The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 325 The play has ended

Chapter 325 The play has ended
"Jian Zelin, that..." Xue Zhiyan looked away, with a slightly hesitant tone.

Jian Zelin sensed her gaze and followed her gaze to see Lu Feifei and another woman standing aside.

"What's wrong?" Jian Zelin frowned displeased, Lu Feifei knew that Yan Shaochen's blind date was rejected by Yan Shaochen mercilessly.

"She just said that I robbed someone else's man, and the mistress is in charge." Xue Zhiyan pointed at the woman with a high-pitched voice, and looked at Jian Zelin with a puzzled face, "Whose man are you, am I really the mistress? "

The tone was so innocent and pitiful, coupled with Xue Zhiyan's aggrieved expression, it was so vivid!

Watching Feng Ziyao and Liang slowly following Chi Qian, he tried his best to resist the urge to applaud.

"Huh?" Looking at Xue Zhiyan's aggrieved face, Jian Zelin frowned even more.

"Also, they call me Princess Meibei, is it really that beautiful?" Xue Zhiyan suppressed his smile, it's really tiring to pretend to be pitiful like this!

Jian Zelin's warm palm touched Xue Zhiyan's cheek, rubbed it lightly, glanced at Di Wei, and said softly to Xue Zhiyan, "You are not a mistress, I was not someone's man before, but I can be your man in the future .”

Oh domineering!Chi Qian just wanted to jump up and applaud Jian Zelin.

With Jian Zelin's words, Di Wei can be repelled, it's really amazing!
Xue Zhiyan was a little dazed, this Jian Zelin was really cooperative!Unexpectedly, Jian Zelin not only did not expose her acting for others to see, but also helped her act together!
Xue Zhiyan discovered for the first time that Jian Zelin also has a high talent for acting!And it's better and more real than her acting!
"Silly girl, why are you so dazed?" Jian Zelin's big hand climbed onto her back again, rubbing it constantly, trying to warm her back up.

"Well, it's nothing." Xue Zhiyan lowered his head shyly, "Am I really a beautiful princess?"

Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and scratched Xue Zhiyan's nose, his eyes were full of doting, "In my eyes, you are beautiful everywhere!"

Oh shit!I got goosebumps all over my body!Chi Qian and Liang Huan picked up their wine glasses, suppressed a smile and took a sip of the wine, to hide the urge to yell at the moment.

Feng Ziyao looked at the empty wine glass, curled his lips helplessly, then looked at Di Wei and Li Er, their faces were pale.Even the faces of the two strange women standing aside were not very good.

Liang Huan looked at the two strange women who were still standing aside, frowned slightly, and glanced at Yan Shaochen who was walking over, a sly look quickly flashed in his eyes.

Watching Yan Shaochen walk in step by step, Liang slowly pointed to the woman named Feifei, her red lips parted slightly, the words were clear, and she was sure that Yan Shaochen heard and heard her words clearly.

"Although I don't have your upbringing, and I don't have such a good family background as yours. To put it bluntly, I have nothing. But I have Yan Shaochen's heart for me, and his unique heart that is only good for me. ,Will suffice!"

Feng Ziyao laughed, really laughed, but not out loud.Covering his mouth and enduring it, he turned his head away with difficulty, these people love to act too much!

"What's the matter?" Chi Yuan came over, took Feng Ziyao into his arms, and asked her with his head down.

Feng Ziyao couldn't bear the pain of laughing, and Chi Yuan just leaned over, reached out and grabbed Chi Yuan's skirt, bought his face in, and rubbed the tears that flowed out of the smile on Chi Yuangui's face. on the shirt.

"Let me laugh for a while." Feng Ziyao whispered, holding back the laughter, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

Chi Yuan was stunned for a moment, sighed helplessly, and gently patted Feng Ziyao's back with his big hands, as if he was comforting her, but in fact only Feng Ziyao knew how helpless his "comfort" was.

Even Yan Shaochen subconsciously froze after hearing what Liang Huan said.But it was just a moment, Yan Shaochen walked up to Liang Huan with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and held her shoulders tightly.

Jian Zelin lowered his eyes and looked at Xue Zhiyan, who was snuggling in his arms and smiling, with indescribable tenderness in his eyes, "Shall we go sit for a while? Then leave?"

"Where are you going?" Xue Zhiyan raised his head to meet his gaze, and looked into his eyes.

"There are too many people here and it's too noisy. I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it. Go back early, and we will welcome the New Year together." The meaning in the words couldn't be clearer.

For her sake, he can not attend any parties, just to welcome the New Year with her.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jian Zelin was really moved, and only loved Xue Zhiyan.These people who knew the inside story were serious, and they all saw the deep love for Xue Zhiyan in his eyes.

"Can you?" Xue Zhiyan blinked his eyes with an innocent expression.

"Well, as long as you say go, you can leave now." Jian Zelin nodded, and hugged Xue Zhiyan tighter.

"Then let's go, here..." Xue Zhi said so plainly, and turned his head to look at Li Er and Di Wei, the meaning was self-evident.

"En." Without saying a word, Jian Zelin walked out of the venue with his arm around Xue Zhiyan's shoulders without even looking at the people next to him.

Yan Shaochen walked out slowly with Liang in his arms, and when he passed by Lu Feifei, he stopped for a while.There was no trace of apology in Yan Shaochen's eyes, but his tone was extremely distant. "Lu Feifei, since your father is a doctor in my hospital, I will pretend that I didn't hear what you said today. I hope there will be no next time."

Liang Huan stretched out his hand and gently pulled Yan Shaochen's skirt. When Yan Shaochen looked at her, she smiled and shook her head.Yan Shaochen didn't say anything more, and left the venue with Liang Huan in his arms.

Being led by Di Wei and Li Er to make such a fuss, Jian Zelin and his party each brought their own female companions and left the venue in the middle of the welcome party.

Yao Xin looked at Di Wei and Li Er, who were still in the meeting place with very bad expressions, and shook her head speechlessly. It seemed that these two girls really didn't know what it meant to give up.

It's just that it's good for these people to leave, so you don't have to worry about these celebrities doing something excessive to Xue Zhiyan and the others who don't fit in.

Everyone in the venue seemed to know that Di Wei made things difficult for Xue Zhiyan because of Jian Zelin. Although there was nothing too loud and nothing hurtful happened, everyone pointed their fingers at Di Wei and Li Er, silently Accused of their arrogance and rudeness.

But Xue Zhiyan always had a smile on her face, but she gave everyone a good impression. She is also a socialite, not only does she not have an arrogant and arrogant temper, but she is more approachable.Especially when she found out that someone had deliberately released her photo, not only pointing at the reporter's nose and cursing without anger, but generously showing her back to the reporter.

Because of her generosity, after she and Jian Zelin both left the venue, she was also the center of everyone's chat, and the topic was no longer teasing about the tattoo on her back, but surrounding her enigmatic life experience, The bumpy experience slowly unfolded, and the words were full of distress for Xue Zhiyan...

(End of this chapter)

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