

So he was very scared for a while, very afraid that Xue Zhiyan would go back to her room to sleep because of his health, he didn't even dare to think about the fear of not being able to reach out to her in the dead of night.

Just asking him to ask was somewhat shy.He didn't know what Xue Zhiyan was thinking, he only knew what he was thinking, and he was afraid that if he asked, it would scare her, and she would alienate him and reject him as before.

"Oh, then go to bed early, the bed is cold." Xue Zhiyan said lightly.

The seemingly unintentional sentence broke Jian Zelin's indecision, and the originally frowning brows relaxed instantly after hearing her words.

(End of this chapter)

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