The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 564 Xue Zhiyan Wasting Food?

Chapter 564 Xue Zhiyan Wasting Food?

When Jian Qiyang went downstairs, he saw such a warm scene.

Xue Zhiyan stood in front of Jian Zelin with a smile in his eyes, Jian Zelin also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of pampering, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Xue Zhiyan's cheek.

This kind of picture was something he had thought about many times before. If there were two little Douding beside the two of them, it would be more complete.

Jian Qiyang was naturally happy to see the two people loving each other, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

To be honest, at this moment in his heart, there is nothing more important than the happiness of these two children.

After walking into Jian Qiyang, I heard what Jian Zelin said. He said, "Xue Zhiyan, have you lost weight again? Are you wasting all my food? Do you know that I earn money to buy food for you all day long?" Food, is it very tiring? How can you just eat without gaining weight? You can maintain your weight without gaining weight! How can you lose weight?"

Jian Qiyang couldn't help laughing after listening to Jian Zelin's long list of questions. This was the first time he heard Jian Zelin ask so many questions at once. Even when he was young, he took a model and asked him what he did. When I was fighting, I didn't talk so much.

Jian Zelin, who talks a lot like this, is more indescribably cute than his usual cold appearance.

Listening to the words full of complaints and complaints, there was a feeling that Jian Zelin was acting like a baby to the woman in front of him.

When did Jian Zelin's lump of ice act like a baby?This is simply fresher than the red rain under the sky.

That's why Jian Qiyang laughed. He never knew that his son, Jian Zelin who was called Jian Bingshan by Xue Zhiyan, would also act like a baby.

Originally, Xue Zhiyan heard Jian Zelin say that 'you can't grow meat by just eating', he obviously meant some kind of captive mammal, but he used it on her, which made her a little shy.

There was a blush on the already pale face, and after hearing Jian Qiyang's laughter, the blush quickly spread, and soon spread to the ears.

Jian Zelin was just joking with Xue Zhiyan, but he didn't expect her face to turn red with embarrassment, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Xue Zhiyan's fleshless cheek, "Tsk tsk, the flushed face makes people want to take a bite, but it's a pity I don't have much meat, and I don't know if the bones will break my teeth!"

Xue Zhiyan raised his hand violently, and patted Jian Zelin's hand hard. Hearing the crisp sound, Xue Zhiyan turned his head and stared at Jian Zelin angrily.

"I'm not your pig! I won't grow meat, or you will bite me, see what you can do!" Xue Zhiyan turned and fled the living room quickly after saying this.

If she didn't run away, her face would be as hot as the sun outside.

Looking at the back of Xue Zhiyan running away in a hurry, Jian Zelin couldn't help laughing, who said she was a pig raised by him?He just said that because he felt sorry for her being too thin.

Jian Zelin watched Jian Qiyang walk over with a smile, the smile on the corner of his mouth softened a bit, but he was thinking about what he said just now, and he still didn't feel that he said anything wrong.

Since he didn't say anything wrong, and didn't say anything explicit, Xue Zhiyan is ashamed?When Jian Zelin was struggling, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Jian Qiyang's smiling face, and instantly realized that Jian Qiyang had listened to what the two of them said just now.

That's why Xue Zhiyan was so shy?Jian Zelin blinked, not knowing what to say to Jian Qiyang.

Just as Jian Qiyang was about to say something to Jian Zelin, the servant ran over and said it was time for dinner.Then Jian Qiyang retracted what he wanted to say, and walked towards the restaurant.

Jian Zelin followed quickly and walked over. He was still a little worried about Xue Zhiyan's legs, for fear that her legs would become weak again and fall down.

There is only a tea table and sofa in the living room, and if you touch it, it will be a bruise, but the kitchen is different, there are pots, pans, spoons, etc., and there are many porcelain and glass utensils. If Xue Zhiyan happened to fall on those pieces, then That's not the case anymore.

Jian Zelin walked into the restaurant, and saw Xue Zhiyan coming out with a plate of hot dumplings. His little face, which was already flushed, became much more rosy from the heat.

Jian Zelin reached out to take the plate in her hand, pulled her to the dining table, pressed her to sit on the chair, put down the plate in her hand, then pulled away the chair beside Xue Zhiyan, and sat down like that.

Seeing Jian Zelin's series of small actions, Jian Qiyang was very satisfied and filled with joy.It was only after seeing the intimate behavior of the two that he believed that Jian Zelin really wouldn't be as messy as before.

When several plates of dumplings were on the table, Jian Qiyang said 'serve dinner', and the three of them ate the dumplings quietly without speaking.

Xue Zhiyan also suppressed the shyness in her heart, and stopped being awkward with Jian Zelin. She would occasionally add a little vinegar to her plate, but every time Jian Zelin saw her adding vinegar, she would frown.

So when Xue Zhiyan added vinegar for the fifth time, he finally reached out to stop Xue Zhiyan's hand, "Eat less, your stomach is so fragile, and now it's summer again, the change in diet will stimulate your stomach."

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips, and originally wanted to refute Jian Zelin, but realized that what he said was not unreasonable, so he put down the vinegar bottle in his hand, picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth.

Jian Zelin reached out and rubbed her hair, put the vinegar bottle aside, his eyes were full of doting.

Jian Qiyang looked at Xue Zhiyan's satisfied smiling face, and paid attention again, her face was really much sharper than when he came back last time.

"Zhiyan's stomach is not good, so why is he so thin?" Jian Qiyang picked up a dumpling, put it on the plate in front of him, and asked casually.

Xue Zhiyan choked for a moment, Jian Zelin had sharp eyes, reached out and patted Xue Zhiyan's back, and directly answered Jian Qiyang's question on her behalf, "Well, her stomach has always been bad."

Jian Qiyang took a bite of the dumpling leisurely, and after finishing the whole swallowing movement, he asked quietly, "That boy Shaochen's medicine doesn't work anymore?"

Jian Zelin nodded again, "It is said that I didn't notice that my stomach was hurt when I took medicine when I was a child, and now I can only keep it."

Jian Qiyang frowned after hearing Jian Zelin's words, then nodded, and didn't say anything else.

After breakfast, Jian Zelin did not go to Shengshi, but sat on the sofa in the living room with Jian Qiyang, neither of them spoke.

However, Jian Zelin's gaze remained on a thin figure, watching her running around the house with crystal beads of sweat on the tip of her nose, busy packing things for Jian Qiyang.

In fact, Jian Qiyang didn't have many things to bring, but Xue Zhiyan was different. I don't know when she baked the biscuits, packed up boxes after boxes, and tea from someone who didn't know where. There is a box in a box.

Finally, after packing a suitcase full, he closed the zipper with unsatisfied intentions, and with the help of the servant, he erected the suitcase.

Jian Zelin took out a wet tissue, walked up to Xue Zhiyan and wiped the sweat from her forehead and nose, then walked out with her arms around her shoulders, "Let's go, take him to the airport."

Although Jian Zelin didn't look back at Jian Qiyang, he heard his footsteps...

(End of this chapter)

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