The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 562 Just Ask, Do You Want to Know

Chapter 562 Just Ask, Do You Want to Know

But Jian Zelin knew all of this.

Just as he knew all along, Xue Zhiyan's nightmare was dark and boundless.

If Xue Zhiyan didn't have any other thoughts in her heart, why was there only one kind of black in her dream and no other colors?
In Jian Zelin's heart, he always believed that Xue Zhiyan's dreams should be colorful.

Because she is so lively and cheerful, such a hearty person, how could she have such a terrifying dream.

Even his previous nightmares had colors, but there were more reds.

In Xue Zhiyan's dream, it was always only black.

He knew that after Xue Zhiyan was with him, he rarely had nightmares, only a few nightmares, from her words, it could be heard that it was still the same as before.

This is what makes Jian Zelin feel distressed the most.

He didn't want Xue Zhiyan to be stuck in the dark all the time, he hoped that her dreams would not be so monotonous, and he didn't want her to be startled awake by the dreams again.

Jian Zelin thought about it, and felt that Jian Qiyang must know something, but he didn't tell, and he didn't want to ask, because he knew that even if Jian Qiyang didn't tell, he could find out.

So he just nodded, he could hear Jian Qiyang's concern for Xue Zhiyan from Jian Qiyang's words.

Jian Zelin nodded, "Yes, I will."

When Jian Qiyang heard Jian Zelin's answer, he nodded in satisfaction, "Go back to your room, it's boring to be alone."

Jian Zelin nodded, glanced at the photo album on the table, turned around and left the study.

When Jian Zelin returned to the room, Xue Zhiyan was not in the room. He went around but couldn't find Xue Zhiyan, so he went through the cloakroom and walked into Xue Zhiyan's room.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the bedroom door, he saw Xue Zhiyan lying on the bed, with long jet black hair scattered beside the bed.

Her hair has grown a bit longer, it was wavy before, this time it is straight and long.

Xue Zhiyan heard the sound of the door lock turning, turned around and saw Jian Zelin standing at the door, looking at her quietly.

Xue Zhiyan sat up, patted his bed, "What are you doing standing there?"

Jian Zelin walked over and pulled her into his arms, rubbing his chin on the top of her head, "Do you mind about Grandpa Su's matter?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, then shook his head again, "I'm just afraid that Dad might hide something from us, that's why I reacted like that."

Jian Zelin lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Don't worry, he's fine, I asked just now."

After hearing what he said, Xue Zhiyan nodded reassuringly, "Go take a shower and sleep in my room tonight, okay?"

Jian Zelin frowned, looked down at Xue Zhiyan, "Your room?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and pointed to the bed under him, "Sleep here tonight, I don't want to move."

After finishing speaking, she lazily leaned into Jian Zelin's arms, rubbed against his chest in a playful way, and flirted with him.

Jian Zelin looked around the room with a smile, and a smirk curled up on the corner of his mouth, "Okay, I'll let you sleep here for the last night today."

Xue Zhiyan looked at him puzzled, not understanding what he meant by the last night, she just wanted to ask what it meant, Jian Zelin let go of her, turned and walked out of the room, into the bathroom.

Of course, Jian Zelin used Xue Zhiyan's bathroom this time, and he didn't go to his own room to get a bathrobe. When he came out, he wrapped Xue Zhiyan's bath towel around his waist, and swaggered into Xue Zhiyan's bedroom.

Jian Zelin lifted the quilt and sat on the bed, Xue Zhiyan crawled over and hugged his waist, and rubbed against his chest that was still stained with water, "Well, it smells good."

Jian Zelin looked at her wonderingly, "What smells good?"

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes, and looked at Jian Zelin with clear eyes, "Did I tell you that when you use my body wash, it smells really good."

Jian Zelin shook his head, "Do you mean that the body wash smells good, or that I smell good?"

Xue Zhiyan froze for a moment, then blushed instantly, "You."

Jian Zelin hugged her in satisfaction, kissed her heavily on the face, and then fell on Xue Zhiyan's bed.

Xue Zhiyan's room is in warm colors, so it looks much more comfortable than his black and white room.

In addition, the room was full of Xue Zhiyan's breath, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

He hugged Xue Zhiyan, rubbed his warm palms on Xue Zhiyan's back, sighed in satisfaction, and strengthened the thought that had just passed in his heart.

But when he opened his mouth, the question he asked was not about the thought he just had.Although he didn't want to tell Xue Zhiyan about some things so early, he at least had to know what Xue Zhiyan was thinking.

Xue Zhiyan seemed to know that he had something to say, looked up at his chin, and asked softly, "Is there anything you want to say to me?"

Jian Zelin lowered his head and kissed Xue Zhiyan's eyes, "Well, there is a question that I've always wanted to know, but I don't know how to ask it."

"Is it about me?" Xue Zhiyan moved and adjusted his posture so that he could see his eyes.

Jian Zelin nodded, propped himself up and half leaned against the head of the bed, Xue Zhiyan was also pulled up by him, and leaned against his chest.

"I want to know what you think about the car accident in your family that year." Jian Zelin asked directly without hesitation.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, thought for a while before speaking.

"To be honest, I'm very curious about how that car accident happened." Xue Zhiyan paused, as if speaking behind the organization.

"Although I was very young at that time, I also knew that the members of the Xue family would not be so confused that they drove a car with a problem. Besides, my mother and I were sitting in that car. will allow this to happen."

Xue Zhiyan thought about it again, and his voice sank a bit. "I've thought about it before, whether someone sabotaged the car on purpose, but when I think about it, I don't think it's possible. My father is so vigilant and has so many enemies. Even if someone really did it, he won't miss it. .”

"Later, Shen's mother protected me so well. Although I really wanted to find out by myself, she was afraid that if I was discovered by others, it would be bad for me, so she refused to let me investigate. She said she would help me to investigate, but after so many years. Without a reason, I gradually forgot."

Xue Zhiyan scratched Jian Zelin's chin, and continued, "Later, I was suddenly found by my grandfather. Although I really wanted to find out the cause and effect of that incident, but seeing everyone so happy, I just thought about that unhappy thing. Or forget about it, and then I really didn’t mention it again.”

It was only then that Xue Zhiyan realized that Jian Zelin hadn't spoken all the time. She looked into Jian Zelin's eyes, wondering why Jian Zelin would ask this question, "What's wrong?"

Jian Zelin shook his head, "It's nothing, I just want to ask you, if I find out the truth, would you want to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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