The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 367 If the target is not a child at all

Chapter 367 If the target is not a child at all
"Does it hurt? Xue Zhiyan?" There was an indescribable madness in Li Er's eyes. "What does it feel like when the most precious thing in your heart is about to be destroyed?"

"What did you say?!" Xue Zhiyan didn't expect Li Er's hand to be so strong, and his chin felt numb when he pinched it. "What did you tie me here for?"

"Are you really smart or fake smart?" Li Er let go of her chin, and pushed her head hard, making her look straight at the two children.

"Do you know? I have liked Su Lingxuan since I was a child. Do you know that kind of liking? Even in the vast crowd, I can see him at a glance, and there is only his kind of liking in my eyes."

"None of my business!" Xue Zhiyan gave her a fierce look, she didn't want to hear Li Er talking about her mental journey here.

Li Er suddenly stretched out his hand, brushed Xue Zhiyan's hair, and forced her to look into her eyes so that she could see the ferocious expression on his face.

"What's none of your business? But he only has eyes for you! Because he went to an orphanage once with his abnormally thinking mother, he can't see any of our girls anymore!"

"You're the one with abnormal thinking!" Xue Zhiyan didn't forget to fight back when he heard Li Er insulting Yan Wen.

Li Er let go of her hair, and slapped her hard. Xue Zhiyan's eyes were staring at the slap, and when her head was thrown to the side, she seemed to hear the crackling sound of bones being dislocated.

"Are you still talking back? You can't help but talk back now!" Li Er was a little annoyed. He didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to be able to mock her even though he was tied to a chair.

"Later, I followed Su Lingxuan by accident, and realized that he was looking for you from You'anyuan. Even with your two friends, the only ones of the opposite sex who can get close to him are the three of you." Li Er's voice trembled, as if to say Everything that happened made her very angry.

Xue Zhiyan frowned in displeasure. At that time, everyone was only in their teens. They were in junior high school and high school. Su Lingxuan was older than him, so he was only at the age of college, right?

"You can't blame the earth for being unattractive!" Xue Zhiyan was very dissatisfied with this presumptuous idea, no matter who it was.

"Ha! You're still contradicting me!" Li Er almost jumped, pointing at Xue Zhiyan's nose, wishing he could scratch Hua Xue Zhiyan's face. "If it weren't for you, how could Su Lingxuan not see my feelings, and even step on the ground?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth, she looked at Li Er, this woman is so stupid! "You think I told Su Lingxuan not to accept you? Are you really brainless, woman? Are your feelings controlled by others?"

'Pa——' A slap was slapped hard on Xue Zhiyan's face.

Xue Zhiyan felt that his neck was about to break. Li Er was really a fair person. After hitting her left cheek, he hit her right cheek.

"Later, everything he did to the Li family was because of you, right?" Li Er's palm was also in pain, and she didn't even know where she got so much strength. "The Li family has nothing left now! And I can only approach you when Su Lingxuan is not in the country!"

Xue Zhiyan's breathing stagnates, what does Li Er mean by this?Why can't you understand?
"Otherwise, why do you think I went to your little coffee shop to endure the scolding of you people?" Li Er reached out and touched Xue Zhiyan's face with fingerprints, as if he was healing her pain, but only she herself Only then did I know how much I hated in my heart.


With this slap, Xue Zhiyan felt his gums were crushed, and the smell of blood quickly spread in his mouth.

"Why should I suffer from you people's eyes! How can you be better than me? Let those people revolve around you, ah?" Li Er's accusation made Xue Zhiyan speechless.

Xue Zhiyan didn't speak, but blinked, as if he was very tired, he lowered his eyes and stopped talking.But I was thinking in my heart, you came here to beg for supercilious eyes, and if we don't give you, isn't it because we are not generous?Besides, who are those men looking at and who are they willing to protect? She can control it now?
Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help sneering, thinking that Li Er was ridiculous, always pushing the problem on others, and never said to find the answer on himself.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Er didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to laugh at this time.

"It's nothing." Xue Zhiyan's voice was cold and without any emotion, Xue Zhiyan wondered if he was influenced by Jian Zelin, and he himself became an iceberg.

Li Er suddenly smiled, raised Xue Zhiyan's chin, and looked at her face that was starting to swell from being beaten by him, "Aren't you curious, how did those two children come to me?"

child!When Li Er mentioned it again, it was only when Xue Zhiyan remembered that Hao Chen and Hao Yue were still in that corner!If Li Er hadn't mentioned it again, she would have forgotten that the reason she was on the order was to find those two children!

A terrible guess gradually surfaced in Xue Zhiyan's mind. These two children are here, as well as the sleepy child she was holding before, and she is breathing the air mixed with the smell of disinfectant. Could it be... Could it be...

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes in disbelief, met Li Er's gaze, and tried to find the answer in her eyes.

"That pervert is you?" Xue Zhiyan's voice trembled uncontrollably, and there was more element of disbelief in it.

Li Er shrugged irresolutely, "So what if it's me?"

Li Er smiled gracefully, walked towards the corner step by step with easy steps, and his eyes fell on the two children...

On the other end, in the small meeting room on the top floor of Shengshi, several people looked at Liang Huan in disbelief, as if what she just said was a fantasy.

"You mean, the goal of those people is Xue Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin couldn't accept Liang Huan's reasoning at all.

After Liang Huan washed his face and returned to the meeting room, he expressed his inference.Maybe that person's real target is not those innocent children, but Xue Zhiyan!

The reason why the children of You'anyuan disappeared at the end was because they wanted to elicit Xue Zhiyan.Because it is very likely that they know Xue Zhiyan's heart, knowing that Xue Zhiyan can't ignore those two children at all.

After Xue Zhiyan returned to Jian's house, he seldom came out alone. Every time, not only a large group of people followed, but also Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin, and the worst was Chi Qian and the others. Those people had no way to attack .

It's just that they didn't expect that Xue Zhiyan would get angry with Jian Zelin because Jian Zelin hurt her shoulder, and ran into the woods by himself, discovering the trap they set in advance, thus speeding up the implementation of their plan.

But Liang Huan couldn't figure it out, how did they find that the forest as a natural barrier could lead to You'an Courtyard?And how did they know Xue Zhiyan's habits?

"Do you believe it?" Yan Shaochen also couldn't believe it, after all, it really sounded like a fairy tale.

Liang Huan nodded, "That's why I asked everyone to watch the surveillance video together, not to miss all the details."

"And we need to check, after Xue Zhiyan returned to Jian's house, who else did Xue Zhiyan know who we don't know, who can know the work plan of S city." Su Lingxuan frowned, and was extremely irritated.

"Perhaps, their goal is the children and Zhiyan. No matter what it is, they must be investigated!" Jian Zelin sighed heavily and made the final decision.

(End of this chapter)

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