The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 357 Bold Guess

Chapter 357 Bold Guess

"Eat!" Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao said in unison, blurting out the words, the two looked at each other and smiled, there was an indescribable understanding.

The tacit understanding between the two of them caused a chill in the others. Is there really a pervert who poached a child's heart?
The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth curled into a meaningful smile, and he raised his chin towards Feng Ziyao, "You speak first."

Feng Ziyao shook his head, raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect to think of Xue Zhiyan together. "I think we both think about the same thing, you say, and I'll add."

"Hey you two, tell me quickly, what did you eat!" Chi Qian hugged her arm and rubbed her arms, making the two women's words creepy.

"I still stick to my opinion. He digs and sells it himself, without anyone's hands." Xue Zhiyan glanced at Jian Zelin, and found that he, who had been silent all this time, was looking at her seriously.

Jian Zelin held her hand tightly, which meant to encourage Xue Zhiyan to continue talking.

"It's just that when it comes to delivery, the delivery method will be more unreasonable." Xue Zhiyan recalled the news he saw a while ago, and it wasn't a big news, that is, two tigers were ushered in at the S City Zoo, and two were sent out.

At the same time, in order to celebrate New Year's Day and welcome the New Year, City S invited a famous circus troupe from abroad to perform for the citizens for a week.

Jian Zelin became interested, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He knew that Xue Zhiyan's weird thinking would bring different ideas to everyone. "How luck?"

"It can be treated as food and shipped out of the country openly." Xue Zhiyan thought of those two reports, and became more confident in his own thoughts.

"Phew, big sister, finish it all at once, we're almost lost our appetite by you." Chi Qian lay helplessly on the table, begging.

"After New Year's Day, city S sent two precious tigers to the city of W in country F for economic friendly exchanges. Do you remember this news?" Xue Zhiyan frowned, took a sip of tea, and continued, "Tigers want eat raw meat!"

Yan Shaochen's frowning brows suddenly eased away, and his eyes widened. "You mean, those children's organs were mixed with the raw meat for the tiger and transported away with the tiger?"

"Almost, as long as you add one or two barrels of animal offal to the raw meat, and use a long-term journey as an excuse, it is not impossible to take a refrigerated truck with a refrigerated compartment along the way, so that the organs can still be kept alive."

Feng Ziyao nodded with a smile, and took the rest of the conversation. "After New Year's Day, a foreign circus came to S City to perform. There were lions, bears, tigers, giant pythons and other performances. These animals also have to eat raw meat!
Moreover, whether these animals are transported by air or by water, a large amount of food must be prepared in advance. As long as the internal organs are hidden in the food prepared for the animals before passing the customs, after passing the customs, take advantage of the things not to be fed. When entering the animal's mouth, take out the trachea and put it in a constant temperature refrigerator to keep it active. As long as it goes out of the country, the rest can be transported as he wants, even if it is sold locally! "

"The most important thing is that this person must know the arrangements for these activities in S City, and he has the ability to get on line with the staff of the zoo and the circus, so that he can persuade them to do things for him. Even more so Simple, he can directly control the office and let them directly choose his partner!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he took another look at Feng Ziyao, and the two smiled tacitly. It turned out that the two really thought the same thing!
"You mean, he participated in the planning of these two activities?" Liang Huan raised her eyebrows slightly, and couldn't believe the guess made by the two. After all, this is not a simple job, and it involves ZF.

"No, no, it may be a direct influence." Chi Yuan shook his head, and the ZF is not the only one involved in this matter, "Aside from ZF organizations, the only people who can get in touch with these things are the media, after all, this is considered news. "

"BINGO! The news about the discovery of the children's bodies was first reported by the media!" Feng Ziyao smiled and snapped his fingers, "But the discoverer was never mentioned, and even the police were surprised that this well-hidden discoverer."

Feng Ziyao was right. She discovered it when she was reading the briefings just now. Every report did not mention the person who found the child's body. Every time they found it, the reporter and the police were present at the same time.

What does this mean, that pervert was among the group of media reporters, so after notifying the police, he was able to rush to the scene as soon as possible under the pretext of being a reporter, collecting news without being suspected by the police.

Liang Huan no longer wanted to guess who the murderer was. She just wanted to hack into the zoo's account to see if there were any strange things in it.

Of course, there is also that very famous circus, maybe there is some important information on their website or the leader's personal homepage.

Yan Shaochen seemed to have sensed Liang Huan's intentions, his face darkened, and he said in a low voice, "Be quiet, Vic and Ben will do these things!"

Jian Zelin rubbed Xue Zhiyan's long hair. Her thoughts were indeed different from ordinary people. Hearing her and Feng Ziyao singing and talking together, she felt that the problem was really about to be solved.

Chi Qian and Feng Ziyao looked at each other, raised their eyebrows obviously, then both of them coughed twice at the same time, looking at Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen ambiguously.

Feng Ziyao tapped on the table to attract everyone's attention.She smiled at the corner of her mouth, without the serious look just now, and pointed to the four people in pairs.

"Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin needless to say, sooner or later, it's you two, tell me what's going on with you two?"

Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan's expressions froze, they pointed at their noses at the same time, and said in unison, "Both of us? What's wrong with us?"

Chi Yuan also seemed to have realized that something was wrong, dropped the briefing in his hand, leaned closer to the chair, looked at his buddy inexplicably, raised his eyebrows, "They don't say that I didn't find out, Yan Shaochen, when did you start to tie the collar of your shirt?" It's so strict!"

The meaning of Chi Yuan's words couldn't be clearer, Yan Shaochen's face darkened, and he gave him a supercilious look, this guy is really holding back!
As for the two people who knew the truth, Jian Zelin held Xue Zhiyan's hand, made her sit on his lap, hugged her tightly, and let her lean against his chest.The two leaned back in their chairs leisurely, looking like they were watching a good show, neither helping the other.

Chi Qian lowered her eyes, suppressed a smile, and drew circles on the document with her fingers. "Some people have been away for several nights, don't tell me that they are going back to their own residences. If that's the case, how can they be late for work the next day?"

"Uh..." Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan were speechless, and they didn't know when the topic shifted to them.

They looked at each other, winked, and when they were about to deny it to the end, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Vic and Ben walked in with the things they brought back from You'an Courtyard.

"Boss, everything prepared by You'an Courtyard is here."

(End of this chapter)

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