Chapter 309

"What are you doing?" Jian Zelin heard Xue Zhiyan's scream downstairs, and thought something happened to Xue Zhiyan, so she went upstairs.

He knocked on the door but no one answered, he stood at the door and listened to the sound quietly, and when he heard the rustling sound in the room, he couldn't wait for someone to open the door, so he pushed the door in by himself.

It was obvious that several people were very focused on what they were doing and didn't notice Jian Zelin's arrival.However, Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan's hands and feet being held down by Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian, and even his pants were taken off by Liang Huan.

The snow-white slender long legs were exposed to the air like that, and when she looked at Xue Zhiyan again, she writhed anxiously on the bed, like a caterpillar, the blush on her cheeks told Jian Zelin that she was shy .

It's not that he has never seen Xue Zhiyan's **** thighs, but it was the first time that he was pressed on the bed like this, as if he was forced by someone.

Jian Zelin was a little flustered, and his face was a little hot, he knew what he was thinking, but now is not the time to think about it, what are these women doing?
Don't you know that Xue Zhiyan's health is still not good, so he "bullyed" her like this?With the experience of the previous few times, Jian Zelin knew that when these women got together, they would dare to make any jokes, including things like stripping Xue Zhiyan's clothes when they had nothing to do, or in other words, they stripped each other naked.

Hearing Jian Zelin's voice, Liang Huan's movements were the fastest. He pulled the quilt, regardless of whether it would suffocate Xue Zhiyan to death, and directly covered her in the quilt.

"Don't you know you have to knock on the door?" Feng Ziyao didn't let go of Xue Zhiyan's hand, and looked at Jian Zelin impatiently.

The corners of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched uncontrollably a few times, it was really a group of people, the tone and words used were the same as Xue Zhiyan's.

"I knocked, but you didn't notice!" Jian Zelin shrugged helplessly, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan, who was covered in the quilt, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Do you have something to do?" Chi Qian no longer pressed Xue Zhiyan's foot, but sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at Jian Zelin.

This posture of looking up at him is really uncomfortable, and the neck hurts.

It's the same tone as Xue Zhiyan again!The corners of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched again, his brows raised, seeing Xue Zhiyan's kicking legs, "Aren't you afraid of suffocating her to death?"

Only then did Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan realize that when they helped Xue Zhiyan roll the quilt just now, they forgot to expose her head.

Liang Huan hurriedly stretched out his hand and pulled off the quilt covering Xue Zhiyan's upper body. Xue Zhiyan's face was flushed red, and as soon as the quilt was lifted, he took a big gulp of fresh air.

Jian Zelin folded his hands on his chest, his eyes suddenly became sharper, and he glanced at Feng Ziyaoliang's calm and shallow face, with a slightly displeased tone, "Can you tell me what you are doing now?"

"Take off her clothes, check her—hmm!" Chi Qian said halfway, when Feng Ziyao ruthlessly covered her mouth.

"Let's just see if Xue Zhiyan has gained weight these days!" Liang Huan smiled, forcing out a fake smile that couldn't be faked anymore.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan's flushed little face, raised his brows slightly, to see if she had grown flesh?Since she entered Jane's house, she has been losing weight. Her round face with baby fat has lost much weight.

But Jian Zelin didn't expose them, after all, it was the fun of the girls, he, a big man, didn't need to speak so clearly to make them shy.

"Is there anything uncomfortable for you?" Jian Zelin clasped his hands on his chest, his tone was much gentler.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, still breathing heavily for fresh air, these three women were so cruel that they almost suffocated her.

"It's okay, let's go downstairs and get ready to eat, the three of them are clamoring for something to eat!" Jian Zelin turned around to leave after speaking.

"What time is it, just eat?" Liang Huan frowned, turned his head to look out the window, only to realize that the sky outside had already darkened.

"04:30. When you are all done, it will be time for dinner." Jian Zelin stopped and looked sideways at Xue Zhiyan who was still panting.

"Okay, I'll be here soon." Xue Zhiyan was finally able to speak.

Jian Zelin nodded, took two steps outside, then suddenly turned around as if thinking of something, looked at Xue Zhiyan who was sitting on the bed, "Put on your clothes, don't catch a cold!"

"Pfft!" As soon as Jian Zelin closed the door, Chi Qian and Feng Ziyao burst into laughter from the room.

"Sleeping together, you're so shy!" Liang Huan didn't hold back, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider and wider.

Xue Zhiyan finally broke free from the oppression of these three people, and fell to the side, his face flushed red, and his tone of voice was full of helplessness, "Why does he see me every time I'm stripped naked!"

"It means that you two are destined!" Chi Qian looked at Xue Zhiyan's blushing face with a deep smile.

"How many times?" Feng Ziyao held back a smile and looked at Liang Huan and Chiqian.

"Twice. The last time was at Jian's house. Jian Zelin just opened the door and walked in. Xue Zhiyan was only wearing a pair of underwear!" Liang Huan stretched out his hand and gestured twice.

Where is it twice!What they knew was only twice, and there were a few more times they didn't know. Jian Zelin had already seen her all!Not only that, Xue Zhiyan saw all of Jian Zelin just once!Xue Zhiyan wailed in his heart, but he couldn't say it out.

"Don't be sad, this time I just took off my pants!" Feng Ziyao also patted the face of learning freedom comfortingly.

"I can't get along with the three of you anymore!" Xue Zhiyan wailed, "This game of picking clothes off each other must be stopped!"

"Pfft ha ha ha - don't make trouble, this is very interesting!" Liang Huan couldn't bear it anymore, lying on the bed and laughing.

"That's right, just find a chance to show Jian Zelin back, he has a good figure!" Chi Qian raised her head and raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Really?" Liang Huan became interested, and looked at Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian with interested eyes.

"How do you know?" Feng Ziyao also became interested, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a smirk.

"Not only Jian Zelin, but also Yan Shaochen, Su Lingxuan and my perverted brother, they all have good figures!" Chi Qian said and licked her lips.

"You look thin when you wear clothes, but you look fat when you take them off?" Liang Huan raised his eyebrows, seeming to be interested.

"Well, a standard clothes hanger. It's definitely good! Mermaid lines and abdominal muscles are not a problem!" Chi Qian tried hard to think back.

"Stop! You three bastards!" Xue Zhiyan hastily interrupted Chi Qian's recollection, otherwise he would tell a more fleshy picture later.

"Aren't you blushing!" Feng Ziyao raised his brows, "Anyway, you'll see all of Jian Zelin!"

The three of them looked at Xue Zhiyan at the same time with the original expressions, and there were ambiguous smirks on the corners of their mouths.

Knowing that he couldn't beat the three of them, Xue Zhiyan lifted the quilt and quickly put on the trousers that were thrown on the ground, shook the biscuit crumbs from his body, and kicked the three of them lightly with his bare feet.

Seeing the joy of the three people laughing, he picked up the biscuits that Liang Huan had prepared for the people downstairs, and quickly left the room.

Hearing Xue Zhiyan's door opening, the other three quickly put away their smiles and followed her downstairs to prepare dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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