The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 329 Jian Zelin, I'm Hungry

Chapter 329 Jian Zelin, I'm Hungry
Jian Zelin sent Su Lingxuan away, packed up the documents that Su Lingxuan brought, and heard the sound of the washing machine upstairs.

Is Xue Zhiyan doing laundry?During the days when they moved here, Xue Zhiyan washed the clothes they changed, except for the underwear, and the servants in Jian's house took the rest back for cleaning, and sent other clothes.

Jian Zelin opened the door of Xue Zhiyan's room with the mentality of giving it a try.As soon as the door opened, Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan lazily leaning on the fence of the balcony, facing into the house, with his legs crossed at the ankles.

She folded her hands on her chest, the sun shone on her body from behind, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, her red lips were slightly pursed, and her eyelids were slightly drooping, staring at her toes, letting the cold sea breeze mess her hair.

She seemed to be thinking about something, so she didn't notice that the washing machine had stopped working, and she didn't even notice that he was walking towards her step by step.

He walked to her side and stood still, his eyes stayed on her face, which was lost in thought. That expression was different from the thinking expression he had seen before, as if she was very entangled in thinking.

He has seen her little face flushed with anger, grinning, wishing she could rush up and bite off a piece of his flesh to relieve her hatred.He has seen her calm and composed, ignoring him with a blank face, directly treating him as a transparent person, calm as water.He also saw her laughing happily, wishing to show her back molars clearly to prove that she didn't have cavities.

Only she hadn't seen it before, she frowned, looking undecided.

Jian Zelin reached out and pressed the switch of the washing machine, and the annoying beep kept disturbing him from observing Xue Zhiyan's expression carefully.

Xue Zhiyan bit her lower lip lightly, scolding herself for being worthless countless times in her heart, she was used to having him take care of her since she was a child.

But when he returned to Jane's house, he clearly swore in his heart not to get close to him or get used to his existence.In this way, even if one day in the future, she leaves him again, she won't feel like a knife is twisting her heart.

But there is a huge gap between the reality and the ideal. Not only did she control herself and keep herself away from him, she even made herself get used to him thoroughly.

Especially in the recent days, not only did she accept all his care and all the kindness he treated her with peace of mind, but she also began to rely on his arms.Even obsessed with the smell of him.

If he really felt that he was bored in the future and left by himself, wouldn't he have to experience the pain of more than ten years ago again?

Moreover, the relationship between the two is still so ambiguous, Xue Zhiyan can't remember where she saw it, there was a sentence, she couldn't remember the whole sentence, but she remembered the last sentence, which is called ambiguity and eventually death.

No, no, I can't let myself be like this, but no matter how hard Xue Zhiyan shakes her head, Jian Zelin's gentle smiling face is still lingering in her mind.

"Xue Zhiyan, Xue Zhiyan, you are really worthless. You have been eaten up by him since you were a child, and you will still have that worthless virtue when you grow up!" Xue Zhiyan muttered in a low voice.

Jian Zelin looked at her from the side, and when she heard her mutter something in a low voice, the smile on her face became more obvious.

It turned out that she was struggling with the question she didn't answer just now!This little one is really cute.

He could no longer hear the sound of water and the sound of the machine turning, and could still smell the faint smell of lavender laundry detergent, Xue Zhiyan frowned even tighter.

Withdrawing her wild thoughts, she stretched out her hand to pat the cold little face blown by the sea breeze, only to realize that the past time in a daze had been used to think about her relationship with Jian Zelin.

He stomped his feet in annoyance, and when he looked up, he saw Jian Zelin crossing his arms, leaning against the washing machine, crossing his hands in front of his chest, looking at her with a half-smile.

The clothes on the clothes rail outside the fence were dancing with the sea breeze. She saw the faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

"You won't hear what I said, will you?" Xue Zhiyan confirmed without giving up.

"That's what you said?"

Jian Zelin raised his hand and rubbed his chin, pretending to be thinking, his brows were slightly frowned, his face was also generously gilded by the sun, and there was a faint smile on the harmless face of the whole people.

Xue Zhiyan looked flustered, forgetting that he was still annoyed just now, afraid that he would hear his muttering words.

He took uncontrollable steps with his legs and walked towards him slowly. The distance was not very far, but Xue Zhiyan felt as if he had walked for thousands of years.

And Jian Zelin leisurely leaned against the washing machine, as if waiting for her to come to the god of pilgrimage, stretched out his arms, ready to give her a hug.

Xue Zhiyan walked over and hugged his waist tightly, sniffing the unique scent on his body, feeling unspeakable peace of mind, the entanglement in his heart just now was instantly replaced by a sense of stability.

Let all those worries and entanglements in your heart die!The most important thing for a person is to live in the present moment. I have survived the pain at the beginning. Is there anything more difficult than that in the future?

Even if there is, it will survive!Xue Zhiyan affirmed his thoughts even more in his heart, he didn't look at the past and the future, and could only enjoy the present, the days with him by his company.

"very nice."

Xue Zhiyan rubbed his head against his shoulder, and a slightly hoarse voice came from his chest into his ears.

Jian Zelin took her hand and increased his strength. She has been in a good state these days, and Yan Shaochen also stopped the medicine she was taking, but why is her voice a little hoarse now?

Thinking of her huddling on the bed in pain when she had a fever, Jian Zelin's heart couldn't help throbbing.The sword eyebrows frowned even tighter, his head rested against hers, his face was full of worry.

"Is it the wind blowing for too long, where is it uncomfortable?"

Xue Zhiyan seemed to be aware of his worry, and gently patted his back twice with his tender hands to calm his nervousness, and shook his head.

"We are so fragile that we don't feel comfortable blowing, don't treat me like a porcelain doll, okay?"

"Is it really not uncomfortable?" Jian Zelin felt uneasy when he heard her hoarse voice.

"Are you concerned about chaos?" Xue Zhiyan chuckled twice.

Standing up straight, he pulled up the hand tightly wrapped around his waist, and gently placed it on his forehead.As warm fingers touched her forehead at a normal temperature, the worry in her eyes gradually receded, and her tense nerves gradually relaxed.

"Xue Zhiyan." Jian Zelin heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, I'm here." Xue Zhiyan narrowed his eyes and looked out of the balcony.

Jian Zelin looked down at the woman leaning in his arms, and there were too many emotions in his eyes that could not be expressed.The wind messed up his hair and hers too.

"In the future, don't be sick anymore. Seeing you suffer, my heart will ache."

She looks sick, too scary.Since he was a child, he has witnessed her pain every time she gets sick.Even in those 13 years, she was not by his side, and seeing her sick now, he could imagine how painful it was when she was sick.

Xue Zhiyan looked up into his eyes, knowing that he was feeling sorry for her, and she also knew that every time she got sick, it was like going through the gate of hell, which was extremely painful.

It's just that she didn't know why, seeing Jian Zelin caring about her at this moment, she actually had the urge to cry, her red lips parted slightly, but she didn't know what to say.

The two of them looked at each other quietly without saying a word, she only had him in her eyes, and she was the only one in his eyes.

After a while, Xue Zhiyan blinked and smiled embarrassedly.

"Jane Zelin, I'm hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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