The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 387 There Are Surprises

Chapter 387 There Are Surprises
Jian Zelin picked up his mobile phone suspiciously, he seldom used social software, if it wasn't for adding Xue Zhiyan's friend that time, he would have forgotten that there is such a thing as social software in his mobile phone.

He hesitated to open the software, and the photos sent by Chi Qian appeared in front of his eyes.

Jian Zelin's expression was just as Chi Yuan thought, it was really colorful.

Jian Zelin stared at the phone screen, unable to believe that the person he saw in front of him was really the woman he was familiar with—Xue Zhiyan.

There were too many unspeakable emotions in his eyes.There was excitement, surprise, disbelief, and the feeling of being bright, and there was some anger mixed in it.

He had known for a long time that Xue Zhiyan was a woman who could bring him infinite surprises, but he didn't expect that it was just a change of hairstyle, which once again made him unable to take his eyes off.

This is just a photo, what if it is standing in front of her?He really didn't know what kind of move he would make.

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen held their mobile phones at the side, clicked their tongues and shook their heads, as if they couldn't believe what they saw was real.

"It's a pity!" Yan Shaochen put down his phone, took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Huh? What?" Su Ling looked at Yan Shaochen puzzled, when did this guy start playing tricks?
"I said she has long hair, it's a pity!" Yan Shaochen said, and compared the length of Xue Zhiyan's long hair.

"However, she looks good with short hair!" Chi Yuan squinted his eyes and took a sip of tea, his gaze still staying on the phone screen.

A sharp look came from the other side, and Chi Yuan shrugged irresolutely, "I'm telling the truth, I don't have any thoughts about her, just a compliment."

After hearing this, Su Lingxuan put down the teacup in his hand, with an unconcealable smile in his eyes, and even laughed out loud.

"Aze, you don't have to be so nervous. All of us, except you, regard her as a younger sister."

Yan Shaochen raised his eyebrows, and when he looked at Jian Zelin, there was a trace of scrutiny in his eyes. "Aze, why do I think Ling's words are wrong?"

"I think so too!" Chi Yuan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Jian Zelin looked at the darkened phone screen, thoughtful.In just a second, he turned on the phone again, and the phone number that he knew so well was broadcast.

Xue Zhiyan quickly connected the phone, with excitement that could not be concealed in his words. "Hey, have you eaten yet?...Well, Qianqian and we are together, we will go back after dinner!...You guys eat, we will not go!...Well, you go back early after dinner, there is a surprise!"

Xue Zhiyan didn't put away his phone until Jian Zelin hung up the phone, with an unconcealable smile still on his face.

"Hey! Someone has checked the post!" Liang Huan played with the teacup in his hand, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan.

"Well, Jian Zelin said that Yan Shaochen and the others were together, and told us to go home quickly after dinner, and asked if we would like to come and pick us up." Xue Zhiyan didn't care, and enjoyed Jian Zelin's care very much.

"Then what kind of surprise are you talking about?" Chi Qian moved closer to Xue Zhiyan, and put a caviar sushi on Xue Zhiyan's dinner plate.

Xue Zhiyan lowered his head in embarrassment, picked up the sushi and stuffed it into his mouth, and began to eat carefully. "secret."

Feng Ziyao at the side glanced at Xue Zhiyan's shoulder-length short hair, and sighed helplessly.He took out another pair of chopsticks from the chopstick holder, handed one to Liang Huan, and kept the other to himself. Both of them rolled up their long hair at the same time, inserted the chopsticks firmly, and fixed them on the top of their heads.

"Hey, Xue Zhiyan, you will never be able to steal chopsticks from the boss again!" After speaking, he picked up sashimi and chewed hard.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Xue Zhiyan was obviously stunned for a moment, and burst out laughing in an instant. "I'm saving chopsticks for the boss! Besides, my hair will still grow long!"

The boss couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this, "If Miss Xue likes it, I can give you a pair of chopsticks."

Hearing the boss's joke, Chi Qian couldn't help laughing out loud, she didn't expect the boss to be so humorous.He stretched out his hand to the boss, "Boss, give me another sashimi, heavy wasabi!"

The boss nodded with a smile, and then handed Chi Qian something to her.It's just that I didn't expect that the boss was really so honest, and really gave a lot of mustard.

Chi Qian was choked to the point of tears, covered her mouth and nose and ran to the bathroom outside.

He ran to the bathroom door and bumped into the man coming out of the bathroom.

"Excuse me!"

"Are you OK?"

Chi Qian covered her mouth and nose, tears rolled in her eyes, it wasn't because of the bump, it was because the mustard was too hot.

It's just that Chi Qian raised her head, and the moment she met the man's gaze, tears really flowed down her cheeks.She knew that what made her shed tears was not the pungent mustard, but the familiar face in front of her eyes.

When the man saw Chi Qian's eyes clearly, his body was visibly stiff, and even the expression on his face was stiff for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

"Qian, long time no see!" The man smiled politely at Chi Qian.

His deep and steady voice reached Chiqian's ears, and there was polite distance in his dark eyes, but also some indescribable intimacy, so he fixedly looked into Chiqian's tearful eyes.

Chi Qian broke away from his holding her hand, wiped the tears off her face indiscriminately, and nodded politely. "Sorry, you got the wrong person."

After Chi Qian said this, she turned around and ran away.

It's just that her petite back fell into the eyes of the man, and soon turned into an imperceptible tenderness, but that tenderness was fleeting.

Seeing Chi Qian come back with tears streaming down her face, Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan were taken aback, and just about to ask her if something happened to her, Chi Qian interrupted them.

"It seems that the number of women's restrooms in the mall needs to be increased!" Chi Qian said while wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with a paper towel, not forgetting to pick up a piece of sashimi dipped in wasabi. "Well, boss, your mustard is too upright!"

The boss smiled, poured a cup of barley tea and handed it to Chi Qian. "You are really good friends, even the taste is the same."

After the boss finished speaking, he glanced pointedly at Feng Ziyao, Xue Zhiyan, and Liang Huan. "When the three of them came here for the first time, they said the same thing to you!"

Chi Qian was choked to tears again, she smiled and waved her hands, "That's why we are friends!"

After speaking, she lowered her head and continued to eat the choking mustard. Tears kept streaming down, but she didn't wipe them any more, letting the tears rage on her face.

The other three people were frightened by her appearance, stopped eating and looked at Chi Qian in puzzlement.

The three of them were sure that when she went out to the bathroom just now, she must have met someone or something, otherwise why did she abuse her eyes like this?

Chi Qian quickly finished the sashimi in front of her, then pulled a paper towel, wiped the tears from her face well, and turned her head to find that the three of them were looking at her fixedly.

Chi Qian smiled and urged the three of them to eat quickly. She knew what the three of them were thinking very well, so she didn't forget to find an excuse for her weird behavior.

"Hey, when I went out just now, I also got a surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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