The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 546 Engagement

Chapter 546 Engagement ([-])

"Let go of me!" Chi Qian's voice became cold, and she paused every word.

"Qianqian, I miss you so much, let me hug you for a while, just for a while." Namingli's voice became hoarse, and his tone of speaking became begging.

Chi Qian took a deep breath, raised her leg and kicked him at the most vulnerable place on his body.

Namingli snorted, because it was too painful and it was a critical part, he really loosened his grip on Chi Qian a lot.

Chi Qian easily pushed him away, picked up the bag that fell on the ground, and cast an impatient look at him.

"Namingli, I made it clear last time, please don't bother me again. But I may have forgotten to remind you, don't touch my bottom line, or I will do it!"

Yes, Chi Qian would do it unceremoniously.

Whether she is Na Mingli or Chi Yuan, as long as she steps on her bottom line, she will fight.

She can't swear like a shrew, but she can do it.

Moreover, her beating posture is very elegant, and she will never beat people indiscriminately. She disdains the kind of shrew-style fights of kicking and hitting, scratching and scratching.

Her reaching out is not as good as Chi Yuan's and others, and she does not have the strength of a few men, but she can still attack people's weaknesses.

Chi Qian turned around gracefully and left.

"Chi Qian!" Seeing Chi Qian stepping up and down the escalator, Na Mingli suddenly called out.

Chi Qian looked back at him expressionlessly, "Huh?"

"I will do everything I can to get you back to me!" Namingli's expression suddenly turned dark, and what he said seemed to promise something.

Chi Qian frowned in displeasure, the aura exuding from him at this moment was very cold, with indescribable paranoia.

"up to you."

After saying this, Chi Qian really left without looking back.

Only then did Namingli's assistants and subordinates realize that he was attacked by that thin-looking woman just now.

"Mr. Na, do you want to help you..."

Namingli stood up straight, stretched out his hand and made a stop movement, and the people behind him did not stop making noise.

Na Mingli returned to the office and looked at the photos brought back by the person who followed Chi Qian recently, all of them were photos of her and Xue Zhiyan together.

The two people in the photo are smiling like flowers, and the smiles on their faces are warmer than the sun in the sky.

But the smile on her face was like a flower, but it was not for him.

A terrible idea suddenly appeared in Namingli's mind.

Xue Zhiyan was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, while Jian Zelin was sitting behind the desk processing documents.

Suddenly Xue Zhiyan sneezed.

Jian Zelin looked up nervously, "Did Chi Qian's cold catch you?"

Xue Zhiyan took out a tissue and rubbed his nose, "Probably not, she's all gone!"

Seeing that Xue Zhiyan didn't sneeze again, Jian Zelin lowered his head in relief and continued to process the documents in hand.

Xue Zhiyan was still reading the magazine leisurely, but she didn't know that there was something unexpected waiting for her.

The days are going by without any rush, and the day when Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin get engaged is coming.

On this day at the end of April, the sun was shining, the temperature was moderate, there was a breeze, and it was extremely comfortable.

Xue Zhiyan lay on the bed early in the morning, not wanting to move.

Jian Zelin wasn't here, so she didn't know what to do when she went out.

Xue Zhiyan was still lying on the bed when he heard the sound of the door opening downstairs.

She thought it was Jian Zelin, so she turned over on the bed without moving.

After waiting for a while, I heard chaotic footsteps, which were obviously different from Jian Zelin's.

Xue Zhiyan panicked, sat up, held his breath and listened carefully to the voices outside.

Then the bedroom door was kicked open with a bang, and then I saw Chi Qian walking over hurriedly carrying her toolbox.

Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao followed behind, each carrying a paper bag.

When the three of them saw Xue Zhiyan sitting on the bed unkempt, their jaws hit the back of their feet in shock.

"Girl, are you still in bed?" Chi Qian directly put the toolbox in her hand on the ground, and went over to lift Xue Zhiyan's quilt.

"Ah!" Xue Zhiyan screamed, and subconsciously went to grab the quilt.

Feng Ziyao pulled Xue Zhiyan off the bed without saying a word, and pushed him into the bathroom, "I'll give you 10 minutes to clean myself up!"

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched, "10 minutes, do you mean to wash your hair or not?"

"Bullshit! Of course I have to wash it!" Feng Ziyao slammed the bathroom door shut.

Xue Zhiyan finished washing in a daze, with a bath towel wrapped around her head, so as not to make any strange requests from the three of them, she came out with only a bathrobe on.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan finally washed up, Chi Qian dragged her to the desk and pushed her down on the chair.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the makeup tools spread out on the table, and was even more puzzled. What is an important day today, and it takes so much effort to put on makeup?
"Be natural. If you don't want to be turned into an ugly monster by me, don't frown!" Chi Qian squeezed Xue Zhiyan's chin, and poked her finger between her brows.

These words seem familiar!
Xue Zhiyan stretched his brows obediently, letting Chiqian manipulate him.

Half an hour later, Xue Zhiyan, who had put on light makeup, was dragged into the cloakroom by Liang Huan, took out the clothes she brought, and changed them for Xue Zhiyan.

As for this pink princess dress, Xue Zhiyan was extremely speechless.

This is definitely suspected of being tender.

"Can we change clothes?" Xue Zhiyan frowned unaccustomed.

Feng Ziyao rolled her eyes, then put the high heels in his hand on the carpet, "Put them on quickly."

After Xue Zhiyan put on his shoes, he stood gracefully among the three of them, letting the three of them scrutinize him.

The three looked at Xue Zhiyan from head to toe, and nodded in satisfaction.

Xue Zhiyan tugged at the hem of the skirt unnaturally. Although it was said that it will be May, there are still very few people wearing it like this. Will she be regarded as crazy when she goes out like this?

"Let's go!" Feng Ziyao clapped his hands in satisfaction.

"Wait, why did you make this happen to me?" Xue Zhiyan took a step back subconsciously.

"Marry you off!" Liang Huan's mouth curved into a smirk.

"Ah?" Xue Zhiyan was even more puzzled.

However, Chi Qian, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan didn't give her any more time to be confused, they grabbed her hand and strode downstairs.

Outside the gate, only Su Lingxuan leaned leisurely against the car door. Seeing Xue Zhiyan approaching, he straightened his clothes, kept his hands in his pockets, and stretched out one hand to Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan was even more puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan put his hand into his palm, and was tightly held by his warm palm.

Su Lingxuan smiled, and wanted to reach out to rub her hair, but she was afraid of disturbing her shape, so she just pinched her nose.

There is indescribable pampering in her manner.

"Marry you out."

"Why do you all say such strange things today?" Xue Zhiyan looked at him in bewilderment.

Su Ling laughed twice, that smile dazzled Xue Zhiyan's eyes.

"Silly girl, today is the day you and Jian Zelin get engaged!"

(End of this chapter)

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