The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 390 Strange Man

Chapter 390 Strange Man
The two walked around for a while, and the final result was a set of pajamas for couples and a set of bedding.

Xue Zhiyan knew that with Jian Zelin's quality of life, there must be someone responsible for pajamas and bedding, so she bought these two things entirely because she was in a good mood, and the most important thing was that she rarely liked them.

Liang Xu originally thought that meeting Di Wei would affect Xue Zhiyan's mood to some extent, but he didn't expect that Di Wei seemed to have no influence on Xue Zhiyan at all. Xue Zhiyan still should go shopping and smile.

It's one thing to be happy, it's another to be happy.It's just something in his heart, Xue Zhiyan didn't say it until the two went to the coffee bar last time.

"Don't you think Di Wei is weird?" Xue Zhiyan warmed his hands with a cup of hot drink, watching the waiter leave, this was the first thing he said.

Liang Huan was stunned for a moment, she thought that Di Wei had no influence on her, but she broke her previous thought so quickly. "Don't pay attention to her."

Knowing that Liang Huan had misunderstood, Xue Zhiyan shook his head hastily. "She didn't affect me, but I think she seemed to say those things to me on purpose."

Liang Huan frowned, and after thinking about it carefully, Di Wei didn't seem to have said anything, but seeing Xue Zhiyan's appearance, it seemed that there was really something, but the two of them couldn't react for a while.

As long as there is a third person present, you will hear that Di Wei's words are weird, because the fact that Xue Zhiyan was kidnapped by Tong Yuan and Li Er was never made public. Except for them, no one knew that Xue Zhiyan was lying in the hospital seven days!
Then if someone knows, it can only explain one thing - the person who knows this situation is also involved in that incident!
It's just that Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan were in a good mood at the time, and neither of them thought about it carefully, and the two of them changed the topic while chatting.

Xue Zhiyan thought to herself, she can go wherever she wants, why bother telling herself?If she didn't still have fantasies about Jian Zelin, why would she tell herself?
The two rested for a while, and took the pajamas and bedding to the car before continuing to stroll.After walking around for a while, they saw a shop, and the two looked at each other.A mischievous smirk appeared on the two beautiful faces.

It's not that Liang Huan and Xue Zhiyan are so wretched, it's just that the colorful women's underwear in the glass window is really... um, so attractive.

The colors are all the most popular candy colors nowadays, gorgeous, low-key, luxurious, and cold. Many colors are sparkling in the eyes of the two of them.

"I'll bring a set for Chi Qian." Xue Zhiyan frowned and glanced at Liang Huan.

The smile on the corner of Liang Huan's mouth became stronger and stronger, imitating Xue Zhiyan, she frowned, "I'll give Feng Ziyao a set."

Xue Zhiyan pouted and thought for a while, "No, one set is definitely not enough!"

Liang Huan laughed out loud, took Xue Zhiyan's hand and strode into the store.

Neither of the two people noticed that there were a man and a woman standing not far from the left and right sides of the underwear store.

There was a playful smile on the corner of the man's mouth, while the woman's fists were clenched. There was no expression on her pretty face, but her tightly pursed lips told others that she was angry now.

The shopping basket in Xue Zhiyan's hand was almost full, but Xue Zhiyan was still naked.

Liang Huan on the side was not much better than her. Apart from women's, Liang Huan also went to the men's section to study carefully.

So when Xue Zhiyan finished picking out her own and those of these sisters and found Liang Huan, she was squatting in front of the men's underwear shelf, holding two packs of things that she didn't know whether they were close-fitting T-shirts or underwear, with a tangled expression on her face. Know what to choose.

Xue Zhiyan squatted beside her, took two packs from the shelf, and looked at the things in his hands with a cute face.

"Black is calm, leopard print is sexy." Xue Zhiyan raised his head slightly as he spoke, as if he was thinking about something.

"Ah? When did you come?" Liang Xu took a step back as if he had touched a switch.

Xue Zhiyan covered his mouth with the things in his hands, blocking his gleaming front teeth, but his crooked eyes were full of smiles.

Seeing Liang Huan staring at her, Xue Zhiyan hurriedly hung the things in his hands back on the shelf, lowered his head and rummaged for a while, then took one and threw it into his basket.

When she stood up, she took a step back habitually. Before Liang Huan had time to remind her that there was someone behind her, Xue Zhiyan bumped into it with great precision.

The man who was bumped took a step to the side, Xue Zhiyan didn't expect that there was someone behind him, the bumped person flashed, her figure swayed, and when she saw that she was about to make intimate contact with the earth, her waist tightened and she was pulled into it. a hug.

Liang Huan quickly dropped the things in his hands, jumped up, pulled Xue Zhiyan to him, and looked at Xue Zhiyan back and forth.

"Are you okay?" Liang Huan pulled Xue Zhiyan nervously, and looked him over carefully.

The man standing behind Xue Zhiyan couldn't help laughing when he heard Liang Huan's words.The voice was deep but magnetic.

The man looked at Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan with a smile on his face, obviously laughing at Liang Huan's words. "Miss, I was the one who got hit, but you care more about your friend?"

Liang Huan listened to this person's voice. Although it was very pleasant to hear, it had a hypnotic effect and an addictive feeling.

Liang Xu frowned invisibly, and looked up at the man, "I'm sorry, it was wrong for my friend to bump into you, but you clearly saw her squatting on the ground, and you were still standing so close to her, so I can Do you understand that you did it on purpose?"

Xue Zhiyan looked at Liang Huan's thorny appearance, and smiled helplessly. "Slow down, I'm fine."

After Xue Zhiyan said this, he looked up at the man, "I'm sorry to bump into you."

"It's okay!" The man shrugged helplessly, and looked at Liang Huan behind her, "And your friend said, I suspect it on purpose."

"But I still have to thank you for holding me back, otherwise I might go to her husband to have my front teeth fixed now!" Xue Zhiyan smiled and waved his hands, squatting down to pick up the scattered things on the ground.

The man smiled and knelt down to help Xue Zhiyan pick up the colorful underwear on the ground. "Miss, do you help your boyfriend buy underwear?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, but Liang Huan stood aside with his hands folded, feeling that this man was very strange, "Sir, can I understand your current behavior as flirting with you?"

"Up to you." The man put the men's underwear in Xue Zhiyan's shopping basket, looked at Liang Huan with a polite smile on his face.

Xue Zhiyan looked back at Liang Huan, feeling like a hen protecting its cubs, as if he was afraid that he would be snatched away.

However, Xue Zhiyan also raised her vigilance. After all, there was Tong Yuan who had an ulterior motive before, so she couldn't relax her vigilance to all strangers who appeared.

"Anyway, I'm sorry to bump into you just now. But thank you for holding me back and helping me pick up things." Xue Zhiyan smiled politely after speaking.

Turning around and holding Liang Huan's arm, "Have you bought it yet?"

Liang Huan nodded, took Xue Zhiyan's arm, and the two walked towards the cashier regardless of the man behind them.

And the man standing there, looking at the backs of Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan, gradually put away the smile on his face.

"Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan, you are really interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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