The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 574 Don't Hurt People I Care About

Chapter 574 Don't Hurt People I Care About

Na Mingli suppressed the anger on his body, turned around and saw the person standing behind him.

Because of him, even Xue Zhiyan didn't notice Chi Qian's arrival, let alone when she came.

Chi Qian just glanced at Na Mingli, then her eyes fell on Xue Zhiyan, "Zhiyan, ice water!"

Xue Zhiyan gave her a blank look, turned around and poured her a glass of normal temperature mineral water, "Do you want Yan Shaochen to give you painkilling injections? Ice water?"

Chi Qian stuck out her tongue, and walked towards Liang Huan and Jian Zelin with a water glass in her hand, treating Naming Li as air.

"Yo! Are you there?" Chi Qian raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw Jian Zelin, "My brother was going to have a video conference with you just now, and the secretary who took over your facial paralysis said you were not here."

Xue Zhiyan came over and sat next to Jian Zelin, "If you have something to do, why don't you hurry back and get busy?"

Jian Zelin glared at Chi Qian, then turned to look at Xue Zhiyan, "I'll ask Vic to see you off tonight?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, and directly refused, "I'll take Qianqian's car, and I'll be done shopping soon, are you going to pick me up?"

Jian Zelin nodded, then left and waited.

When he went out, Na Mingli was no longer waiting, and Jian Zelin secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he couldn't see Na Mingli's figure.

Despite this, he still decided to let Vic follow them quietly so that he could get the news as soon as something happened.

It's not that Jian Zelin thinks too much, it's that he knows Namingli too well, so he has to guard against it.

Seeing Jian Zelin walk out, Chi Qiancai collapsed her straight back and leaned on the sofa with a tired face.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan poured her tea and looked at her worriedly.

"Namingli still comes every day?" Chi Qian rubbed her swollen temples, her voice revealing fatigue.

Liang Huan hummed, "And I ask you when you will come every day."

"It's really lingering!" Chi Qian gritted her teeth and said with a little helplessness in her tone.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Liang Huan, and the two of them kept silent in a tacit understanding, drinking tea slowly.

Chi Qian leaned on the sofa, closed her eyes, her breathing gradually became steady, Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan thought she was asleep.

The two lightly put away the teacups on the table, walked back to the bar and sat down.

Sensing the two of them leaving, Chi Qian slowly opened her eyes, staring at the roof in a daze, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

Naming calendar ah!It's all over, why bother to bother again?
Naming calendar ah!If I was drugged that night and gave you the illusion, wouldn't it be okay for me to apologize to you?
Why come here again and again and disrupt my friend's life?

Naming calendar ah!Why do you come to my circle to stir up trouble when I want to live a stable life?
Or is it that you have another purpose this time?
Chi Qian bit her lower lip tightly, and tightly clenched the hand hanging on the sofa.

Namingli, no matter what you want to do this time, I will not allow you to do anything that hurts me again.

It’s not okay to hurt the people I care about, these are the only people I care about, Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan, Feng Ziyao, Chi Yuan, Jian Zelin, Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan.

If one of them is hurt by you, no matter what the reason, I will never forgive you again!
Not only will I not forgive you, even I myself will not forgive myself!
Namingli, I hope you won't be as ruthless as before, hurting me and yourself.

If you are still as heartless as before this time, I can only use my own way to repay your debt for you!

Chi Qian seemed to have made up her mind, her eyes suddenly became firm.

But the next moment, she closed her eyes again, and a crystal liquid slipped from the corner of her eyes.


After Feng Ziyao got off work, he went directly to Shengshi Huatian.

At this moment, Xue Zhiyan, Chi Qian and Liang Huan had already strolled around Sheng Shi Hua Tian.

Of course, the favorite of the three is the lingerie store.

The three women seemed to have a different kind of love for those underwear, and they forgot to sleep and eat when they were shopping, and later they couldn't even hear Feng Ziyao's phone call.

Fortunately, Feng Ziyao knew them well enough, so he found the three of them in the underwear store who were picking out something.

Looking at the full shopping baskets in the hands of the three, the corners of Feng Ziyao's mouth twitched.

"Please, can you three be more reserved?" Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes, then reached out for a clothes basket and picked out the color he liked.

Just as Xue Zhiyan and the three were about to refute her, they saw Feng Ziyao also start picking out his own things, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they ignored her.

For Xue Zhiyan and the others, the clerk has an impression, so the service for the four of them is also quite enthusiastic.

Finally, a few people bought their own and transferred to the men's section.

As soon as they entered, Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan subconsciously scanned around and found no suspicious person, so they started to pick up the men's underwear.

Chi Qian was very puzzled by their actions, "What are you two looking at?"

Xue Zhiyan took a look at Chi Qian, then pulled a cotton T-shirt from the shelf and put it in the shopping basket, "Namingli."

These three words are like a curse, and they have been lingering in Chi Qian's ears recently.

"What's wrong with him?" Chi Qian took a deep breath, making it sound like her tone didn't change much.

"This is the first time I met him." Xue Zhiyan said casually, "But fortunately, I wasn't fooled by his monstrous face."

Liang Huan snorted, "Fortunately, I was there at the time, otherwise you would have really fallen!"

Xue Zhiyan snorted, "You are the only one who has fallen, I have Jian Zelin, why am I still confused by him?"

"That's not what I'm talking about. It's your soft heart. After being hit by him like that, he will call you later and say that he will compensate you for meals or something. You must be embarrassed to refuse."

Xue Zhiyan was speechless, and rolled his eyes, "Am I so ignorant that I refused?"

Chi Qian glanced at Liang Huan, the two nodded heavily, and said in unison, "You have!"

Xue Zhiyan was completely speechless, he lowered his head to help Jian Zelin choose a T-shirt that fit him well, and stopped talking to them.

Feng Ziyao's speed was resolute, and he quickly carried an empty shopping basket to the men's section.

Of course, choosing to be late for Chi Yuan definitely has speed.

Feng Ziyao quickly selected all the items, and walked to the cashier first, Xue Zhiyan Chiqian followed closely behind, Liang Huan was delayed.

After the four of them bought these things, they didn't take them to the VIP area upstairs, because this store had an in-city delivery.

However, due to the special place where a few people live, they did not use this right, and directly pulled out Vic who was following behind. Before Vic realized when he was discovered, his hands were full of the same branded bags.

Then our classmate Vic ran into the parking lot with a blushing face and a bag in his hand after watching the four ladies go upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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