Chapter 317
Compared with the past when she woke up naturally after sleeping, Xue Zhiyan seemed not so lucky today. What woke her up was not Chi Qian's yelling, but a loud noise.

Xue Zhiyan rubbed his sleepy eyes, lifted the quilt and got out of bed and left. After walking two steps, he realized that he was not wearing shoes, and then went back to the bed, put on his bear slippers, and then went downstairs.

Only halfway down the stairs, he was completely sobered up by the messy scene in the living room.

Vic lowered his head and stood aside respectfully. Jian Zelin told Xue Zhiyan with a tense face that he was in a rage at this moment.

And with green smoke coming out, a flower had exploded on the screen, and some fragments were scattered on the floor. The dilapidated TV even told Xue Zhiyan that Jian Zelin lost his temper quite a bit.

Jian Zelin would throw things when he was angry, Xue Zhiyan had experienced it a long time ago, but he never thought that Jian Zelin would smash the TV.

Seeing the broken remote control lying on the ground, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help mourning the TV for a while in his heart.

But before Xue Zhiyan could ask a question, there was a hasty doorbell. Xue Zhiyan picked up Jian Zelin's cardigan on the sofa, put it on his shoulders, and went to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Su Lingxuan also had an extremely angry face. He glanced at Xue Zhiyan with cold eyes, and then dodged into the room, followed by BEN who had the same expression as Vic.

what happened?Xue Zhiyan closed the door hesitantly, still thinking in his heart, who ordered these two big bombs this morning?

The unlucky Vic and BEN are the poorest cannon fodder.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan brought water for a few people from the kitchen, deliberately bypassing the debris on the ground, otherwise he would be the one who got scolded if he got stuck in his foot.

Looking at Jian Zelin's furious appearance, I'm afraid he will scold him badly.Looking at the phantom god's lack of strength now, even after being scolded, he is powerless to retaliate.

It's better not to talk back, or there will be another quarrel!Xue Zhiyan actually didn't want to quarrel in his heart, so he used his lack of energy as an excuse.

Jian Zelin looked up at Xue Zhiyan, with unspeakable distress in his eyes, but after the distress, there was a kind of ruthlessness, which was definitely not towards Xue Zhiyan.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xue Zhiyan put down the tray in his hand, touched his face, "Is there something on your face?"

Jian Zelin took a look at the loose pajamas on her body, if she hadn't had long hair in front of her when she bent over, she might have been seen by others.

"Go up and wash up first, and then come down after changing your clothes." Jian Zelin suppressed the anger in his heart, and his tone was as calm as possible.

"Well, you go up and change your clothes first, and let Vic clean it first." Su Lingxuan glanced at Xue Zhiyan's **** ankle, for fear that the fragments of the TV would prick her.

"Okay, but don't throw things anymore." Xue Zhiyan responded softly, turned around and walked upstairs, completely forgetting to ask what happened.

Watching Xue Zhiyan go upstairs, but his figure disappeared, Jian Zelin lowered his voice and looked at Vic, "Tell me, who released this photo!"

If it wasn't for Xue Zhiyan's hearing, Jian Zelin would definitely grab his collar and roar out loudly, in order to relieve the anger suppressed in his heart.

"I don't know who released the photo by the swimming pool, but Xue Zhiyan held my hand. The photo that looks affectionate was released by Di Wei, that's right." Su Lingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking The news from the mobile phone in the morning.

The picture of Xue Zhiyan wearing a girl's dream, with a smile in his eyes, and affectionately buttoning his cuff buttons was taken by Di Wei.

When Di Wei took that photo, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but judging from the news he read today, it seemed that Di Wei had wanted to do this a long time ago.

However, where did the photo of Xue Zhiyan's bare back come from?Su Lingxuan couldn't help frowning.

Jian Zelin was so annoyed, not to mention Xue Zhiyan's back, even her body, whether it was intentional or not, he had seen it all.

It's just that it was put on the headlines of the news like this, and it was circulated on TV, newspapers and the Internet to see her naked back, and people discussed the pair of cross-necked swans behind her, he couldn't bear it.

Those things that only you can see are all seen by others now.The anger caused by being shared with his favorite things swept through his brain in an instant, driving all reason out of the country.

If possible, he really wants to ask Yan Shaochen for some medicine, so that those who have seen the photos will either be true or blind!
"Di Wei?" Jian Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sinister light flashed in his eyes.

The crisp sound came from the bedroom upstairs, which attracted the attention of Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan. Even Vic and Ben, who were busy cleaning, looked up at the second floor at the same time.

"Xue Zhiyan!" Jian Zelin quickly ran upstairs, opened the door, and saw Xue Zhiyan standing in the bathroom blankly, with white toothpaste foam in his mouth, the mobile phone in his hand was lying at his feet, and the screen was already black.

The glass that fell at her feet was already broken into slag. Xue Zhiyan held the toothbrush in his hand and stared closely at the two men who appeared in the mirror, speaking with disbelief in his tone.

"Is that photo real?"

Jian Zelin and Su Ling were silent, and their silence answered Xue Zhiyan.

It's just that Xue Zhiyan's reaction was not as intense as the two had expected. Instead, he turned around and continued brushing his teeth, then washed his face. After washing, when he turned around and was about to leave, Jian Zelin hugged him.

The calm one is not at all like the straightforward Xue Zhiyan.

"What are you doing? It's not that my legs are weak." Xue Zhiyan was too calm, which made people scared instead.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan were used to her furious appearance, but they were really not used to her unresponsive appearance.

"There are shards of glass at your feet." Although Jian Zelin was angry, he spoke softly to Xue Zhiyan.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, Xue Zhiyan patted Jian Zelin on the shoulder, motioning for him to let her down. Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan looked at Xue Zhiyan in surprise, not understanding why she was so calm.

"Don't look at me with that look, I'm just used to it." Xue Zhiyan bounced back to the bed and sat down, "Since I went back to Jane's house, every time I have a happy life, I have to live for a while. Messy life, get used to it."

"This habit is not good." Su Ling frowned.

"It's okay, Jian Zelin said it, and I've been used to it, haha!" Xue Zhiyan waved at the two of them after speaking, "Get out quickly, I want to change clothes! Or do you two want to look at the tattoo on my back again?"

Jian Zelin was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes instantly became sharper. When he looked at Xue Zhiyan, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help shrinking his neck.

"Farewell, I think that photo is very vivid!" Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand to push the two of them, until they were pushed out of the door, and then closed the door.

Xue Zhiyan inside the door, his original smiling face collapsed in an instant, and there was a trace of firmness in his flustered eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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