Chapter 397

It's over, the order for delivery is over! Liang Huan hung up the phone and looked at the light yellow post-it note on the table with a sad face.

Xue Zhiyan took the post-it note and looked at it. They were all ordinary hot drinks, mostly coffee. What's the problem?

"It's just ordinary coffee and hot drinks. There's nothing wrong with it. Why do you look like you're going to die?" Xue Zhiyan put down the order and looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Liang Huan tapped on the note pad with his index finger, "The things are ready, but Miss, please check the address!"

address?Xue Zhiyan picked up the sticky note again suspiciously, and looked towards the last row, "The secretary's room on the top floor of Jane's Prosperity, Lin Zhuo"

I rely on!Xue Zhiyan jumped up from the chair, staring at the row of messy handwriting with wide eyes, his eyeballs almost fell off his face in shock.

"He, he, don't they have one?" Xue Zhiyan looked in disbelief, they clearly had their own tea room upstairs!
"Do you want to say, why do they order takeaway when they have a tea room?" Liang Huan asked without stopping.

Xue Zhiyan nodded vigorously, thinking Liang Xu, you really understand me, you know everything!

Liang Huan gave her a look like you're an idiot, and shrugged helplessly, "After all, they don't have professional baristas there, and what they brew will always taste like instant coffee!"

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, looked up into the counter, and looked at the stock in his store, thinking that this is obviously much better than instant coffee, okay?
"Then you don't need to find our store to change your taste?!" Xue Zhiyan was completely defeated. Who would have thought of the thing that he wanted to hide just now, it will be exposed soon!
"Actually, this isn't the first time they've ordered an order. Before, Qianqian delivered it, but nothing happened, but..." Liang Huan made another cup of coffee, only half-spoken, and looked at it meaningfully. A glance at Xue Zhiyan.

The meaning of that look obviously means that it depends on whether your acting skills are good enough!
Xue Zhiyan slumped on the counter helplessly, and looked at Liang Huan pleadingly, "You can deliver it, can I see the store?"

Liang slowly shook her head, "No." After speaking, she pointed to the refrigerator, "Today's recommended dessert is mango mousse."

"Damn it! God is going to kill me!" Xue Zhiyan was completely defeated.

Liang Huan put down the paper cup in his hand, and looked at the weak Xue Zhiyan with a puzzled expression, "Why didn't you tell him, I told Yan Shaochen."

"I don't know. My intuition tells me that if I tell him, he won't let me come again." Xue Zhiyan clenched one hand into a fist and put it between his chin and the counter, looking at a certain place on the counter, as if Replied casually.

"He cares about you so much and spoils you so much. Tell him well that he won't force you to close the shop." Liang Huan put down the last cup of coffee, turned around and walked to the back of the refrigerator, and started to order smaller.

How could Xue Zhiyan not know that Jian Zelin dotes on her, but Jian Zelin's possessiveness is too crazy, if he knew that she stood here all day to show her face, and even made coffee and made simple meals for so many people, he would definitely say something If you don't say anything, just wrap it up and wait, and don't let anyone in.

Of course, there is also the most important factor in it, that is, she keeps showing up like this, which will give the bad guys an opportunity. The last thing he wants to see is her getting hurt, and it is here that she and Tong Yuan met. If I really want to let him know, I am afraid that in a fit of anger, I will personally drive a crane over and demolish this small house, right?
Xue Zhiyan waved his hand helplessly, "The key is that I don't know how to tell him! Let's wait until I go back tonight and make side-talking noises."

Liang Huan felt that what she said was not unreasonable, so he stopped talking and prepared things according to the orders of those handsome secretaries.

Just when Xue Zhiyan was so worried that he wanted to pull out his hair, Liang Huan handed over the bag containing the coffee, and at the same time handed over a peaked cap and a pair of plain glasses.

Liang Huan pointed to the rest room shared by the two of them at the back, "Qianqian left spare equipment inside, you can change it, so as not to be discovered by Jian Zelin."

After Xue Zhiyan disguised himself, he really looked like a prostitute who came out to work part-time during vacation.Looking at her cute appearance, Liang Huan couldn't help sighing, what kind of clothes to wear and what kind of temperament she has, mainly depends on her face!

Especially after Xue Zhiyan cut his long hair, the playful ponytail flicked behind his head, making him look more like a student.

"I'm going!" Xue Zhiyan lowered the brim of his hat, feeling a sense of heroism.

The corner of Liang Huan's mouth twitched twice, until he could no longer see Xue Zhiyan, he always felt that a storm was coming.Taking out her phone, she sent a message to Yan Shaochen, Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian, then walked out of the counter and cleared away the empty cups on the table.

Xue Zhiyan's journey went smoothly, even the receptionist downstairs didn't see her face, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Of course, she can't take the VIP elevator when she goes upstairs, although every time she comes, she always takes the unimpeded VIP elevator.

Xue Zhiyan was carrying the coffee, and when he walked out of the elevator, his feet still trembled a bit, but he soon returned to normal.

She cleared her throat, deliberately lowered her voice, lowered her head slightly, wore a baseball cap very low, and wore a pair of large glasses on her face, the frame of which blocked half of her face, making it impossible to see her original appearance at all.

"Hello, waiting for delivery, who is ordering?" Xue Zhiyan's awkward voice caught the attention of all the male secretaries.

"Yo! Wait a minute to change the delivery person? Where's that little sister of yours? Has she resigned?" A man walked over and walked around Xue Zhiyan, looking at her non-stop.

"Oh, she's resting recently." Xue Zhiyan lowered his head again, and passed the things in his hands, "Two cups of mocha, one cup of American style, three cups of latte, three pieces of mango mousse, three pieces of tiramisu, a total of It's 214 yuan, I'll charge you 210, please bring your own change."

When Lin Zhuo came out of Jian Zelin's office, he heard Xue Zhiyan say this. He always felt that this awkward voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

"Ah! Is the coffee here?" Lin Zhuo put the documents in his hand on the table, walked up to Xue Zhiyan, took out his wallet and gave her the money.

"Little sister, have we met somewhere?" Lin Zhuo still felt that this person was very familiar, even though the little sister delivering food in front of him seemed to be trying to hide herself.

Lin Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared seriously at Xue Zhiyan's half-blocked face, how could his lips and chin look so similar...

Xue Zhiyan took the money with both hands, and as soon as she took it, before she could turn around, Lin Zhuo quickly grabbed the brim of her hat and took off her hat.


"Miss Xue!"

Lin Zhuo's words, as well as the male secretaries who saw her face, were taken aback.

"What Miss Xue?" Before Xue Zhiyan could speak, Jian Zelin's voice came from behind Lin Zhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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